耶稣讲述审判的寓言 - Jesus tells parables about the judgment.
Published 12/31/09
耶稣被逮捕,受到审判 - Jesus is arrested and tried.
Published 12/31/09
耶稣被定罪和钉在十字架上 - Jesus is convicted and crucified.
Published 12/31/09
耶稣从死里复活 - Jesus is raised from the dead.
Published 12/31/09
耶稣的职分开始了 - The ministry of Jesus begins.
Published 12/31/09
马太跟随耶稣 - Matthew follows Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
使徒们被任命 - The apostles are appointed.
Published 12/31/09
农夫母散布道 - The farmer sows the word.
Published 12/31/09
很多人被治愈了 - Various people are healed.
Published 12/31/09
派遣了使徒,奇迹发生了 - The apostles are sent and miracles are performed.
Published 12/31/09
洁净来自内心 - Cleanliness is said to be internal.
Published 12/31/09
4000个家庭得到了食物 - Four thousand families are fed by one small lunch.
Published 12/31/09
仆人为大 - The servant is the greatest.
Published 12/31/09
很难拯救富人 - It is hard for the rich to be saved.
Published 12/31/09
人们欢迎耶稣来到耶路撒冷 - Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem.
Published 12/31/09
律法师问问题 - Teachers of the Law question questions.
Published 12/31/09
耶路撒冷和地球后来被毁灭 - Jerusalem and later the earth will be destroyed.
Published 12/31/09
犹太人逮捕并审判了耶稣 - The Jews arrest and try Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
罗马人逮捕并审判了耶稣 - The Romans arrest and try Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
妇女们发现了一个空墓 - The women discover an empty tomb.
Published 12/31/09
预言了耶稣的诞生 - The birth of Jesus is foretold.
Published 12/31/09
耶稣真的诞生了 - The birth of Jesus is fulfilled.
Published 12/31/09
约翰让人民为天国做好准备 - John prepares people for the kingdom.
Published 12/31/09
撒旦耶稣摊牌了 - Satan has his showdown with Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
门徒被叫来 - The first disciples are called.
Published 12/31/09