International Crisis Group
War and Peace is a podcast series from the International Crisis Group. Olga Oliker and Elissa Jobson interview experts about all things Europe and its neighbourhood from Russia to Turkey and beyond. Their guests shed new light on everything that helps or hinders prospects for peace. A podcast...
Apprenez sur l’Union Européenne et sur son fonctionnement ou révisez vos connaissances, grâce à des dialogues pédagogiques de quelques minutes. Explique moi l’Europe réédité, c’est 7 nouveaux épisodes remis au gout du jour de la série à succès Explique-moi l’Europe, par Europod et Toute...
The Local Leaders for Europe podcast is a series of interviews conducted at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), the EU's assembly of regional and local authorities. CoR members and young local politicians, coming from all European Member States and different political families, express...
Périphériques à l'Europe au sens géographique ou politique du terme, les pays comme l'Arménie, la Hongrie ou la Macédoine du Nord ont pourtant un rapport particulier à l'UE, Qu'ils soient à deux doigts de la rejoindre ou totalement en marge, comment se traduit la proximité de ces pays avec la...
The Grassroots view, the new podcast series launched by the European Economic and Social Committee ( (EESC), explores the hot topics everyone seems to be debating these days in Europe, but it does so from a civil society perspective, bringing testimonies from actors on...
Europa Reloaded è un podcast in lingua italiana che parla di movimenti sociali e politici in giro per l'Europa. In questo modo, Europa Reloaded mira a ricaricare il dibattito sul futuro del Vecchio continente e ad alimentare un'opinione pubblica europea. Al centro di ogni episodio, un tema...
The Climate Crisis, Covid-19, and the economic and financial challenges it represents for Europe require global and democratic solutions. How can democratic institutions and a democratic consensus help Europe to answer these new global challenges? Learn more about European and International...
Sei puntate per capire quali sono i nodi politici, sociali e culturali che dividono gli Stati d'Europa. In ogni puntata racconteremo i dati e le date. Personaggi, eventi e numeri che spiegano come si sono create le ferite del Vecchio Continente, oltre la cronaca e i luoghi comuni. Parleremo della...