Enjoy a personal journey of the exhibition with the audio guide providing an additional and compelling insight into the events, emotions and relationships of Napoleon and those closest to him. Narrated by accomplished actor Rachael Blake, the private world of Napoleon and Josephine is brought to...
A little over 100 years ago in Vienna, Austria, a group of radical young creators and thinkers overturned all the rules and created a brave new world. This exhibition explores this extraordinary period, bringing together some 300 works by the greatest Viennese artists of the early twentieth...
Enjoy a personal journey of the exhibition with the audio guide providing an additional and compelling insight into the events, emotions and relationships of Napoleon and those closest to him. Narrated by accomplished actor Rachael Blake, the private world of Napoleon and Josephine is brought to...
Exploring the themes, developments and influences of an extraordinary period that saw the birth of the modern world, including, art, culture, design, architecture, literature, science, social history, psychoanalysis and politics of the time.
Listen in French to experience the flavour of France and enter the passionate world of Josephine from the Revolution to the end of her life in Malmaison.
Enjoy a personal journey of the exhibition with the audio guide providing an additional and compelling insight into the events, emotions and relationships of Napoleon and those closest to him. Narrated by accomplished actor Rachael Blake, the private world of Napoleon and Josephine is brought to...