Jeremy Dennis (TransMissions Podcast Network)
TransMissions is about all things Transformers! We discuss everything from the toys (both official and third party) to the comics, movies, and TV series. We also have some great interviews from creators of the Transformers media and toy worlds!
TransMissions is all about Transformers toys! Our show covers everything from Hasbro and Takara to the what’s new from unofficial third party companies to weird and wacky knockoffs! We have news and reviews and our Trips To The Store segment where we show off what we got in the past week!
TransMissions Alt Mode is all about the world of Transformers media! We review and cover the latest in Transformers comics (both the new books by IDW Publishing and classic comics from Marvel and Dreamwave), movies, and TV series. You’ll also find interesting interviews with media creators as well!
TransMissions: Extra! is a podcast about all things other than Transformers! On this show we spend a little time talking about a topic that’s come up in the past few weeks that’s not Transformers related.
Yakko Yaks! is a show about pop culture, tech, and more!