On the first installment of a lengthy series on vaccinations, we talk about the media’s involvement, fear based marketing and the research on vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.
Published 10/12/23
Leave this episode knowing the ingredients you want to look for in a quality multivitamin.
Published 09/28/23
The mother of all antioxidants, coffee enemas, cancer prevention, an encouraging word and more! Enjoy the second to last segment on how glutathione can change your health.
Published 09/15/23
There are 2 groups of enzymes to consider when looking at elevating your health. The first group we discuss is digestive support based enzymes. The second group is proteolytic enzymes to accelerate healing and heal the elimination of spike proteins.
Published 08/31/23
In the next installment of our supplement series, join us as Dr. B delves into the world of foundational supplements, focusing this time on B vitamins. Gain valuable insights that will empower you to decipher the labels on your multivitamins with confidence. Discover the nuances between B12 and B6, and grasp the significance of including these vital nutrients, especially during pregnancy. Tune in to enhance your knowledge and make informed choices for your well-being.
Published 08/18/23
Tune in to our latest episode as we delve deeper into the world of supplements! In this installment of our series, Dr. B. takes the spotlight to shed light on the significance of probiotics in your daily routine. Discover the various types of probiotics, learn how to identify what suits you best, and explore different regimens for incorporating this essential supplement into your life. Dr. B. sets the record straight by debunking myths and providing valuable insights to help you grasp the...
Published 08/04/23
Welcome to our new podcast series on supplementation! In this episode, we delve into the fundamental importance of two key supplements: vitamin D and fish oil. Dr. B, will expertly guide us through the ins and outs of these essential nutrients, shedding light on why they are crucial for your overall well-being. Discover the reasons why you need these supplements, gain insights into the optimal dosage, and learn valuable tips on what to consider when purchasing them from the store. By the end...
Published 07/21/23
Get ready for the highly anticipated episode you've all been waiting for! Brace yourself as we delve into the intriguing world of a unique challenge: consuming nothing but sardines for an entire 72 hours. That's right, you heard it correctly! Have you ever wondered about the impact such an unconventional diet could have on your health? Are you up for the sardine marathon? Join Dr. Barrett as he uncovers the lesser-known realm of fasting, examining the intricacies of this particular experiment...
Published 07/07/23
Join us for the final installment of our fasting series in today's episode. We jump into the 5:2 method, exploring the realm of intermittent fasting. Discover the ideal candidates for this approach and unlock the secrets to achieving a successful fast. Furthermore, Dr. B, graciously addresses frequently asked questions surrounding the topic of fasting. Prepare to equip yourself with invaluable strategies and insights, ensuring triumph in your chosen fasting method. Tune in and leave empowered...
Published 06/23/23
Have you ever been curious about trying intermittent fasting but feel overwhelmed about where to begin? Are you unsure whether to follow the 16:8 method or attempt multiple-day water fasting? If you're seeking clarity on the starting point, then today's episode is for you. Join Dr. B as he sheds light on an alternative approach to intermittent fasting, known as the one meal a day practice. He explains the reasons behind choosing this method, how long it should be followed, and the specific...
Published 06/09/23
In this episode, we delve into a lesser-known topic and provide a comprehensive definition. While intermittent fasting and water fasting have gained significant popularity, there's another crucial fasting style that often goes overlooked. Join us as Dr. B sheds light on alternate day fasting, explaining its intended audience and guiding listeners through the process. Don't forget to share the show with your social media followers and friends!
Published 05/26/23
Welcome to today's episode where Dr. B delves into the topic of mold and mycotoxins. You may have heard these terms before, but do you really know the difference between them? Dr. B shares his expertise and helps us understand the nuances of these two terms. Did you know that one in four people have a genetic deficiency that can impact their overall health when exposed to mold or mycotoxins? Dr. B sheds light on this important issue and how it can affect your well-being. But how do you know...
Published 04/28/23
It's that time of the year again, the season of allergies! Dry eyes, runny noses, and itchy eyes have become commonplace for many people. In this podcast episode, Dr. B sheds light on the subject matter and offers valuable insights. Rather than focusing on external factors, he takes a deep dive into the internal perspective of seasonal allergies. By the end of the episode, you'll learn two instant hacks that can help alleviate your seasonal allergies as quickly as possible.
Published 04/14/23
Join Dr. B in today's episode as he shares valuable insights about the ketogenic diet and its potential benefits for your overall health. Gain a better understanding of who would benefit from this diet and who should avoid it. Dr. B also provides practical advice on how to integrate the ketogenic diet into your daily routine. After listening to this episode, you will feel empowered and equipped with a solid knowledge base to help you achieve ketosis and improve your overall well-being.
Published 03/31/23
In this podcast episode, we delve into the significance of your spiritual health and its vital role in your overall well-being. Dr. B passionately highlights the importance of taking your spiritual health as seriously as your nutrition and strength training. As a listener, you'll gain insights into the value of nurturing your spiritual health, and why it is one of Dr. B's favorite topics to discuss.
Published 03/17/23
Time to unlock the massive advantages of fasting! As we continue our series, Pillar Of Health, make sure to listen to today’s episode all about fasting! Here the true definition of fasting, and walk away from the episode, with directions on how to begin your fasting journey. Is it for everyone? How long should you do it? How often should you do it? These are just some questions that are answered on today’s episode!
Published 03/03/23
Today’s episode we are joined by special guest pelvic floor coach, Carrie Gandy! Carrie shares her story and why she became a pelvic floor coach. Carrie also shares her expertise on ways to optimize the function of the pelvic floor. Learn exercises and breathing techniques to improve and maintain a dynamic pelvic floor.
Published 02/17/23
How important is sleep? How much sleep should you be getting? What are some ways to sleep better? These are just some of the questions Dr. B answers on the topic of sleep and it being a pillar of health in your life. Learn the 10-3-2-1-0 method he teaches his clients and be better sleeper in 2023!
Published 02/03/23
Last episode we spoke to the importance of strength training and this week we layer on nutrition! Dr. B gives the listeners 2 important truths and facts when it comes to dialing in your nutrition. He also shares with the audience why you may not be hungry all the time and what not eating is doing to your metabolism and body.
Published 01/20/23
To kick off 2023 Dr. B wants to speak to the important pillars of health that everyone needs to incorporate into their life. He wants you to understand how important it is to lay a good strong foundation in your health journey. Today’s pillar is going to discuss Strength Training. He speaks to the importance of WHY you should do it. Bust some myths & also gives examples of how to start incorporating it into your life.
Published 01/06/23
The Holiday’s are here and with that can bring a lot of emotional and physical stress on the body. Dr. B wants to share 5 ways you can manage your stress during the holiday season. Make sure to listen to today’s episode and Biohack your stress! Thank you for another fantastic year and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Published 12/21/22
Join us today for the important episode where Dr. B talks about our kids and ADHD. He speaks to why more boys shows signs vs girls, and also gives the listeners practical advice and steps to help your children overcome this Neuro Development Disorder. Make sure to enter the drawing to win a free hormone lab test! Details on how to win are talked about on the show!
Published 12/09/22
Last year’s episode was such a success, Dr. B is back this year giving you his top holiday gift ideas! From stocking stuffers to mattress toppers, you’ll have everything you need to find that perfect gift for the healthy/biohacking person in your life! Make sure your following us on Instagram @therealhealthpodcast. There you will find the links to some of the products Dr. B shares!
Published 11/25/22
Today’s episode could change lives and that’s what Dr. B is praying for. Join us as Dr. B brings awareness to PANDAS. PANDAS is short for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. Leave the episode with knowledge around the subject and steps to possibly have your child tested for it.
Published 11/11/22
Wow! It’s already been 1 year since Dr. B started the Real Health Podcast! Today we want to take the time to thank YOU the listener and reflect on the first 25 episodes. Not only will you get to hear what Dr. B’s favorite episode was you will hear his vision for year 2! We thank everyone for a great 1st year! Enjoy today’s episode!
Published 10/28/22