What if a simple diet change could drastically improve your skin health? Get ready for an enlightening discussion on the gut-skin axis as we explore the amazing benefits of boosting gastrointestinal and thereby skin butyrate or butyric acid. The secret to healthier skin might be a pH shift away. We delve into the importance of maintaining an acidic pH for skin health, and how an alkaline pH can lead to skin rashes and dryness. Learn practical strategies to increase intestinal and skin...
Published 10/13/23
Prepare yourself for a fascinating exploration into the depths of body fat and its varying health implications. We promise you'll walk away with a new comprehension of fat distribution and how it can impact your life. Not all fat is equal; differences abound between abdominal visceral, ectopic, and subcutaneous fat. We navigate these variations and their unique health implications, shedding light on why abdominal visceral fat can be particularly harmful. What if you could reduce abdominal...
Published 10/06/23
Ready to uncover the intriguing connection between Parkinson's disease and the gastrointestinal microbiome? Join us as we explore this fascinating subject with data analytics specialist turned microbiome researcher, Martha Carlin. Martha brings us up to speed on her research endeavors, one of which includes the Bio Collective, a project that collected fecal samples from 1,000 participants, and her venture, BiotiQuest, that developed unique probiotics with collaborative microbial...
Published 09/21/23
Has your dinner ever declared war on your stomach? Imagine if you could decipher the secrets of your gut and take back control. Today, we're embarking on a fascinating journey through the complex world of food intolerances, exploring how changes in our diets and lifestyles may be contributing to this modern malady. From synthetic sweeteners to shifts in our gut microbiome, we'll investigate why this issue, once dismissed as psychological, is now taking center stage in medical...
Published 09/06/23
Monitoring blood glucose, or blood sugar, can be a useful tool in achieving a number of important health effects. You can apply it to accelerate weight loss, for instance, or accelerate the reversal of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, triglyceride blood levels, fatty liver, slow many of the phenomena of aging, and other effects. And you can achieve this by following what I call the blood glucose “No change rule,” meaning allowing no change in blood sugar from just prior to a meal to...
Published 08/28/23
Our great grandmothers were usually knowledgeable and adept at fermenting foods, i.e., allowing microbes to grow on food, thereby keeping foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and meats, from spoiling while increasing the nutritional value of the food and providing you with beneficial probiotic microbes. They may not have appreciated these benefits, but surely at least knew that it was a useful method of preserving food without refrigeration. Modern processed foods, widespread availability of...
Published 08/10/23
Ever wonder why some people seem to age more gracefully, retaining a youthful glow and vitality while others show the rapid signs of aging and deterioration?  It’s happening over and over again: Participants in my program look, act, and feel younger and younger, the longer they engage in all the strategies of my programs. Just the other day, for instance, I had a video conference with a woman who was in good health, but had added the Lactobacillus reuteri yogurt one year ago, the yogurt that...
Published 08/03/23
Ready for a heart-to-heart talk about the real culprits behind heart disease? Get ready to challenge everything you thought you knew about cholesterol and heart health. Our journey begins with debunking the age-old myth that cholesterol is the primary cause of heart disease—an erroneous belief rooted in misinterpreted studies from the mid-20th century. We're also laying out seven self-manageable measures of heart disease risk that you can address right at home.  If you ask your doctor about...
Published 07/25/23
Prepare to be astonished as we unravel the enigma of diet advice that has left us entangled in numerous contradictions and confusions. We're taking you on a journey, tracing back the pivotal events that have led us to our current state of dietary disarray. In the spotlight are none other than the controversial figures of Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, whose well-intentioned but misguided advice has arguably had disastrous health implications. Brace yourselves as we delve into the...
Published 07/13/23
Anthropologists will tell you that, of all body parts preserved in the fossil record, going back thousand or even millions of years, teeth are the best preserved, even better than bone. And teeth are, of course, the entryway into the gastrointestinal tract, the first exposure to whatever food you are ingesting or chewing.  We often think of teeth as these inert things, but they are not. They are biologically responsive influenced by many factors, but especially the composition of diet. So,...
Published 07/06/23
Collagen is a protein, the most abundant protein in the human body. It is the protein that provides tensile and flexible strength to tendons and ligaments, is a major component of the dermal layer of skin, the cartilage in joints, an important structural protein in all the body’s organs. But, if you are like most of us, you have been living a collagen-deficient lifestyle. While your body can manufacture collagen, you are also meant to obtain significant amounts of collagen in your diet. The...
Published 07/02/23
Long regarded as a passive phenomenon, you have likely heard that sleep is an active process complete with various phases, roles in maintaining metabolic and mental health, but often shortchanged in modern life yielding widespread sleep deprivation. But a phenomenon not widely appreciated or explored is the role of the gastrointestinal microbiome on sleep. So, in this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, let’s get thinking about the role of the gastrointestinal microbiome on sleep quality,...
Published 06/23/23
Why has the 50-year-old recommendation to reduce dietary fat failed to make a dent in heart disease, death, or heart procedures? Could it be that the entire premise of this advice is based on flawed evidence and misleading conclusions about LDL cholesterol? In this eye-opening episode, we uncover the shocking truth about the ineffectiveness of cutting dietary fat and how it's time for a new approach to managing cardiovascular risk. We dive into the science behind carbohydrates and sugars,...
Published 06/10/23
Dietary guidelines advise us that a diet low in fat and rich in “healthy whole grains” helps maintain healthy weight. Is this true? It absolutely is NOT true. This belief is based on flawed evidence, questionnaires, for instance, that asked people questions about their diet. What did you eat for breakfast on Monday? You scratch your head and search your memory. You say something like “I had a bowl of stone-ground oatmeal in skim milk with some sliced strawberries.” What did you have for...
Published 05/27/23
It’s happening with alarming frequency: Someone has routine blood work done and an increase in liver markers, AST, ALT, and sometimes GGT, are noted. The doctor sometimes then orders a liver ultrasound, CT, or MRI and infiltration of the liver with fat is identified, the situation called fatty liver. If caught in later stages, fibrous tissue can be seen replacing normal liver tissue, meaning that someone is progressing to cirrhosis, a very bad condition.  Add fatty liver to the widespread...
Published 05/21/23
You’ve likely heard the headlines: the new class of GLP-1 agonist drugs with silly names such as Wegovy, Ozempic, Saxenda, Rybelsus, and Mounjaro are flying off the shelves so fast that pharmacies are running out. Originally intended to reduce blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes, it was observed that people taking these drugs lost weight, sometimes a substantial quantity. Human clinical trials have since corroborated these weight loss effects.  If you have been following this and...
Published 05/10/23
Ask most doctors, “Can arthritis be prevented or reversed?” Most will say no, or say that it’s genetic and therefore unstoppable. The better informed will say “Lose 10 pounds.” But that’s about as far as it goes and they tell you that, when the pain starts, take ibuprofen or naproxen, submit to steroid or hyaluronic acid injections, then undergo joint replacement surgery. Prevent the disease in the first place? No way.  But there are indeed strategies that are natural, available, and...
Published 05/03/23
Do you have the sense that people are acting more selfishly, less considerately, less empathetically, less affectionately as time passes? How often can we blame incidents such as someone cutting you off in traffic, or the break up of a relationship, or the abandonment or neglect of children on narcissistic tendencies?  Narcissistic behavior has been around for as long as humans have walked this planet. But, remarkably, psychologists have been charting the prevalence of narcissistic behavior...
Published 04/25/23
The science supporting our ability to shape our bodies, to control how much muscle we have, where fat is deposited, which fat stores are mobilized when you lose weight, in other words what we call “body composition” has recently made some important leaps forward. This becomes especially important during any effort to lose weight. If you have been following my Defiant Health conversations, you know that reducing calories virtually guarantees disaster, as it causes loss of lean muscle mass, the...
Published 04/15/23
For over 50 years, people in conventional healthcare have urged Americans to reduce their intake of saturated fat, eat more “healthy whole “grains,” and take statin cholesterol drugs to further reduce cholesterol. Has it worked? No, it absolutely has not worked. As I’ve discussed previously, both in my Defiant Health podcast as well as my DrDavisInfiniteHealth.com blog, and of course my books, conventional strategies have little, if any, impact on the incidence of heart disease. And, in some...
Published 03/30/23
I’ve previously discussed this widespread epidemic we are experiencing called SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. For those of you unfamiliar with this condition, it is the situation that has developed in millions of people not from a virus or exposures to other people, but from numerous factors in modern life, but especially overexposure to antibiotics, food additives, herbicides, and prescription drugs. Exposure to these factors has resulted in the loss of literally hundreds of...
Published 03/22/23
Many of you are already familiar with my Lactobacillus reuteri yogurt, the yogurt that causes a boost in the release of the hormone oxytocin.  Well, I’ve improved on my L. reuteri yogurt for even greater age-reversing effects. So, in this episode of Defiant Health, I show you how to take your youth-restoring effects even further by addressing factors lacking or entirely absent from modern life. If you are not familiar with these concepts, I urge you to go to my DrDavisInfiniteHealth.com blog...
Published 03/15/23
In this episode of Defiant Health, let’s discuss Why cholesterol testing, despite being promoted by nearly all practicing physicians, achieves almost nothing in reducing risk for heart disease. Early research, much of it conducted at the National Institutes of Health, NIH, in the 1950s and 1960s intended the measurement of cholesterol in the bloodstream to be a crude and indirect marker for the real causes of heart disease, i.e., the lipoproteins, lipid- or fat-carrying proteins, in the...
Published 03/05/23
In this episode of Defiant Health, let’s discuss this nutrient that has essentially disappeared from the diets of most modern people: hyaluronic acid. Many ladies are already familiar with hyaluronic acid as a topical cosmetic, often sold as “serums,” that makes the skin temporarily smoother and moister, a purely topical effect. Maybe some of you have heard that hyaluronic acid can also be injected into skin as a filler to reduce wrinkles or improve contours, or injected into joints such as...
Published 02/22/23
In this episode of Defiant Health, let’s talk about why cutting calories in your diet to lose weight is a really bad idea, a practice that yields substantial health problems and even reduces, even eliminates, your ability to lose weight in the future. All the forms that this can take—-reduced portion size, using smaller plates or bowls, pushing the plate away, even pharmaceuticals and bariatric procedures, i.e., all forms of reducing calorie intake, result in significant health problems. It...
Published 02/14/23