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Chinedu Okeke
10 mins of Design with Chinedu
UX Design and Product Strategy
Join me as I take you through 10 mins of exciting unfiltered conversation about user experience, products used every day by people and the decisions behind it, let's unravel the exciting world of digital products and the people who use them. I would dive into how products are built, what goes into building a digital product and how design practitioners use the design thinking framework to achieve their everyday goals.
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Recent Episodes
In this Episode, I talked about accessibility and usability, it’s relevance and Importance in building sustainable products for the users, how organizations can adopt it and how it can help with finding opportunities for growth and improvement, I hope you learn from this.
Published 03/06/24
In this Episode, I talked about the importance leads, seniors and heads in a product team and in the product development process, how they can help junior designers become better in a very short amount of time and their relevance to sustaining continuity.
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