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3 Petals Healing
3 Petals Healing's belief is that everyone everywhere holds the potential to balance and better our lives by becoming more in-tune with the energies of our body. This is the message we aim to spread. We envision a world where anyone who desires to heal or be healed in any way has the resources to do so at arms’ reach. Our show will focus on educating you on the importance of self-healing, self-care, and maintaining overall balance in your life, and we’ll share various tools with you in order to do so. We believe there are countless healing methods outside of modern western medicine, and we...
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Recent Episodes
This week Lauren will be talking about how to keep our throat chakras in balance. Our throat chakra is the first of the higher, spiritual chakras. Its balance is key in our ability to express our thoughts and feelings.
Published 12/28/16
This week Lauren will be talking about how to keep our throat chakras in balance. Our throat chakra is the first of the higher, spiritual chakras. Its balance is key in our ability to express our thoughts and feelings. When this energy center is healthy, we are able to listen, speak, and...
Published 12/28/16
Published 12/28/16
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