Thanks to Abe Hefter and producer Sarah Deshaies for having us on CJAD 800 AM in Montreal to talk about 52 song project. Here's the audio of the interview, which took place the evening of December 30, 2011 right after they played our last song, It's over, the end.
Published 01/03/12
Friends, thanks for sticking with us throughout this journey. It's been a long time since this stupid crazy thing began, and we've had a lot of fun. But all good things must come to an end, and this is the last 52 song project song. We hope you like it.
CHRIS: Steve and I had planned to get together this week and spend a few days working on an epic final recording to send this project out. Unfortunately, Steve got sick and wasn't able to make it. The result is that I...
Published 12/30/11
Well, it's officially Christmas Eve Day, and I know I am late. I have battled with this song for the past 40 hours. I have complained before about technology, so I will bite my tongue now. The good news? I think I won this battle. I may even have won the war. Listen.
STEVE: This one started with tech battles, but I finally figured it out. By this afternoon I finally figured out how to connect my Digidesign 002 Rack with an evaluation copy of Reaper DAW. Yes, I know, first...
Published 12/24/11
Last week, Steve sang about Christmas. This week, Chris sings about advent. Sorry folks, there's no escape. Also, in a 52 song project first, this week's recording is taken from a live performance. We hope you enjoy it.
CHRIS: If you ever wonder how long we spend per song (or even if you don't) I want to tell you that simply to open this file, edit the start and end points, save it and convert it into an mp3 took 30 minutes. This song project would have been a lot easier if...
Published 12/16/11
Tonight's song started out with a talk with a good friend of mine. We talked about greed, love, the demise of humans... you know, the usual stuff. Being a spiritual man, my friend then proceeded to touch upon Christmas. I talked about life being a collection of human relations, and he reminded me of all the people who will go through Christmas, and many other days this year, alone. And so it was that Tom, a fictional and yet all too real character, appears in my head. This is the story of...
Published 12/09/11
Sit down at your piano without any ideas. Start with Bennie and the Jets (or this Ben Folds song, doesn't matter either way), then, casually glance at a tweet that places the hint of The Simpsons' fake Michael Jackson "Lisa it's your birthday" song in your head. Make up words that kinda hopefully sound cool and maybe mean something to someone. Finish writing and recording the whole thing before you notice any similarities in the melody to The Simpsons' song. Finish with a polyphonic slow...
Published 12/02/11
The last song that Steve wrote was very, very much out of the element of the 52sp. With little to no feedback on it, Steve has assumed that he should stick to the campfire songs. With a new recording rig, a new software setup and an urge to move to a warm country, here is song 47. Which, incidentally, means there are only 5 songs left. Oh, 6 if you count the infamous (and still absent) song 28. "Hello? Is anybody out there?"
STEVE: I can start speaking in first person after...
Published 11/25/11
Imagine a big musical number. Now remove all of the instruments and professional singers, keeping only a piano and Chris. Now make sure that the piano playing is sloppy and that Chris has a sore throat, and that he started recording this with no idea where it was going, and was slightly drunk. Ok, go:
CHRIS: Yeah, I hated recording this song. First I did the piano part and finished it all off before I had any ideas for lyrics or even melody. And it was inflexible because of...
Published 11/18/11
For starters, we didn't forget about the song, or release it late by accident. There is only one day, ever, that we can release a song at 11:11am on 11/11/11, and so I did it. Steve here. I am trying to make a new exclamation popular. If you are describing something very excitedly, say, "Sweet Doucet! That was something!". And, in the case of this song, "Sweet Doucet! I have no idea what I just did!". It is unlike anything else I have recorded. It is not a campfire song. In a recent e-mail,...
Published 11/11/11
This, our 9th last song (!!), is probably best described as a cross between Apples in Stereo and Foo Fighters (or maybe just Dave without the band). Let's get to it.
CHRIS: Today, I will be brief with the text bits. Awhile back our friend Gordon requested a "Chris piano song," and this is probably closest to what he had in mind. Over the course of this project I've noticed that I get the most positive feedback when I'm pushing the upper limits of my vocal range, so this song...
Published 11/04/11