push the boundary 斜杠青年 slash young, 这个词最早是在 美國作家 Marci Alboher 的著作 (One Person / Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work Life Success)使用
Published 01/27/21
The Road Not Taken — By Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first...
Published 01/23/21
How to manage up to make your manager'sjob easier? Job chat 谈什么? Focus on your priorities and try to seek your manager's feedback at thesame time if needed provide your inputs/feedback to his/her job. esp feedback based on your understanding of his pains.
Published 01/09/21
这一集的重点就是:receivers perspective
Published 01/06/21
All the traditional companies do have yearlyperformance cycle, starting from goal setting, in which managers should alignthe business goal that the individual should achieve during the year and thenfollowed up with formal timely review. And atthe end of the year, managers must conduct a yearly review, in which employees'performance are rated against the goals. And very importantly, the rating isclosely connected with how much bonus an employee gets
Published 12/30/20
节目中的英语文本: A personal brand is awidely recognized and largely-uniform perception or impression of an individual based on their experience, expertise,competencies, actions and/or achievements within a community, industry, or themarketplace at large.  (wikipedia) Personal brand is built onpersonal value reflected from different angles, such as experience, expertise,competence, personality etc.  
Published 12/27/20
节目中英语文本: Relatively speaking, there are morejob-hoppers in quickly developing economy than the developed or mature economybecause the demand for talent is quite high.  Employers are more tolerant of frequent jobhoppers, as usually those people are more likely to be driven by highperformance and tend to acquire a wide range of skills. 
Published 12/27/20
   potential    She has great potential to be developed as future leader.    Let's discuss your potential area.         It's a good plan but you know, we are trying to manage on a limited budget.     
Published 12/12/20
 The ability of reading between lines.        To read between lines means to understand things from the text that is not stated but applied.     e.g How to read between lines of what the client says?  
Published 12/09/20
statistics vs data statistics: acollection of information shown in numbers Statistics show that  more than 50% family own at least one car. data: facts or information, especially when examinedand used to find out things or to make decisions    It is critical toprotect your personal data. dashboard
Published 12/05/20
Office romance is quite universal Office affair refers to relationship at workplace that is out of marriage. The principle is to avoid the conflict ofinterests, in the situation of office romance, the conflict between yourpersonal interests and professional duties, e.g seemingly favoritism toward yourlover in terms of assignment esp when the romance cross hierarchies.   
Published 12/02/20