Helen Russell is a British best selling author, and a Scandinavian correspondent for The Guardian. Her first book, The Year of Living Danishly, studied the culture and lifestyle of the World’s happiest country, Denmark, and her follow up book, The Atlas of Happiness uncovers the secrets of how happiness manifests around the world. In this episode she shares what she has learned, and what we can borrow from other cultures to live a happier, more fulfilled life.
Lamorna Ash is a British writer, and her award-winning book ‘Dark, Salt, Clear: Life in a Cornish fishing town’ documents her time spent in the Cornish town of Newlyn. We spoke about what it is to fully immerse yourself into a new environment, and what she took away with her, from her experiences...
Published 04/21/22
Meaghan Hackinen is a Canadian writer, ultra-endurance cyclist, and adventure-seeker. Her first book, South Away: The Pacific Coast on Two Wheels has been nominated for two Canadian book awards.
Published 03/17/22