Sophie Montagne describes herself as ‘athletically very average’. After taking a year out to travel, and craving more adventure, she joined the Army Reserve Regiment in London, where she heard about the ‘Ice Maiden’ voyage. The first all female team attempt to ski across the Antarctic continent, coast-to-coast and using muscle power alone. This is her incredible story of how anyone, even ‘normal’ people can achieve their dreams.
Lamorna Ash is a British writer, and her award-winning book ‘Dark, Salt, Clear: Life in a Cornish fishing town’ documents her time spent in the Cornish town of Newlyn. We spoke about what it is to fully immerse yourself into a new environment, and what she took away with her, from her experiences...
Published 04/21/22
Meaghan Hackinen is a Canadian writer, ultra-endurance cyclist, and adventure-seeker. Her first book, South Away: The Pacific Coast on Two Wheels has been nominated for two Canadian book awards.
Published 03/17/22