White supremacists have always wanted to bring back the Wilson Era. One can hear the voice of Wilson in the hateful and dangerous rhetoric of former President Trump.
Published 12/29/23
But love of science and intellectual curiosity are not the only characteristics of our species. We are also killers, and the stronger the country, the more barbaric its actions.
Published 12/22/23
Our toys, our movies, and our cultural events are all built around war and killing. The untold murders the empire commits in the Third World come back to haunt us in our daily lives.
Published 12/15/23
The links between the treatment of Palestinians is too obvious to even point out. Israel is forcing Palestinians into ever smaller enclaves, and then bombing them with high tech weaponry. It is simply a massacre.
Published 12/08/23
Who will be our peace candidate to challenge President Biden for the Democratic nomination? Let us start building the next resurgent campaign for a world free from the American war machine.
Published 12/01/23
Now that we are all together around a Thanksgiving table, enjoying our extended family, let us give thanks that we are not starving in Gaza. That our children have not been blown up or incinerated by white phosphorus. That they have clean water, and shelter from the storm.
Published 11/24/23
Is it any wonder that a country that trains torturers and assassins for Central America, would provide weaponry and billions of dollars to the Israeli government, that is now committing genocide against 2 million Palestinians?
Published 11/17/23
We praise freedom and human rights when it comes to Ukraine, and yet send billions to Israel for its slaughter of Palestinians. History books will certainly refer to this era as a genocide. But it may well be called the American genocide.
Published 11/10/23
Looking back at 75 years of American aggression in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, we can only marvel at how much has been wasted in these wars for US military dominance.
Published 11/03/23
The US is the perfect ally for this type of mass murder. We killed 2 million in Korea, and 3 million in Vietnam. Millions more were left bombed and homeless in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria.
Published 10/27/23
As we see the huge internment camps, the high walls, the starvation diets and the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians, we are reminded about how pervasive Lebensraum still is in our own time.
Published 10/20/23
The Call to Resist ends with two pleas, for universities to fulfill their mission of enlightenment, and for religious organizations to honor their heritage of brotherhood. All these declarations were stated to be protected speech under the First Amendment.
Published 10/13/23
Big energy companies destroy the environments of those with the least financial clout, and Native Americans along with Blacks have always payed the price for our poorly regulated oil and uranium projects.
Published 10/06/23
The complexities of this ethnic cleansing make gruesome reading today. But if you really want to know what ethnic cleansing means, you have better examples going on right in front of your nose. Take the campaign to drive 5 million indigenous Palestinians from their homes in the Holy Land.
Published 09/29/23
Dr. Qumsiyeh is the founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History and Institute for Biodiversity Research in occupied Palestine.
Published 09/22/23
Debs was released early in 1921. By that time, the war and the crushing of freedom of speech had broken the Socialist Party. But a good idea is never entirely forgotten.
Published 09/15/23
If we believe in human rights, we simply have to speak out about LGBTQ rights, and to demand equal respect for all.
Published 09/08/23
Today, nuclear war feels more like the cycle of life. We are born, we live our lives and we die. It is the way of the universe we have been born into. It's unfair, even tragic to have a sliver of existence and then to disappear forever.
Published 09/01/23
We talk about about Columbia and the declining influence of the US empire in all of Latin America.
Published 08/25/23
Let us heap praise on any philosophy that questions the US war machine, and the lies upon which it has been built. We as a county can be much more than that.
Published 08/18/23
It is no wonder that the empire wants to silence Julian Assange, much like it tried to disappear Daniel Ellsberg. The US has war crimes to hide. We have spent the riches of our country slaughtering innocent people in the Third World.
Published 08/11/23
Like in many Western democracies, American workers have lost their clout as well as their salaries. Neither political party in the US cares in the least about their plight, making a political demagogue like Trump so dangerous.
Published 08/04/23
An Israeli Defense Force pilot and a US World War II veteran tell their stories about violence and redemption. David Swanson talks about war and the media.
Published 07/28/23
Is it any wonder that the Republicans are trying to destroy the US Post Office? Privatizing the office, of course, would get rid of those pesky workers who demand a living wage for themselves and their families.
Published 07/21/23
Washington and Dubois lived long lives and died of natural causes. Malcolm X and MLK were both assassinated, and their lives were greatly impacted by a racist and murderous FBI.
Published 07/14/23