Does this sound like what Israel is doing to two million Palestinians today? Bombing them with US supplied high tech weaponry, and slaughtering their children with bunker busters and white phosphorus.
Published 06/14/24
Published 06/14/24
We are a supposed democracy, dedicated to human rights for all. At the same time, we are paying for and defending a genocide of the Palestinian people, all because America, the empire, wants to own the entire Middle East.
Published 06/07/24
All across the country college students have rebelled against the massive carnage in Gaza, bought and paid for by the US. And like 1937, the elites have willingly sent in their police goons to end the resistance.
Published 05/31/24
I used to think that the Trail of Tears, the forcible removal of Native Americans from their homeland, was a low point in American history. But now the US is paying for the ethnic cleansing of 6 million Palestinian people.
Published 05/24/24
Freedom of speech is not a gift from the US Constitution. It is an ideal that we the people must win for each generation. We will always have our Nixons, our Obamas and our Joe Bidens. These liars will always try to hide their crimes from the people they were elected to serve.
Published 05/17/24
The US is intimately involved in another killing killing field, that of Gaza. This one comes the closest to the Holocaust of the Third Reich, with millions of Palestinians being slaughtered.
Published 05/09/24
Perhaps we are approaching another tipping point. We have watched Israel destroy the hospitals, schools, homes of two million Palestinians. We have seen the moonscape that has been left by US jets and US bombs.
Published 05/03/24
Peltier was a leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM), an Indigenous civil rights organization that was infiltrated and harassed by the FBI. False charges and phony evidence were just the way the FBI dealt with anyone it considered dangerous to US interests.
Published 04/19/24
If you are horrified at what Israel is doing to the Palestinians, try identifying where these crimes are really coming from. We have a two party war machine that thinks the world belongs to us. Our super wealthy elites perpetuate military aggression because they make billions more with each new mass slaughter.
Published 04/12/24
Looked at this way, the genocide in Gaza is an American phenomenon. Our colony, Israel, has lost its way. But Gaza is a mirror that reflects the US Empire, and the overwhelming support of our political class is just another measure of a society that has lost all its sanity.
Published 04/05/24
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade was fundamentally antiracist, and would have opposed Israeli theocracy, just as it had resisted the domination of the Spanish Catholic Church.
Published 03/29/24
It may take a truth and reconciliation commission to unwind all the crimes of 75 years of Israeli oppression. But the truth could set us free. We would no longer be complicit in the worst human rights disaster of the 21st century.
Published 03/22/24
The world is reaping what it has sown in the Holy Land. We see the US aiding and abetting the genocide of two million Palestinians in Gaza, a war crime that will stain our national honor for the rest of recorded history. If only we had listened to Albert Einstein.
Published 03/15/24
We the people demand that our country end support for the fascist state of Israel. There will be no genocide in all our names. And we will shut down this country if we have to.
Published 03/08/24
Today, Haiti remains under the boot of US dominance and neoliberalism. US companies prosper by paying slave wages.
Published 03/01/24
The West, with its system of oppressing workers to feed the very rich, did not like the Soviet emphasis on worker rights and economic justice.
Published 02/23/24
The antiwar movement, however, was mortally wounded. The world rose up against US imperialism, but the empire paid no attention. It had the troops and the missiles. To hell with what the world might think.
Published 02/16/24
None of the killers were ever convicted, and they all kept their jobs after the massacre. It is no wonder that Southern politicians want to limit what is taught in schools or offered in libraries.
Published 02/09/24
How quickly these lunch counter protests expanded, and how multiracial the participants were. It was the right time, and a huge number of young people suddenly organized against Jim Crow segregation.
Published 02/02/24
The current marches and rallies against Israeli Apartheid, that we see almost every day in our country, come closest to the antiwar movements of the late 1960s. And maybe that is the only way to stop Israeli genocide.
Published 01/26/24
No matter what the World Court decreed about war crimes committed against Nicaragua, its results were hidden from US citizens.
Published 01/19/24
Will the Genocide in Gaza fade from our memories in the same way? Will the 8,000 plus Palestinian children bombed, burned and starved to death, will they just become another Wikipedia paragraph?
Published 01/12/24
American students must be given the right to express themselves about racism, about the gross inequity between the working class and the filthy rich, and about this nation of ours that continuously fights wars in Third World countries.
Published 01/05/24
White supremacists have always wanted to bring back the Wilson Era. One can hear the voice of Wilson in the hateful and dangerous rhetoric of former President Trump.
Published 12/29/23