Only podcast worth listening to.
Just relisten. Once you reach A&E, the early Adam and Joe stuff will feel new again. Basically, you may end up hearing a few things in real life that aren't actually audible hallucinations... like Boggins...The Queen or Text the Nation jingle, you may have the occasional "missing the cornballs" breakdown. But it's a wonderful life other than that.Read full review »
RedfireUK via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 06/20/13
More reviews of Adam and Joe
I remember sitting on the bus listening to the Xfm show and hurting myself laughing at the Colin Farrell sketch and the Jaffa-hollics. This continues that excellence, and even with Songwars being short lived some of the text-the-nation bits are superb. Adam's pirate-music song from...Read full review »
tompagenet via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/04/08
YEAH! WICKED! WOO! Adam & Joe we love YOU!
jaw2000 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 03/10/08
Really missed listening to them after the xfm show finished but they are finally back. Just hope they launch the extended podcast like the xfm one
Asb76 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/03/08
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