In this episode, Eav interviewed her neighbour - Angus MacFarlane - about his experience of the fires and how he and his family were faring in March 2020. Further Reading https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jan/03/ive-always-voted-liberal-but-after-sheltering-my-family-on-a-beach-i-cannot-support-this-government
Published 06/23/20
Published 06/23/20
This is an episode of Feeling the Change with Bronwyn Gresham where Eav talks about what a trauma-informed approach to climate change would look like to her. CW this episode discusses suicide, so please listen with care. If you need support contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, Lifeline at 13 11 14 or SANE Australia at 1800 18 7263. If you are in danger call 000 or your GP.  
Published 06/15/20
This episode features Jo Dodds of Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action and Elaine Johnson of the Environmental Defenders Office. They talk Eav through the basis for their case against the Environmental Protection Agency, to compel them to mitigate greenhouse gases to prevent further catastrophic bushfires.  
Published 06/08/20
Eav talks to Shona Whitton, the National Coordinator of Recovery and Psychosocial support of the Australian Red Cross. This episode explores what disaster recovery support the Red Cross is providing and how COVID19 is impacting the 'usual' recovery effort. Donate to the Red Cross here
Published 06/01/20
In this episode Eav talks to Dr Jody Gunn of Bush Heritage Australia Jody talks Eav through the effort that Bush Heritage, Parks and Wildlife and local communities went to help ecosystems during the fires. She talks about how Bush Heritage Reserves are recovering after they burned, and how collaborating with Traditional Owners has enriched their work. Further...
Published 05/26/20
Let's start at the very beginning. Plants are critical to all life on land, and they are the organisms most acutely impacted by fire. In this episode, Eav talks to Dr Brett Summerell of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney about how Australian plants are (and aren't) adapted to fire, the way that plants are recovering from the 2019/2020 bushfires and what we can all do to help conserve Australia's native flora. Further...
Published 05/18/20
Aftermath is an exploration of the ongoing repercussions of rolling disasters after the Black Summer in NSW. Environmental educator Eav Brennan hosts experts and survivors to share their knowledge of life after the fires. Support the show.
Published 05/08/20