We’re going to look at a pattern of three words: Intention, Attention, and Vision. We’re going to work through ten intentions that you may want to set for yourself that would really help your relationships moving forward together. With intention we can choose to set our attention, find new sight and experience the pleasures of affection. Let’s stoke the fire of momentum and invest in deciding your intention, attention, and vision for your every day.
Published 06/24/23
Celebrate even when there isn’t a big event! It's important to mark small, daily successes and things “going well”. There are daily positive events that produce strength and significance when we make time to recognize them with excitement and affection. Celebrate good news together. Search for good news! You will find what you’re looking for. And “match” the excitement and celebration of others. Anything you ARE wanting to experience more of….redemptive qualities in your children and spouse,...
Published 05/25/23
Imagine seeing there's no such thing as a problem, just a lack of understanding. It seems, when it comes to resentment, we keep getting layer upon layer of understanding and how freedom is accessible! Discovering new ways to feel inspired to let go and cut off resentment, and finding new visuals are really valuable. Knowing that when you snip off the attachment to resentment, you can run faster and freer towards the rewards of life.
Published 05/02/23
Deep down we all need and crave close connections to feel a sense of security and belonging in the world. Most of us would agree that our relationships are the most important thing throughout our lifetime. Unconditional love can’t rely on living by default. To move forward, intentional actions and making the decision to contribute to the strength of love in a relationship are highly important. That’s why it’s important to ask, “What’s the most important thing I can do at this point?”
Published 04/11/23
Enduring love is a choice made through everyday actions. Love isn't just “a choice to sacrifice”. If our love is only a choice or obligation then it’s not yet what it ought to be. Without joy, it’s difficult to define the relationship as true love. Someone who cares, gives freely, is thoughtful and takes time connecting, and has joy in their sacrifices - This is the kind of friend I want to have and the kind of friend I want to be. This is the kind of spouse and parent I want to be. Because...
Published 04/03/23
Without contentment, yikes, you’ll be in a constant state of waiting. Waiting for someone to change, waiting for someone to apologize, waiting for someone to defend you, waiting for someone to give you security, waiting for better stuff or more stuff and it’s definitely a trap. Contentment is about a decision you choose in the midst of circumstances. It’s the choice to focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have.
Published 03/15/23
Because I’m secure, I believe the best about myself and you, I am established in feeling accepted, loved, and confident in God’s approval. I make choices to develop habits that support my beliefs. The bottom line, I choose righteousness, peace, and joy. Alignment with God, deep calmness, and a hope-filled approach to each day. Sensitivity + Insecurity = Disaster OR Sensitivity + SECURITY = The Dream
Published 03/04/23
These next three “level-ups” cover the clear path to sweet resolve, and help facilitate you to make decisions that respect everyone involved. Most importantly, we are trusting that this week’s message will heighten your anticipation for more joy and more possibilities. We love life that works!
Published 02/17/23
The one thing that changes everything is trust. We are confident that this is an absolute reality. If you’re ready to experiment further with how trust works in your relationships, you are truly ready to level up. It may seem that many issues you might face in your life feel like tragedies outside your control, but you can start building trust and giving trust and being trustworthy.
Published 02/03/23
After carrying “cares” long enough, we don’t even notice the extra weight. However, we weren’t created to lug around extra stress, and eventually, it takes a toll on our bodies, minds, and relationships. Instead of moving to “careLESS”, let’s move to “careFREE” where we trust God with those around us. This is a huge step in leveling up our relationships!
Published 01/21/23
Wishing you all a wonderful year full of love, joy, peace, and clarity! We add the word “clarity” because it just feels great to understand. Understanding yourself, your future, your loved ones and even your approach to each day is living life to its fullest. This week we tackle one of the most important habits, which is being kind and accepting of yourself because loving ourselves spills and overflows into all of our relationships! It’s easier said than done, but we share our personal...
Published 01/08/23
Wisdom is your superpower combination of knowledge, experience, and insight. It is a reflection of the lessons we learn throughout our lives and the understanding that comes from our experiences. It’s the ability to apply that knowledge and experience to our lives in order to enjoy a great life with healthy relationships. During our Leveling-up series, we are sharing personal nuggets of wisdom that have the potential to help you better manage your emotions, reduce stress, and build better...
Published 12/30/22
There is an inner realm of quietness that’s available when we decide to “be still and know that He is God”. This inner secret place of calm is not only a place of safety, but it also causes things to come to pass and makes space for miracles. The challenge is, we (in our western world) are programmed to try hard! We feel that something must be done! We feel that if we do not pray or strive for this something will go wrong.
Published 12/16/22
Leveling Up! PART TWO Most people love the feeling of accomplishment. Progress, motivation, and challenges can lead to areas of leveling up and the reward for our investment brings us to the life we’ve always wanted. Here are some more nuggets of wisdom that have really inspired us in our journey, and highly affected our relationships.
Published 12/08/22
A quest is an adventurous journey undergone by the main character of a story. They usually meet with and overcome a series of obstacles, returning in the end with the benefits of knowledge and experience from their quest. When it comes to the story of your life, you always have the opportunity to change the trajectory and level up.
Published 11/25/22
We are either living reactive or proactive. Reactive living usually entails “handling” or “managing” your day, your relationships, and your challenges. Proactive living means you decide ahead of time how you’re going to be in every situation. And you have rehearsed in your imagination. This becomes your powerful pivot!
Published 11/17/22
Heart Beliefs are the foundation of how we experience life. They are the result of a lifetime of experiences and knowledge that have become deeply entrenched in our core, and they can be both positive and negative. Beliefs are magnets to experience more and more of the same. Thus, if they are positive and affirming heart beliefs, they are the reason why life is amazing and keeps getting better and better. If they are limiting and destructive, they keep us stuck, confused, and feeling...
Published 11/10/22
We are continuing our “What do you really want” series this week with a practical exercise in identifying any limiting beliefs and moving toward being a gift to ALL of your relationships. Taking time to articulate your desires is extremely valuable. The thoughts in your mind and your dreams can be unpacked and clarified, and this is a gift to your relationships. Knowing yourself, and having peace in your core draws you into the highest and best version of yourself. We Set ourselves up...
Published 11/03/22
As we deep-dive into our desires, we tend to think we want the thing, the relationship, the success, the earthly experience, but deeper than that, we really want the bliss, the security, peace, and the excitement. Many people get tripped up with desires of their heart, questioning whether they deserve them. What do you really want?
Published 10/26/22
It can feel discouraging when you have a desire, and it’s not being fulfilled. No one is immune from discouraging circumstances, but there is a practical remedy for regaining a new point of view and avoiding a spiral of despair. If you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed in your relationships, hope is the best way to rehearse a future of freedom and joy.
Published 09/29/22
Being lovable is a gift to those around you. Investing in loving yourself, enables you to love others. You can love others to the same capacity as you have to love yourself. Loving yourself is not referring to vanity or arrogance, but agreement and alignment with the wonder of God’s creation. If you don’t love yourself, you’ll be looking for someone or something or some circumstance - to fulfill your dreams and cause you to feel complete. If you expect someone to fix your life, or make you...
Published 09/09/22
Dwelling on an offense hoping for it to somehow make sense simply reinforces the problem and doesn’t usually end in relief. You have the choice to feed the negative thoughts or interrupt them and align with a heavenly perspective.If you’re ready to stop stewing and suppressing your agitation, the agony can end immediately. Imagine if you were less afraid, more healed from your past hurt, and able to let go of all the things you know you can’t or shouldn’t control! You would be a different...
Published 08/26/22
A conversation is an encounter when hearts and minds exchange ideas, feelings, and happenings. When each person is secure and patient in listening, there’s a setup for success. Conversations are a gift to our relationships that have the potential to become a search and discovery of matters of the heart that keep us connected and feeling close.
Published 08/06/22
We’ve all found ourselves in the middle of a ridiculous conversation where we are both defending our positions of rightness and then gaining momentum of determination and even aggression to make our point heard. These emotionally charged talks don’t usually get us what we had hoped for, and unless resolve is achieved, they make things worse. Make hope your decision. Hopelessness about a problem is a bigger problem than the problem!
Published 07/20/22
Every week, we meet with individuals and couples that are open and willing to re-write "the story" of their lives. They have decided that it’s time to flip the negativity of their past and choose a new beginning. In order to truly let go of the past, and the power of the memory that just doesn’t go away, it starts with experiencing the love God. You’re worth having a new beginning and freedom from what's behind you!
Published 07/08/22