The gift of encouragement, wisdom, and availability are like threads that weave together the fabric of our relationships, binding us in a tapestry of love, understanding, and growth. As we nurture these gifts within ourselves and share them generously with others, we contribute to the beauty and richness of the human experience.
Published 03/11/24
Published 03/11/24
God has given us gifts to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. It is through giving and receiving gifts that we can experience security, comfort, ease, and enjoyment in our relationships. In this series, you will learn how reframing our relationships and perspectives can lead to a profound shift in how we experience life. Foundational to our growth steps is to recognize and experience that our joy comes from the life of God within, and not from external sources, we can find...
Published 02/25/24
We share a personal story of living through parenting challenges, and how they have become opportunities to grow and expand our skill in loving in every situation! As you listen, take the opportunity to reflect and develop concepts and ideas that are new. Every time you discover something new you make new connections in your brain, and those imprints get to be personalized to fit your life, and your current “happenings”. We believe this episode will have the potential to affect your...
Published 01/28/24
Setting goals and creating bucket lists is a powerful way to transform your life. It helps you define your aspirations, align with your values, and strengthen your relationships. By turning your dreams into tangible goals and taking consistent action, you can create a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and filled with incredible experiences.
Published 01/04/24
This episode will bring you massive amounts of encouragement as we ask important questions about this past year. Having clarity and reflection on your past year could be the very thing that will propel your life forward. Much of life starts with your mindset, and your approach to your life and your day. What influences your life the most is your state of mind in each moment. You are telling yourself a story and adding meaning to each life situation and experience. Your new choices will result...
Published 01/01/24
Reframing a limiting mindset taps us into powerful momentum and moves us towards living with effortless victory. Learning the art of being flexible and remembering that we always have a choice to reinvent ourselves according to the best-heavenly-version of our identity…that is the key to growth in every area of our lives.
Published 12/08/23
Everyone longs to feel understood. Has anyone ever given you advice without understanding? The impulse to communicate our opinions and desires without first understanding is seldom well received. Each person is wired with an innate desire to make our inner world, the depths of our hearts, known. Bringing the gift of understanding has the potential to unlock the best in someone. Who better than the ones you love most? Learning the art of understanding someone is an amazing investment and can...
Published 12/01/23
We continue our journey down a pathway of discovery for better communication, connection and an attunement of harmony in our relationships. If there’s one thing we share, it’s that at our deepest level, we really want to be known, found and understood by others. When you feel misunderstood, you can feel frustrated, upset and hopeless…and it’s even worse during times of conflict. So today we want to find some whole-hearted vulnerability. This allows us to be truly known by others. This...
Published 11/02/23
Relationships always include “individuals” with their own unique sets of convictions and beliefs! Convictions are deeply personal and unlikely to change even when we love each other and want to honor each other. Let’s learn the art of accepting differences of opinion within relationships, fostering open communication, and identifying areas of agreement while honoring individual convictions. This is a wonderful way to live in sweet harmony in our family and relationships!
Published 10/26/23
When we love someone, it’s difficult to watch them endure pain or make choices that won’t get them what they ultimately want. Depending on our personalities, we will respond in numerous ways, so it’s important to identify our strengths and our tendencies. Knowing our strengths also helps us to identify when we overuse that strength, turning our desire to help into a pitfall. What can I do to help alleviate their pain? What action steps can I take so that life will be easier? Sometimes people...
Published 10/02/23
You are bombarded with headlines every day. But you get to write the article. Your choices, responses, and decisions interchange with circumstances to create how your story ends. Every relationship you have is impacted by you, and how you observe it. Life isn’t about circumstance, it’s about who you are agreeing with.
Published 09/21/23
This week, we tackle the subject of boredom. Boredom, believe it or not, can actually be a healthy signal in our lives! It's like a little nudge from our minds and emotions, telling us that things may need a change or a fresh perspective. Instead of brushing off boredom or seeking easy distractions, we can use it as a motivator to explore new adventures, deepen connections, and have conversations full of getting to know each other.
Published 08/31/23
God's encouragement is not limited to mere words; it is a transformational force that gives us hope, strength, and an unwavering belief in ourselves and our relationship with Him. When we are connected to God as our source of encouragement, we discover a limitless wellspring of love and support that propels us forward on our journey! In this episode you will learn five key steps to encourage yourself.
Published 08/17/23
We are all en route with a passion for success in some form or another and we rely on motivation and inspiration to thrust us forward. One ingredient we often minimize is the powerful ingredient of encouragement. Let’s remind ourselves how powerful words truly are and use them from a pure heart motivation! Let’s declare our readiness for a positive outcome especially when we pair encouragement with compassion and understanding!
Published 08/11/23
When helping people in their relationships, we find people continually asking for a deeper connection, so that their love, support, and companionship are received and reciprocal. By breaking free from the shackles of unhealthy ties to agendas, comparisons, and vices, individuals can foster relationships that are grounded in authenticity, mutual respect, and personal growth. These healthier connections not only enhance emotional well-being but also serve as a foundation for a more fulfilling...
Published 08/04/23
What if the news is true: You don’t have to wait for anything or anyone to change! You can turn a corner and in the core of you - change your beliefs! Your CORE beliefs can serve your life dream, rather than sabotage it! Choosing empowering beliefs is a very good idea! There are three types of waiting: Fun anticipation; Frustrating impatience; and waiting in stillness and rest. In relationships, when we are waiting for someone to change, improve, or grow up, or see the consequences of...
Published 07/22/23
Core beliefs play a fundamental role in shaping our identities, attitudes, and behaviors. They act as the foundation upon which we build our relationships and make decisions. Whether consciously or unconsciously, these deep-seated principles influence every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our personal value system. In this podcast, we will explore the importance of core beliefs and why understanding and challenging them can be transformative.
Published 07/08/23
We’re going to look at a pattern of three words: Intention, Attention, and Vision. We’re going to work through ten intentions that you may want to set for yourself that would really help your relationships moving forward together. With intention we can choose to set our attention, find new sight and experience the pleasures of affection. Let’s stoke the fire of momentum and invest in deciding your intention, attention, and vision for your every day.
Published 06/24/23
Celebrate even when there isn’t a big event! It's important to mark small, daily successes and things “going well”. There are daily positive events that produce strength and significance when we make time to recognize them with excitement and affection. Celebrate good news together. Search for good news! You will find what you’re looking for. And “match” the excitement and celebration of others. Anything you ARE wanting to experience more of….redemptive qualities in your children and spouse,...
Published 05/25/23
Imagine seeing there's no such thing as a problem, just a lack of understanding. It seems, when it comes to resentment, we keep getting layer upon layer of understanding and how freedom is accessible! Discovering new ways to feel inspired to let go and cut off resentment, and finding new visuals are really valuable. Knowing that when you snip off the attachment to resentment, you can run faster and freer towards the rewards of life.
Published 05/02/23
Deep down we all need and crave close connections to feel a sense of security and belonging in the world. Most of us would agree that our relationships are the most important thing throughout our lifetime. Unconditional love can’t rely on living by default. To move forward, intentional actions and making the decision to contribute to the strength of love in a relationship are highly important. That’s why it’s important to ask, “What’s the most important thing I can do at this point?”
Published 04/11/23
Enduring love is a choice made through everyday actions. Love isn't just “a choice to sacrifice”. If our love is only a choice or obligation then it’s not yet what it ought to be. Without joy, it’s difficult to define the relationship as true love. Someone who cares, gives freely, is thoughtful and takes time connecting, and has joy in their sacrifices - This is the kind of friend I want to have and the kind of friend I want to be. This is the kind of spouse and parent I want to be. Because...
Published 04/03/23
Without contentment, yikes, you’ll be in a constant state of waiting. Waiting for someone to change, waiting for someone to apologize, waiting for someone to defend you, waiting for someone to give you security, waiting for better stuff or more stuff and it’s definitely a trap. Contentment is about a decision you choose in the midst of circumstances. It’s the choice to focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have.
Published 03/15/23