Raised in a terribly abusive family, placed in 18 foster homes between ages 13 and 18, kicked out of "the system" at age 18 with no resources, human-trafficked, prostituted, drug-addicted, raped and left for dead. So how could this week's guest, Ms.
Published 09/25/20
Raised in a terribly abusive family, placed in 18 foster homes between ages 13 and 18, kicked out of "the system" at age 18 with no resources, human-trafficked, prostituted, drug-addicted, raped and left for dead. So how could this week's guest, Ms.
Published 09/25/20
Fear is the best way for governments to gain power over us and to reduce our Liberty. This week's guest, Mr. Leon Weinstein, immigrated from his native USSR in 1973, first to Israel and then to America.
Published 09/11/20
Fear is the best way for governments to gain power over us and to reduce our Liberty. This week's guest, Mr. Leon Weinstein, immigrated from his native USSR in 1973, first to Israel and then to America.
Published 09/11/20
There is a huge difference between being mentally disabled and being brain injured.
Published 09/04/20
There is a huge difference between being mentally disabled and being brain injured.
Published 09/04/20
You are probably like me: I cannot point at very many leaders in today's world. But I can and do point to this week's guest, Kurt L.
Published 08/28/20
You are probably like me: I cannot point at very many leaders in today's world. But I can and do point to this week's guest, Kurt L. Schmoke, a former football quarterback and leader of the Black Student Alliance at Yale (where he also helped to found a child care center for the university's janitors and cafeteria workers), Rhodes Scholar, Harvard Law School graduate, State's Attorney, Mayor of Baltimore and present President of the University of Baltimore. Mayor Schmoke was one of the first...
Published 08/28/20
Do you want to be able to vote in favor of a candidate for President instead of just against one? Do you want a President to represent all of all of the people who has actual effective ideas and plans to do just that? Do you want to be proud of your vote? Well, listen to this week's guest Dr. Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate for President, and you will have an answer to all of those questions. She has plans for excellence in Healthcare and Education for all, to represent our men and...
Published 08/21/20
Please join us and meet a truly accomplished entertainer and song-writer. Steve Lawless leads sing-a-longs from his piano, playing familiar and wonderful songs that everyone loves.
Published 08/14/20
Please join us and meet a truly accomplished entertainer and song-writer. Steve Lawless leads sing-a-longs from his piano, playing familiar and wonderful songs that everyone loves. Plus, just for us, he will play three of his own creative songs that are fun, but also thought-provoking. So he is "one of a kind," but always "in tune." In fact, now he can even give "play by ear" piano lessons over the telephone. (Contact him at [email protected].) He also was one of two partners along with your...
Published 08/14/20
Many people today are questioning what the proper relationship is or should be between the police and the communities they serve.
Published 08/07/20
Many people today are questioning what the proper relationship is or should be between the police and the communities they serve. One man knows, and he is direct in telling us in this edition of All Rise! Steve Downing is a former Deputy Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, and he shows us what proper and effective policing looks like. Repeal the harmful and failed War on Drugs! De-militarize the police forces! Do not allow any political candidates to accept campaign contributions from...
Published 08/07/20
Annie M. Fonte is a treasure, and she shares her insights about how to live a gratifying life with us as our guest. Taking the basic values she gained by being raised on a farm, getting an education from Harvard Business School, learning about pluck and entrepreneurship, suffering setbacks and persevering, she has become a success in every sense of the word. She also discusses her book: "Keep Your Ass in the Saddle," and favors us with many successful things that can contribute to happy and...
Published 07/31/20
The Libertarian Party is the only political party that truly represents the interests of young people today. Education, healthcare, unnecessary wars. Liberty and financial responsibility are only parts of that representation. And, increasingly, young people are beginning to understand this, to the degree that more and more interested, able and thoughtful young people are joining the Libertarian Party and running for public office. One of these is this week's guest Hanna Waugh, who is running...
Published 07/24/20
Our guest today is Dr. Sam Sugar, who is a general internal medicine physician in Florida. Based upon a bad experience he had when a guardian was appointed by the court for one of his family members, he researched the issue and found that this type of abuse is widespread all around our country. So he shared his findings in his book called "Guardianships & the Elderly: The Perfect Crime," and now he shares his experiences and insights with us. Judge Jim was the presiding judge of the...
Published 07/17/20
In this episode we hear our guest, Commissioner Jim Turney of Altamonte Springs, Florida, discuss how he became a Libertarian, how employing the Libertarian values of financial responsibility on both the local and national party level actually works, and how governments frequently use fear as a motivating factor in reducing our liberties and overextending budgets. Witness only the COVID-19 situation, much less 9/11! But there are better ways. Deal with government pensions like is being done...
Published 07/10/20
In this episode, celebrating our 4th of July, your host Judge Jim Gray addresses various issues of our time, and proposes Libertarian solutions. Why? Because when it comes down to it, it is our government, and if it's not working we have no one to blame but ourselves! And each one of us is sometimes in a position to make the system work! Not only being an educated voter, but assisting people to stand up for themselves, mentoring our students and so much more. But we need other Libertarian...
Published 07/03/20
Do you want to listen to a truly articulate, intelligent and sophisticated speaker? Then tune in to this episode with our guest Larry Sharpe. Larry has overcome adversity, built up successful businesses, and become a genuine leader in the Libertarian Party. After running for Governor of New York, and receiving enough votes to secure ballot access for the LP, Larry continued to help 103 other Libertarian candidates win elective office. Running for the nomination of the LP as Vice President in...
Published 06/26/20
Personally I have never met or even heard about anyone who has attained the status of Eagle Scout who was not successful in life. And this week's guest, Mayor Ethan Reynolds of New Carlisle, Ohio, is no exception. At the age of 19, having just graduated from high school, Ethan was aghast that his city was about $5.6 million in debt and not doing anything about it. So he ran for city council on a platform of financial responsibility using the slogan of "We were borrowing money and no one was...
Published 06/19/20
In today's edition, New Jersey attorney Charles X. Gormally explains how governments all-too-often promote programs that sound good to the voters, but in reality don't work. These include rent control and healthcare, as well as attempts to prohibit or over-regulate cannabis. Hear insights on these subjects from a different perspective. If the incentives are adjusted to promote businesses to provide low-cost housing, controlled cannabis and quality healthcare, that is what we will receive. But...
Published 06/12/20
Do you have back pain? Most likely the answer is yes. So tune in and listen as Dr. Grace Walker Gray, DPT, DOT,HHP, provides you in her book "Bye-Bye Back Pain" with the insights she has learned over the years as a physical therapist about how that pain can be significantly reduced. Is your host biased? Actually yes, because Gracie is my wife. But consider my endorsement of her new book: "I get no sympathy from my wife when I complain about my back pain. She says 'did you do the exercises I...
Published 05/29/20