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Kring Kim
All Things K
If you're a fan of K-pop, K-drama, K-culture, K-style, K-beauty, K-food or anything and everything Korea, then this is the show for you. Filipino-Korean couple Kring Kim and Jimmy Kim talk about different aspects of Hallyu (the Korean wave) from the perspective of a Pinay fangirl and her Korean husband.
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Recent Episodes
There have been many K-dramas and K-movies in school settings but have you ever wondered what it's really like to study in a Korean school? Our favorite Filipino-Korean couple, the Krimmy Couple, get into the details of the Korean educational system from Daycare to High School: school-provided...
Published 07/19/21
Published 07/19/21
What's the difference between a "Main" and a "Lead," and how can one be considered the "Center" of a group? What is the "deok-hu" position? Your favorite Filipino-Korean couple, Jimmy and Kring get into the details of the various member positions of your favorite K-pop idol groups.
Published 06/30/21
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