As we conclude our discussion of the doctrine of the church we turn to church membership. Why is it important? How does a faithful church member look like? We discuss these questions and more in this Episode 23 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 04/09/24
Every faithful preaching should consists of exposition of God's word, exalting Christ, and proclaiming the gospel. But what is expository preaching? Can we preach Christ from the Old Testament? What about discriminatory preaching. Is it good for the church? We discuss these and more questions in this episode # 22. 
Published 04/02/24
We are created to worship God in spirit and truth. But how does that look like in our private lives, homes, and church? Does God really care how we worship him? We discuss these questions and more in this week's episode # 21 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 03/25/24
Last week we began discussing the three marks of a true church. We looked at the faithful preaching of God's word as the first mark. This week we look at the remaining two: right administration of sacraments and right administration of church discipline. Who should receive the sacrament of the baptism? Who should come to the Lord's Table? Is practicing church discipline unloving? We discuss these questions  and more in this twentieth episode of All Things Reformed Podcast.
Published 03/18/24
Every person who has been saved by Christ ought to belong to a local church. As one great theologian once observed, "He who has God as his Father must have the church as his mother." But how does one recognize a healthy church; in other words, what are the marks of a true church that one should always be looking for? What is wrong with just worshipping by oneself at home or online? We discuss these questions and more in this nineteenth episode of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 03/11/24
You might have heard the statement "once saved always saved." Is this statement biblical? If yes, what does it really mean? In this episode we discuss the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints and tackle what it means and what it doesn't mean.
Published 02/27/24
In this episode  we look at what is considered as the most controversial doctrine, Limited Atonement. Some who believe in the doctrines of grace accept all four except this one and they call themselves, Four-Point Calvinists. But what is limited atonement? What's the biblical basis for this doctrine. We discuss these questions and more in this episode number fifteen of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 02/13/24
Before the foundations of the earth were laid, God chose us to be saved in Christ. He did this not because of any good or merit in us but purely out of his sovereign will and pleasure. But how do I know that I am elect? What about those who were not chosen? Doesn't this make God unfair or unjust? We answer these questions and more in this episode. 
Published 02/05/24
What do we really mean when we say that man is totally depraved? Does it mean that man is as evil as he can be? What about some "good"things he does like helping the poor is that not good? We answer these questions and more in this episode. 
Published 01/30/24
What is the story behind what are known as "The Doctrines of Grace" or the "TULIP." In this episode we trace that history from Amsterdam in Netherlands to Geneva in Switzerland and back to Dort in Netherlands. 
Published 01/23/24
In what is called the Counter Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church responds to the Reformation through the Council of Trent. What do they say regarding Reformed doctrine? We also begin to look at the background to what are called the Doctrines of Grace. What are these doctrines and what is the context that lead to their formulation?
Published 01/09/24
My (Confex's)  Systematic Theology Professor in seminary once remarked that  every Reformed believer should know what happened on October 1-4, 1529. This is when Marburg Colloquy took place? But what this colloquy all about?  How did it affect the later growth and spread of the Reformed faith? What are some of the good things we can learn from it and what are some things we should avoid in our own time? This and more in today's episode. 
Published 01/02/24
If all of our salvation is entirely the work of God who should get the glory? God alone! But also glorifying God should not end with our salvation, the entire life of a Christian should aim at glorifying Him even as we sip a cup of tea, coffee or water (1 Cor. 10:31). You will also listen to some feedback from some of our listeners including a younger listener :)
Published 12/26/23
If justification (salvation) is by faith alone, why does James 2:24 say "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." This and more in this episode. 
Published 12/19/23
What is God's grace? What are the means of grace or how do we receive grace from God? These are some of the questions we are discussing in the episode today. 
Published 12/12/23
Christ Alone: Who is the biblical Christ and what is his work in salvation and the life of a believer? This is the question that the 16th Century Protestant Reformation answered very clearly. It also happens to be the question that Christ asks every believer even today, "Who do you say I am?" (Matt. 16:15). What is your answer? Today in the podcast we briefly discuss the life and work of Christ. 
Published 12/05/23
We begin to look at what are called the Five Solas of Reformation. The first one is Sola Scripture Latin for the Scriptures Alone in English. What do we mean by this? What's the significance of this doctrine in our own context today? What does sola scriptura mean when it comes to public worship? What does it mean when you are making decisions say who you should marry? 
Published 11/28/23
The Church is a body of believers, and God always works through the church to accomplish his will on earth We see this truth even in the early years of the Protestant Reformation. Luther was not alone. God also raised other reformers. In this episode we briefly look at some of them namely Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, and John Knox. 
Published 11/21/23
In May 1521 Luther is summoned to the Diet of Worms where he is asked to recant or renounce his Biblical teachings. He refuses and is expelled from the church. This marks the birth of the Protestant churches. 
Published 11/14/23
The Lord used one man, Martin Luther, to give birth to what will later be called the Reformed Faith. One question that led to Protestant Reformation was, "How can a sinful man like you and me get right with a righteous and holy God?" Luther found that answer in the Bible,  and his greatest desire was for the whole world to know this answer too. 
Published 11/06/23
Reformation without God’s word is a bad reformation. The church should always be reforming according to God’s word. In this podcast we discuss two men of the pre-reformation period, John Wycliffe and Jan Hus and what they teach us about the Reformed faith.
Published 10/30/23
On October 31, 1517, a monk nailed a pamphlet with 95 points for a theological discussion. The impact of this single act will reverberate throughout the centuries.  So what does the Protestant Reformation of 1517 has to do with the church in Malawi? What has it to do with you and me as God's people?
Published 10/19/23