Churches all over the world recite in their corporate worship the Nicene Creed. But what is the history of the creed? Why was it necessary to write it? What errors does it address and helps guard the church from? We discuss these questions and more in this episode # 46 of All Things Reformed Podcast
Published 10/15/24
Published 10/15/24
The first ever New Testament Church Council was held around 50 AD in Jerusalem. We read more about it in Acts 15. Does our salvation require more than believing in Christ? What did this council say? How did the decision of this council shape Christianity as we have it today? We discuss these questions  and more in this episode # 45 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 10/07/24
As we all know, Christianity did not begin with us in the 21st Century. For the last two thousand years Christ has been at work in his Church. Over the years Christ has used church councils to settle matters of Christian doctrine and practice. So what are some of the councils that have shaped Christianity as we have it today? Why should Christians know these councils and their resolutions? Join us for the next eight weeks as we look at eight important church councils beginning with the...
Published 10/07/24
We wrap up our discussion of the Ten Commandments by looking at the tenth commandment, "You shall not covet..." What is coveting? How may the  breaking this commandment easily lead to the breaking of the other commandments? What is our hope when we fail to keep any of the ten commandments? We discuss these questions and more in this episode # 44 of All Things Reformed Podcast.
Published 09/30/24
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Who is my neighbor? What are some ways we break this commandment? What are some helps for us to keep this commandment? We discuss these and more in this episode # 43 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 09/24/24
Should Christians buy from black markets? How do vexatious lawsuits or engrossing commodities ( buying up large quantities of items with intent to sell them again at a higher price) break the eight commandment? We discuss these and more in this episode of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 09/16/24
In this episode we look at what is required in the Eight Commandment, "You Shall not Steal." Have you ever considered that not keeping our word is not only lying but also stealing? Also not paying someone their due on time is also stealing? Should Christians lend money with interest? We discuss these questions and more in this Episode 41 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 09/10/24
In this episode we take some time to respond to the feedback  or questions we have received especially regarding the episodes on the Seventh Commandment? What does the Bible say about remarriage after divorce? Why do I still have to fight against addiction yet I am a believer? How can Christ relate with our struggle against sin if he did not have a sinful nature? We discuss these questions and more in this Episode # 40 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 09/03/24
In this episode we finish discussing the Seventh Commandment, "You shall not commit adultery." What are some ways we break this commandment? How is delaying to get married a violation of this commandment? What is the hope of someone who has broken this commandment or struggles with sexual sin? We discuss these questions and more in this episode # 39 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 08/27/24
In this episode we look at what is required of us in the Seventh Commandment? What's is the difference between adultery and fornication? What does modesty in dressing have to do with this commandment? We discuss these questions and more in this Episode # 38 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 08/20/24
As we continue to look at the Sixth Commandment, "You shall not murder," we turn to look at what is forbidden in this commandment. What is a lawful war? What about  death penalty or capital punishment as a befitting punishment for murder? What does the Bible say about death penalty? How should we respond to fellow Christians who argue that capital punishment is not biblical?  We discuss these questions and more in this Episode # 37 of All Things Reformed Podcast.
Published 08/12/24
In this episode we look at the Sixth Commandment especially what is required of us by this commandment. What is just defense? Is suicide acceptable when things are very hard? How does physical exercises and moderation in what we eat or drink helps us fulfill this commandment? We discuss these questions and more in this Episode # 36 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 08/06/24
So far we have looked at the first five commandments. Before moving to the other  remaining five, we take a break for a further reflection on the law of God. Why did the Lord give the law? How is the threefold use of the law as expounded by St. Augustine and John Calvin very helpful in our understanding of God's law. We discuss these questions and others in this Episode 35 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 07/30/24
In this episode which is also the last one on the Fifth Commandment we continue to discuss how those in authority should treat their juniors and how those who are equals should treat each other. What should you do if your parents or boss demands that you obey a sinful command? How should you view those who are equal in rank with you but have different or even more gifts than you? We discuss these questions and more in this thirty-fourth episode. 
Published 07/09/24
In this episode we continue to discuss how do we honor those above us but also how do those in authority should treat those who are below them. 
Published 07/01/24
In this thirsty second episode of All Things Reformed we look at the Fifth Commandment which commands honoring our father and mother. But what does "father and mother" in the commandment stand for? Is it one's biological or adopted or fostered parents only? How does this command also  apply to our leaders in the church and state? We discuss these questions and more in this episode. Thank you for joining us.
Published 06/24/24
In this episode we conclude our discussion on the Fourth Commandment. We discuss the responsibility that every Christian has to remember the Sabbath and also help others to remember and keep the day. 
Published 06/18/24
In this episode we continue to discuss how to we keep the Sabbath holy and as a day of rest. What are works of necessity and mercy which are not prohibited on the Sabbath? We answer this questions and more in this episode. 
Published 06/11/24
What is the Christian Sabbath? Saturday or Sunday? How do we faithfully keep the fourth commandment? Should Christians engage in recreational activities on Sunday? We discuss these and more questions in this episode 29 of All Things Reformed Podcast. Thank you for joining us. 
Published 06/04/24
What does it look like not to take the name of the Lord in vain? What are some of the ways that we might take God's name in vain? What is blasphemy? We discuss these and more questions in this episode 28 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 05/20/24
What does the second commandment found in Exodus 20:4-6 mean? Is it okay for Christians to watch films or movies with a "Jesus" in it? Should Christians give their children Bibles with images of Jesus in it? Aren't these just matters of preference? We discuss and answer these questions and more. 
Published 05/13/24
In this episode we continue to look at what is prohibited in the first commandment.
Published 05/07/24
What are the duties required of us in the first commandment. What is prohibited in this commandment? Is atheism real or it is just the suppression of the knowledge of God which every human being is born with? We discuss this and more questions in this episode 25 of All Things Reformed Podcast. 
Published 04/29/24
Why did God give the law? What use is the law to a believer who is saved by grace? Are all laws we find in the Bible binding on Christians today? We discuss these questions and more in this episode # 24 of All Things Reformed Podcast.   
Published 04/22/24