Eight years ago, I felt like a hamster on a wheel - going around in a circle and unsure of how to get off. I became intentional about changing my life. Today, I manage me and call all my shots. I used a few powerful keys to unlock my changes. Some of those keys are included in this podcast. Get ready, get ready, get ready! This podcast was pulled from my vintage collection (episode 46) and renamed. The content is timely and appropriate during this pandemic. Enjoy your level-up!
When the word ‘prosperity’ is used, we often think about monetary success or abundance. What comes to your mind when “Relationship Prosperity” is mentioned? If we don’t have relationship prosperity, what do we have? Relationship problems! Problems arise when needs are not met. Because of past...
Published 12/13/23
In this week’s episode, we delve into the topic of reigniting old flames of our past. In other words, getting back with the ex! The thought of second chances can be alluring and irresistible. During the holiday season, our mind can easily take a stroll down memory lane where nostalgia awaits with...
Published 11/28/23