“I’ve been surprised by the number of negative reviews about Americast recently. There are some grounds for criticism: more time should be given to the only American on the pod-AZ (and the AWWHQ joke has run its course). The show is nakedly anti Trump, but frankly it’s hard to see how to present the man in a neutral light. The pod is very chatty and often light hearted, but I think a big improvement on the nauseating Sopel/Maitlis love-in.
On the plus side, Webb, Smith, Zurcher are experienced and knowledgeable about the US and its politics. There are terrific guests - possibly more from the Trump side might be illuminating? And poor old Miss Spring is probably obliged for legal reasons to introduce the undercover voters ad nauseam by the BBC legal department. She’s otherwise rather refreshing.
Please keep up the good work, maybe tighten it up a bit but don’t lose the magic.
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Great Britain ·