The Architects Climate Action Network, collective action, change-making, giving the RIBA a run for its money and channelling positive energy into the race against the clock.
Published 08/24/21
Working on school buildings, making sense of masterplans and the challenges involved in wrapping an existing building in a new exoskeleton and an entirely new facade.
Published 08/17/21
The Greenwich Design District, designing a new part of the city and the distinction between delivering a characterful masterplan of separate parts and building an architectural zoo.
Published 08/10/21
Cove Ridge, the relationship between architecture and photography, riffs on post-modernism and the joys of cinematic space.
Published 08/03/21
The critical role of clear data, honest evaluation and comprehensive feedback and lessons learnt from decades at the forefront of sustainable design.
Published 07/27/21
The Museum of the Home, hitting the right balance between conservation and transformation, the delicate relationship between engagement and education and the role of the museum as an agent of change.
Published 07/20/21
Displacement and migration, bridging the gap between academia and activism and the Global Free Unit's mission to channel architects' expertise to the people who need it most.
Published 07/13/21
East Anglia's otherworldly character, taking inspiration from local materials, artful informality and the fine line between thoughtful reinterpretation and straightforward pastiche.
Published 07/06/21
Architect speak, crit culture, feeling like an outsider and the importance of plain speaking and finding time to watch TV.
Published 05/25/21
Late-night parties, too-loud television and other factors that come into play when people of different generations live side by side.
Published 05/18/21
Postmodernism versus multiform, making clients smile and the role of pattern, playfulness and ornament in contemporary architecture.
Published 05/11/21
The Illuminated River project, painting with light and the challenges involved in realising the longest public art project in the world.
Published 05/04/21
Montague House, reading the site, marriage guidance counselling and the delicate chemistry between architect and client.
Published 04/30/21
The Quality of Life Foundation, tapping into local knowledge, inviting the public to rate housebuilders’ performance and enshrining fun and wonder within the public realm.
Published 04/20/21
The Post Building, the challenge of wrapping a historic building in an entirely new facade, the future of the workplace and the transition from precocious young talents to grumpy old men.
Published 04/13/21
The trouble with education, learning from the Architectural Drawing Summer School and the importance of talking frankly about architecture as a career.
Published 04/06/21