Exploring the key technical and performance aspects of the new Sonify discontinuous ceiling system from Zentia, including design flexibility, colours and finishes, specification tools, and ease of installation. John Spicer and Michael Anderson are Head of New Product Development, and Head of Architectural and Design Consultancy, respectively at Zentia.
Published 09/05/23
Listen to the Ask the Expert podcast, in partnership with Zentia, exploring the key technical and performance aspects of the company’s new Sonify discontinuous ceiling system. In association with Click here to listen to the Ask the Expert podcast Recently launched by Zentia, Sonify is an innovative discontinuous ceiling system that embraces the principles of parametric design to deliver high-quality, design-led solutions with ease and accuracy. Conceived as a ‘kit-of-parts’ that can be...
Published 09/05/23
Published 09/05/23
Discontinuous ceiling design is explored through Sonify 3D Studio, a powerful online configurator that has been developed to maximise the creative and functional potential of Zentia’s new Sonify discontinuous ceiling system. Phil Dixon is head of technology & transformation at Zentia.
Published 04/26/23
Listen to the Ask the Expert podcast, in partnership with Zentia, exploring Sonify 3D Studio, a powerful online configurator for the company’s innovative new discontinuous ceiling system. In association with Click here to listen to the Ask the Expert podcast One of the principal aims of Zentia’s new Sonify discontinuous ceiling system is to combine high levels of performance with creative freedom using a ‘kit-of-parts’ approach. Panel shape and spacing, along with a palette of 35 different...
Published 04/26/23
Listen to the Ask the Expert podcast, in partnership with Zentia, exploring the design of discontinuous ceiling systems and specifically Sonify, a brand new product that the company is bringing to market. In association with .fusion-body .fusion-builder-nested-column-0{width:100% !important;margin-top : 0px;margin-bottom : 0px;}.fusion-builder-nested-column-0 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 10px !important;padding-right : 20px !important;margin-right : 1.92%;padding-bottom : 10px...
Published 11/09/22
Learning from European cities – and from Sheffield, the real Bilbao effect, the power of grassroots projects and thinking outside the red line to embed new parts of the city in the wider neighbourhood.
Published 04/05/22
Taking cultural content beyond the museum and into the public realm, creating a framework that allows other people’s ideas to flourish and encouraging a wide range of city users to engage with the built environment in new and unexpected ways.
Published 03/29/22
Celebrating cities, educating a new generation of architects from a wide range of backgrounds and with a whole new set of skills, the role of awards and academia in shaping the modern city and giving urban infrastructure the respect that it deserves.
Published 03/22/22
In the first of our new podcast series Women who Shape the City, Morag Myerscough talks about connecting with communities, creating projects that bring as much happiness as a cup of tea in the morning or a big bunch of flowers, making architecture without architects and refusing to be defined by the education that you have.
Published 03/15/22
Zinc as a sustainable solution for traditional and contemporary projects.
Published 03/14/22
The myths and misconceptions that deter employers from recruiting refugees and the importance of building a diverse workforce and unlocking untapped talent.
Published 12/14/21
Passivhaus design, retrofitting buildings to EnerPhit standards, tensions and contradictions within building regulations and planning policy and the urgent need for central government to up its game.
Published 12/07/21
Zaha Hadid Architects’ culture of technological experimentation and the power of immersive environments as a tool for consultation, collaboration and anticipating the likely impact of human behaviour and climate change.
Published 11/30/21
The new Cambridge Children’s Hospital, inclusive design, destigmatising mental health and the importance of creating sustainable healthcare buildings that nourish the mind, body and soul.
Published 11/23/21
Gender inequality within architecture and construction, tokenism, diversity, role models and mentors, new models of practice and the groundswell of groups campaigning for positive change.
Published 11/16/21
The Rock – a manifesto house in Canada's Whistler mountain resort, designing for extreme weather conditions and striking a balance between aesthetic purity and the messy reality of family life.
Published 11/09/21
Learning from forest schools, allotments and falling out of trees and making the case for rewilding the urban childhood and enshrining access to nature as a universal human right.
Published 10/26/21
Volume housebuilders and biodiversity, lessons learnt from Cator Park and the lasting impact of a formative exchange between Tony Pidgley, Richard Attenborough and The London Wildlife Trust.  
Published 10/19/21
Biophilic design and biodiversity, humanising the workplace and harnessing the power of technology – and poetry – to bring the magic of the forest into the places where we live and work.
Published 10/12/21
Biodiversity net gain, using artificial intelligence to assess habitats remotely, natural capital accounting and the challenge of influencing business decisions in a free market world.
Published 09/29/21
Exchange Square, the value of a natural haven in a highly corporate world and the futility of trying to predict the way wildlife behaves and landscapes evolve.
Published 09/28/21
Transforming Thamesmead, blending brutalism and biodiversity, natural capital accounting, Living in the Landscape and delivering a vision for a post-pandemic world.
Published 09/21/21