This film presents the epic journey of bowhead whales as they make their annual migration across the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The film takes its narrative and title from the 2013 calendar edited by Steve Okkonen. The vision for this film is to improve public understanding of the iconic bowhead whales and their role in the Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem. The film explores whale taxonomy, physiology, diet, behaviors, and their widespread movement through Subarctic and Arctic...
Published 01/30/15
This film presents the epic journey of bowhead whales as they make their annual migration across the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The film takes its narrative and title from the 2013 calendar edited by Steve Okkonen. The vision for this film is to improve public understanding of the iconic bowhead whales and their role in the Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem. The film explores whale taxonomy, physiology, diet, behaviors, and their widespread movement through Subarctic and Arctic...
Published 01/30/15
This film presents the epic journey of bowhead whales as they make their annual migration across the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The film takes its narrative and title from the 2013 calendar edited by Steve Okkonen. The vision for this film is to improve public understanding of the iconic bowhead whales and their role in the Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem. The film explores whale taxonomy, physiology, diet, behaviors, and their widespread movement through Subarctic and Arctic...
Published 01/30/15
This film trailer presents the epic journey of bowhead whales as they make their annual migration across the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The film takes its narrative and title from the 2013 calendar edited by Steve Okkonen. The vision for this film is to improve public understanding of the iconic bowhead whales and their role in the Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem. The film explores whale taxonomy, physiology, diet, behaviors, and their widespread movement through Subarctic and...
Published 01/22/15