In flashbacks, Oliver and Talia kill an illegal drug merchant from Robert Queen's list. Talia again presses Oliver to return home, but he chooses instead to help Anatoli kill Gregor.
Published 03/20/17
Published 03/20/17
During the S.T.A.R. Labs incident, CCPD undercover officer Tina Boland develops a sonic scream after watching her partner die at the hands of drug dealer Sean Sonus. In the present day,
Published 03/18/17
Oliver welcomes the seemingly-revived Laurel into the team; but it becomes clear that she is Laurel’s Earth-2 doppelganger, having been broken out of S.T.A.R. Labs by Prometheus. Laurel escapes and calls Oliver for an arrangement, ending in her capture. Learning about Paul, Rene convinces Curtis to focus on his capabilities, not his flaws. Laurel is captured, and Oliver places her in an A.R.G.U.S. facility, hoping to change her one day. Oliver reveals his plans to follow (Earth-1) Laurel's...
Published 02/25/17
Prometheus obtains further intel about the team from Evelyn. He then attacks and hospitalizes Curtis, injecting him with a tuberculosis vaccine developed by Justin Claybourne, a corrupt pharmaceutical manufacturer named on Oliver's former kill list. Flashbacks show that Oliver killed Claybourne after discovering that he financed a TB epidemic, then raised the price on his drug to boost his company's profits. When the team tracks down Prometheus, Evelyn reveals her true allegiance and escapes...
Published 12/10/16
Oliver finds himself back at Queen Manor; both his parents are alive, he is about to be married to Laurel Lance, and Diggle is the Hood. However, it is revealed that he, Diggle, Thea, Sara and Ray are all being held unconscious inside pods aboard a Dominator spaceship. Meanwhile, Felicity, Curtis and Cisco Ramon try to hack into the Dominators’ mainframe using a piece of their technology. The team recovers a necessary device with the help of the Flash and Supergirl, and they manage to locate...
Published 12/04/16
A new vigilante appears in Star City, known as "Vigilante", one who kills criminals in cold blood. Quentin tenders his resignation as Deputy Mayor. He later tells Thea about the throwing star and his drunken blackouts, but believes he is being set up. The team intercepts the Vigilante during a bank robbery, but he gets away, as does Eric Dunn, the head of the robbers. D.A. Chase forces one of the other robbers to reveal Dunn's location, and Green Arrow saves him from the Vigilante. Thea...
Published 11/28/16
Oliver, Diggle and Felicity privately track Prometheus, who starts killing seemingly random civilians with throwing stars. A news report on the killings causes tension in the city and angers the recruits, since they were not informed. Felicity steals one of the stars from Billy to examine. A pattern between the victims relates to Oliver's list from when he started out. This further angers the recruits, Evelyn most of all, as they did not know about Oliver's "kill list" from when he first...
Published 11/25/16
Oliver rescues Rene, who tells him that he gave up Green Arrow's true identity to Church. Church plans to kill Oliver as the Mayor instead of the vigilante. Diggle rejoins the team and recommends bodyguard Christopher Chance, the "Human Target", to help them. Christopher impersonates Oliver at the City Hall and fakes the Mayor's death when Church's mercenary attacks. The team realizes that Church plans to consolidate the drug traffic of five cities through Star City, needing Green Arrow...
Published 11/24/16
Oliver's team captures an associate of Church's and delivers him and his loot to the SCPD. Afterward, Rory formally leaves the team saying that he cannot work with Felicity. Oliver leaves Star City to help Lyla break Diggle out of prison, over Felicity and the team's objections. Quentin and Adrian personally deliver the evidence to the SCPD, which turns out to be a disguised bomb. The explosion allows Church's group to break in and steal weapons and equipment. Oliver infiltrates a federal...
Published 11/21/16
Green Arrow investigates a new drug, "Stardust", but still believes his team is not ready for the streets. While he is being informed about Prometheus, Rene and Evelyn secretly raid Stardust dealer Derek Sampson's warehouse. The raid goes wrong and Sampson ends up with superhuman strength and an inability to feel pain. Oliver learns what happened from District Attorney Adrian Chase, convincing him that he still cannot trust his recruits. Felicity advises him to accept the recruits as they...
Published 11/20/16
Green Arrow recruits Rene, Evelyn Sharp, and Curtis and begins training them using an extreme exercise from his Bratva initiation, revealed through flashbacks. As mayor, Oliver arranges to have AmerTek provide free medical care for Star City's disenfranchised at a special clinic. A new metahuman, "Ragman", appears and starts attacking AmerTek executives. The recruits leave Green Arrow because they do not trust him. Thea discovers that AmerTek CEO Janet Carroll is working with Church and...
Published 10/21/16
Five months after the death of Damien Darhk, Oliver is distracted from his new duties as mayor due to continuing as Green Arrow alone, his old team members having gone their separate ways. He is encouraged by Felicity to build a new team by recruiting the amateur vigilantes now working in Star City, like Rene Ramirez.[101] A new criminal crew appears, headed by Tobias Church, and kidnaps Mayor Queen in a bid to draw out and kill the Green Arrow, thereby taking over the city. He is rescued by...
Published 10/09/16
Darhk steals the laptop keeping him locked out of "Rubicon" and launches over 15,000 nuclear missiles, giving the team two hours to prevent worldwide annihilation. With Star City citizens rioting, Oliver addresses everyone directly, inspiring hope in them to stay strong, while Felicity and Curtis divert the missile aimed at Star City. Oliver goes after Darhk, while Felicity, Merlyn, and Thea track down "Rubicon". Felicity is able convince Cooper to stop helping Darhk, and Curtis devises a...
Published 06/28/16
His power grown exponentially, Darhk attempts to reactivate "Rubicon" with the help of Felicity's former boyfriend, Cooper, and launch the remaining missiles. However, Noah, Felicity, and Curtis successfully shut down "Rubicon" for good.
Published 05/22/16
Darhk begins taking control over the world's nuclear missles. The team seeks out Felicity's father, Noah, to help disable the "Rubicon" program. Darhk sends Danny Brickwell and Michael Amar to find and kill Noah, but Oliver and his team are able to rescue him from Darhk's men. Noah agrees to help, but requires a high-powered processor from Palmer Tech. Felicity learns she has been fired as CEO and is unable to get the processor, forcing the team to break in and steal it. H.I.V.E. locates the...
Published 05/21/16
Darhk returns to H.I.V.E. and kills the remaining board members before renewing his plans for "Genesis". Oliver and Felicity meet an immortal shaman, Fortuna, who educates Oliver about dark magic. Fortuna explains that Darhk's idol channels darkness and death, feeding him more power, but there is an opposing force that channels light and hope. After a mystical ritual, Fortuna tells Oliver that the darkness inside him is too strong to channel the light. In Star City, Diggle locates Andy, but...
Published 05/19/16
As the team mourns Laurel's death and tries to determine their next move against Darhk, there is a sighting of the Black Canary stopping an illegal weapons exchange. Oliver discovers that Laurel's sonic device is missing from her belongings from the hospital. The imposter turns out to be a H.I.V.E. prisoner named Evelyn Sharp whom Oliver left behind after he saved his team when they were kidnapped by Darhk, believing that she was with Darhk voluntarily. Captain Lance looks for a way to...
Published 05/13/16
Andy Diggle tells his brother that he was approached by Malcolm about a plan to break Darhk out of prison. Oliver and Diggle foil H.I.V.E.'s plan, but it turns out to be a ruse designed to let Malcolm and League followers invade the bunker and steal Darhk's idol. The team attempts to locate Malcolm, with Andy providing intel. Malcolm delivers the idol to Darhk, but it will not work because it is incomplete. Diggle reveals to Andy that he personally hid the missing piece in another location....
Published 04/23/16
Brie Larvan orchestrates her release from prison and travels to Star City in search of the bio-mechanical chip that is being used to allow Felicity to walk. Brie attacks Palmer Tech, holding the board hostage until Felicity turns herself over. Curtis tracks down Oliver's hideout, discovering his secret in the process, so that he can offer his help to the team to save Felicity, her mother, and Thea. The team arrives at Palmer Tech, but Oliver is stung by one of Brie's robotic bees. Back at the...
Published 04/17/16
Cupid returns to Star City and begins targeting high profile couples. While the team works to track her whereabouts and prevent any more killings, Laurel works in court fighting Damien Darhk's attempt to have the charges dismissed against him. After several failed attempts find a suitable witness, Captain Lance volunteers to testify to his involvement with Darhk. The team discovers that Cupid is targeting couples that have recently been married. In order to draw her out, Oliver convinces...
Published 04/16/16
Darhk reveals to Oliver that he has William, and he will only return him if Oliver drops out of the mayoral race. Oliver is forced to reveal the truth about his son to the rest of the team, which causes a rift between him and Felicity. Oliver asks a Detroit-based superhero, named Vixen, for help as her powers are derived from magic. Vixen tracks William's location and the team goes in to rescue him. They only find Darhk and his men, as William had already been moved. The attack causes Darhk...
Published 04/16/16
Malcolm joins Darhk, his wife Ruve Adams, and the other leaders of H.I.V.E. where it is revealed that they are on "Phase 5" of their plan. In order tie-up loose ends, Darhk sends a group of mercenaries, known as the Demolition Team, to take out Captain Lance. They fail, and Felicity is able to track them to their hideout. Oliver, Thea, Laurel, and Diggle go after them but are almost killed when the Demolition Team destroy their own building to escape. Meanwhile, Thea discovers that Oliver has...
Published 02/19/16
Oliver refuses Nyssa's offer, instead he attempts to convince Malcolm to relinquish control of the League to Nyssa in exchange for the cure. Malcolm claims Nyssa is lying and refuses to go along, while Nyssa agrees but proclaims that if Malcolm backs out then everyone will be considered an enemy. Oliver convinces Nyssa to provide a sample to prove to Merlyn she is not lying. After witnessing Thea get better, Malcolm agrees to the deal. At the exchange, Malcolm double-crosses Nyssa and she is...
Published 02/13/16
The team goes after a burglar, and Oliver and Thea manage to corner him. He escapes when Thea loses consciousness and almost falls off a building. Malcolm reveals to Oliver that this is Thea's bloodlust; since she has not taken a life, the bloodlust is killing her. Felicity tracks the burglar again. Oliver stops him, but when it is revealed to be Roy Harper, Oliver's surprise allows Roy to escape. They track Roy to Palmer Tech, where they discover he is being controlled by a man who goes by...
Published 02/05/16