Ready to transform your midlife health and fitness journey? Join us as we explore the incredible transformation of Sarah Bradley, a certified integrative nutrition health coach and Faster Way coach. Sarah shares her compelling story of transitioning from a finance career to her current passion, emphasizing the importance of sustainable fitness and nutrition plans for women in their 40s and beyond. You’ll be inspired by her personal experiences and practical advice on maintaining weight loss t...
Published 06/24/24
Life is precious, and when we are thrown into the depths of despair after the loss of a loved one, you may never feel like you get to the other side, where every day doesn't make you wonder when the grip of sorrow will release its hold. Slowly, we gain the strength to begin to piece together what is to be. There is a saying, "Sometimes what breaks us recreates us." How do you find the strength to move forward after an unimaginable loss? Our guest, Maura Mitchell, opens up about her journ...
Published 06/17/24
Roughly thirty percent of women aged 50-64 are single, and while there are plenty of dating apps out there to assist in the search for companionship, they aren't always ideal and can be overwhelming. There can be important work to be done on the front end before we dive into the dating abyss. Do you really know what you are looking for in a partner? Are you fearful of repeating past errors in the choices you've made? Or are you that compassionate friend who is always helping a friend thr...
Published 06/10/24
What if navigating menopause could be a transformative phase rather than a challenging ordeal? Join us as we welcome Gabriella Espinosa, a menopause and sexual wellness coach, who shares her deeply personal journey from a passionate courtship and early motherhood to the unexpected trials of perimenopause. Gabriella’s story highlights the often-overlooked aspects of this life stage, underscoring the importance of self-awareness and the need for open conversations surrounding menopause.Gabriell...
Published 06/03/24
Our travel through health and wellness on the podcast doesn't end with menopause, diets, and dumbbells; today we venture into the tangled realm of cults with Shannon Payton. Her raw account, as a survivor and thriver, of a youth and adult spent within the restrictive walls of a religious cult, not only educates but also empowers, as she recounts her evolution with a resilience that's both poignant and humorous.Life inside a religious cult isn't a tale often told with candid laughter and heart...
Published 05/27/24
When my midlife health and wellness took a troubling turn in my fifties, I went on my own search to find answers to get my body back and feel good again. My journey sits at the heart of our latest episode, joined by the resilient Stephanie Shaw, who shares her bewildering health crisis. Stephanie's tale is a stark reminder of the crucial role self-advocacy plays, especially when navigating the murky waters of perimenopause and menopause. Together, we peel back the layers of a holistic approac...
Published 05/20/24
Susie deVille, anthropologist and human behavior specialist, is the Founder & CEO of the Innovation & Creativity Institute. She joins me to impart her wisdom on building a 'moat' around yourself to concentrate energy on fresh endeavors and allowing our innate creativity to shine through. As we move through the seasons of life, creativity often blossoms in the most unexpected places. Susie uncovered her artistic side amidst a period she terms her "nuclear winter," which included battli...
Published 05/13/24
As life's complexities unfold, psychologist and coach Lauren Napolitano joins us to dissect the painful yet sometimes transformative nature of infidelity, providing understanding for those navigating these difficult times.Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, yet when it's shattered by infidelity, the rebuilding process can resemble a labyrinth of emotional turns. This episode doesn't shy away from the tough conversations, including a gripping account of a woman who chose to face her ...
Published 05/06/24
If you think back, even two years ago, the menopause conversation was still really stifled, and worse yet, resources and information were minimal. Enter our next guests to the podcast. Menopause pioneer, Gwen Harris, saw the need as far back as 2013 with the start of the Menopause Support Group. The organization grew organically to 11,000 members by 2018, and then Tina McDermott, a wellness coach, joined forces with Gwen.The Menopause Support Group now spans the globe with well over 140,...
Published 04/29/24
When was the last time you went to the doctor and felt like you had a true champion in your corner? Someone rooting you on to not only improve your biomarkers and lose a few pounds, but a health care provider who gets excited for your small health wins and encourages you to live your healthiest life, not only in words but by example. Meet Dr. Tolu Olabintan.Tolu's journey from Nigeria to the U.S. has infused her medical practice with deep empathy. We dissect the challenges and strategies for ...
Published 04/22/24
As I uncork the champagne for the 100th episode of "Asking for a Friend," I'm taking a moment to share a slice of my life's journey—a true midlife pivot. It's been a road paved with the trials of menopause, a quest to get my body back, and an unexpected turn toward the world of nutrition and fitness with the FASTer Way program. Beyond my own very positive results, this path has led me to become a certified nutrition coach, determined to empower others to take control of their health. Marking...
Published 04/15/24
There comes a moment when the safety net of a steady job no longer serves the soaring ambitions of our spirit. That's precisely what I faced before embarking on the entrepreneurial journey that has led me here, sharing my story with you. This episode is a tribute to those transformative crossroads in life. I'm joined by Shannon Russell, a former TV producer turned career transition coach, who echoes my sentiments as we dive into the transitions that redefine our personal and professional...
Published 04/08/24
Ever found yourself chuckling because you couldn't remember why you walked into a room or when trading war stories about hot flashes with your friends? Well, you're in for a treat! Join me as I sit down with the ever-delightful Brenda Bowen, who writes under the whimsical pen name Haut Flasch, to discuss her sweet take on menopause in "Goodnight Night Sweats." She partnered with the equally talented illustrator Jessie Hartland, aka Mina Pauze, to bring to life a parody of the favorite...
Published 04/01/24
Have you ever found yourself trapped in the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, where each triumphant loss is followed by a discouraging gain? Margie Odom, therapist, author, and former yo-yo dieter, joins us to offer a lifeline to those entangled in this frustrating dance with the scale. Together we peel back the layers of emotional eating, exploring how our past shapes our eating habits and our relationships with food. Margie shares her evolution from a school counselor to a sought-after guide...
Published 03/25/24
Unlock the secrets to radiant skin and a nourished body with clinical esthetician and wellness coach Lisette Manuel as we explore the deep connection between diet, nutrition, and skincare. Lisette brings a wealth of knowledge to our conversation, highlighting the impact of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamin C, and antioxidants on our skin's health, while also warning against the pitfalls of processed sugars. Get ready to embrace an inside-out approach to beauty that could...
Published 03/18/24
Ever feel like midlife health and fitness is a puzzle with missing pieces? This week, we've got the missing link in Rachel Freiman, the brainpower behind Mindstrong Fitness, who joins us to piece together the truth about wellness during life's halftime show. Rachel's transition from musician to fitness aficionado isn't just inspiring—it's a masterclass in how the fusion of education, science, and mindset shifts can overhaul our approach to health. We tackle the tough topics, like the nuances...
Published 03/11/24
Unlock the secrets to a healthier life with Dr. Paul Kolodzik, as he shares the life-altering benefits of continuous glucose monitoring. This isn't just for those managing diabetes; it's a revelation for anyone grappling with metabolic health. Throughout our conversation, we delve into the insidious effects of high blood sugar on vascular diseases and dissect the dietary choices that could make or break our health. Dr. Kolozdik, with his unique blend of emergency and metabolic health...
Published 03/04/24
Are you navigating the complexities of staying fit after 50, but some aches and pains are standing in your way? Discover the secrets to maintaining physical wellness with Megan Dahlman, an exercise science expert with a passion for empowering women in their prime. Our enlightening conversation goes beyond the typical fitness advice, revealing why listening to your body and understanding its mechanics are crucial for an active, pain-free life. Megan's expertise shines as she explains the...
Published 02/26/24
The specter of fentanyl has cast a long shadow over America, leaving countless families to navigate the overwhelming grief of losing loved ones to this potent and often stealthy killer. Today, we sit down with Tom and Stephanie Quehl, two such warriors in the battle against this epidemic, who share the heartrending narrative of their son Jack's vibrant life and its untimely end due to a fentanyl-laced recreational drug. As we journey through Jack's memories, from his triumphs in the...
Published 02/19/24
Unlock the secrets of a radiant smile and robust health with Dr. Sanda Moldovan, our guest who's pioneering the field of oral health, nutrition, and anti-aging. Discover how the state of your mouth is a window to your overall well-being, especially for midlife women navigating the ebbs and flows of hormonal changes. From the tips of your teeth to the depths of your gut, we're connecting the dots on how oral care, nutrition, and lifestyle choices contribute to ailments like chronic fatigue and...
Published 02/12/24
As a seasoned veteran in the battle with restrictive diets and excessive exercise, I was thrilled to sit across from midlife coach Kristin Jackson, an example of balance in the health and wellness arena. Our heartfelt conversation peels back the layers of her transition from a personal trainer, once bound by the shackles of extreme fitness regimens, to a champion of the holistic FASTer Way program. Kristin's story of navigating the rough seas of perimenopause, a late-in-life pregnancy, and...
Published 02/05/24
Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed your hair isn't quite as full as it used to be? You're not alone. On this episode, we have a heart-to-heart with Dr. Alan Bauman of Bauman Medical, who brings empathy and expertise to the table as we tackle hair loss in midlife, particularly for women. From genetic factors to emotional impacts, we cover the gamut of this surprisingly common yet often unspoken struggle. Dr. Bauman's personal journey from the inception of his "hair hospital" to...
Published 01/29/24
When Kiki Hurwitt's wellness and emotional health were not where she wanted them to be, she chose action over surrender, embarking on an incredible quest toward fitness that transformed her life. Have you ever considered that maybe your greatest victories lie ahead, no matter your age?  Kiki's candid discussion on her battle with pre-diabetes and high cholesterol opens a window into the power of determination and how visual affirmations, like progress photos, can radically shift...
Published 01/22/24
In midlife, when we think about our overall wellness, the topics of menopause, weight gain, bone and joint health, and our skin are usually top-of-mind, but what about our livers? This organ often gets forgotten until there is an actual issue. On this episode we are unlocking the secrets of liver health with liver specialist Dr. Supriya Joshi, as we navigate the underrated importance of this vital organ in your midlife journey. Through our in-depth conversation, you'll gain a wealth of...
Published 01/15/24