Send us a textThere are countless ways to learn as an investor, from books, to podcasts (like this one), to quarterly earnings reports. Even so, some of the most memorable lessons are the ones we make through trial and error. Aussie FIRE co-hosts Dave and Hayden are no exception – in fact, were it not for their investing mistakes, they wouldn’t have made it this far.In this session, they cover the key lessons they’ve learned from their investing mistakes over the years. These include:Trying t...
Published 10/11/24
Send us a textIf you’re working towards Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE), a question may have crossed your mind: is it easier to reach FIRE as a single person, or as a couple? Unsurprisingly, people within the FIRE community have been debating this one for a long time. And depending on who you ask, you’ll likely receive a different answer.At the end of the day, both singles and couples are equally capable of reaching FIRE. But as a thought exercise, Dave and Hayden have set out to c...
Published 09/27/24
Send us a textA few sessions ago, Dave and Hayden hosted their first Aussie FIRE audience Q&A. Well, the community seemed to enjoy it… so they’re doing it again.This time around, they answer a slew of new FIRE queries – from “What are your thoughts on US tech stocks?”; to “How would you invest $500 per month as part of an ETF strategy?”, to “How is investing for your kids different to investing for yourself?”.Come for the answers, and hopefully you’ll leave with more questions!Vote for Au...
Published 09/13/24
Send us a textLast episode, Aussie FIRE co-hosts Dave and Hayden discussed debt recycling, and who can benefit from it. As it turns out, people in our community have a lot of questions about this subject. For this reason, Dave and Hayden decided to run a debt recycling FAQ.Join the Aussie FIRE duo as they answer some of the most common questions around debt recycling. These include:Is debt recycling even legal? What type of loans do I need to debt recycle? How do I know whether I sh...
Published 08/30/24
Send us a Text Message.You may have suspected just from its name, but debt recycling can be a polarising topic in investing circles. Some hail it as an effective way to scale your investments. Others deride it as a source of needless complexity. But regardless of where you stand on the matter, one thing is certain: to use debt recycling, you need to know what you’re doing.In this episode, Dave and Hayden explore the subject of debt recycling in depth. They do this by discussing how it works, ...
Published 08/16/24
Send us a Text Message.One of our hosts became renowned across Australia for reaching FIRE by age 28. We are, of course, referring to Dave Gow, the mastermind behind Strong Money Australia.Because Dave didn’t achieve FIRE through an investment banking job or a lofty inheritance, his journey often inspires other FIRE-seekers. In fact, many of our listeners have asked Dave to provide a detailed breakdown of his finances.In this session, we do exactly that – from “What are your annual expenses?”...
Published 08/02/24
Send us a Text Message.Since launching back in 2023, the Aussie FIRE podcast has cultivated an incredible community of listeners. And, over the last few months, co-hosts Dave and Hayden have received a lot of thought-provoking questions from their audience. That’s why they were thrilled to run their very first audience Q&A.In this episode, they answer an array of listener queries on long-term investing – from “What are the cons of selling shares when they’re up, then re-buying when they’r...
Published 07/19/24
Send us a Text Message.Housing plays a pivotal role in any FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) strategy. Whether you rent or buy, you’ll need to account for your shelter before you can comfortably retire early. That’s why, in a past episode, co-hosts Dave and Hayden explored the relationship between housing and FIRE. This time around, they roll up their sleeves and crunch the numbers.In this session, the Aussie FIRE duo run some calculations to determine whether moving or renting makes...
Published 07/05/24
Send us a Text Message.In life, there are various ways to invest. And we’re not only talking about shares versus bonds, or ETFs versus property. In fact, education can offer as much of an investment as any asset.Many Australians seem to agree; according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, around 32% of Australians hold a bachelors degree. But when you compare the fees to the earning potential, is a uni degree actually worth it?Full disclosure: Dave and Hayden aren’t the Cosmic Arbiters of...
Published 06/21/24
Send us a Text Message.Previously on this podcast, we’ve covered how different mindsets affect your money habits. This time around, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) take it a step further. Beyond simply influencing your money habits, your mindset can determine:How you deal with financial setbacksHow effectively your can plan for your FIRE lifestyleIf and when you reach your FIRE goalsJoin Dave and Hayden as they discuss how to master your mindset for FIRE. They...
Published 06/07/24
Send us a Text Message.In your Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) travels, you may have heard of the First Home Super Saver Scheme. To oversimplify, it’s a government plan which allows you to channel some of your superannuation towards your first home deposit.If you’ve been lamenting the costs of real estate lately, the FHSSS may appeal to you. But is it a worthwhile avenue for buying your first address?In this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) ...
Published 05/24/24
Send us a Text Message.When you listen to stories of FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), you’d be forgiven for assuming that a huge income is a prerequisite. However, while a hefty salary does help, it’s by no means essential. In fact, many people within the FIRE community have retired early without earning in the top tax bracket.In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) explore how someone can reach FIRE on a lower income. They do this by crunc...
Published 05/10/24
Send us a Text Message.This session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) are doing something a little different. Instead of exploring some theoretical aspect of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE), they share specifically what it is they invest in. They also detail why they’ve chosen these particular investments, and how they tie into each host’s FIRE plans.Of course, the investments discussed in this episode won’t be to everyone’s liking. They also won’t a...
Published 04/26/24
Within the Australian Financial Independence community, shares have always been a popular asset. With a bit of research, it’s easy to understand why – they’re easy to manage, they don’t require debt, and most people can get started with minimal funds. This raises the question: is investing in shares the best way to reach FIRE? In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) tackle this topic head on. They do so by exploring the strengths and drawbacks of...
Published 04/12/24
For most people on a FIRE journey, frugality is a potent tool in their toolkit. Yes, investing plays a role – but frugality serves a range of key purposes beyond saving. For starters, it can help you unlock money you didn’t even know you were spending. And, perhaps more importantly, it can train you to better manage your finances both pre- and post-FIRE. However, does there come a point at which too much frugality can become a problem? In this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and...
Published 03/29/24
You MIGHT have noticed this, but people in Australia looooooove to talk about property. It’s a surefire conversation-starter if ever you’re struggling to make smalltalk, and the media won’t shut up about it. You’d be forgiven, then, for assuming that home ownership is a lynchpin of any half-decent FIRE strategy. In truth, though, it’s not the only route to long-term wealth in Australia. Sure, anyone aiming for FIRE needs to account for a roof over their head. However, the concept of owning a...
Published 03/15/24
You don’t need us to tell you that Covid disrupted a LOT. From the lockdowns, to the obvious health-related dangers, there weren’t many people who were unaffected by its spread. But what has it done for our Financial Independence prospects? For people working towards FIRE before 2020, in what ways did it disrupt their plans? And for those who started after 2021, did Covid change the way new FIRE-seekers need to reach their goals? In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden...
Published 03/01/24
Knowledge is a lot like compound interest: the more you accrue, the faster it grows. How, then, can we ensure that others around us, and future generations, are growing their knowledge the right way? And, more importantly, how can we help them to avoid the mistakes we’ve made? In this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) cover some crucial money concepts to pass on. They also discuss how to frame complex topics (like compound interest and delayed...
Published 02/16/24
One of the greatest joys of FIRE are these two hyphenated words: “work-optional”. The freedom to choose whether to work, and what to work on, is a key motivator for many FIRE-seekers. In the meantime, though, there’s little that’s work-optional about the journey towards FIRE. For anyone who aims to reach Financial Independence, paid employment is a fairly non-negotiable part of the process. This begs the question: if we need to work, should we strive to maximise our income to shorten the...
Published 02/02/24
“I’m saving for a home deposit right now, but my friends just invited me to a bottomless brunch. I know that every dollar counts, but I don’t want to miss a morning with my friends. What should I do?” For many everyday Aussies, tradeoffs like this are not uncommon. But for anyone on a journey towards FIRE, they’re a regular part of life. While it may be less glamorous than investing, balancing future goals with current wants is a crucial part of FIRE. If you focus too much on the present,...
Published 01/19/24
In the realm of money psychology, different mindsets can affect the way we spend, save, and invest. Two of the most relevant mindsets for FIRE are scarcity and abundance. To strip them down to their scaffolding: a scarcity mindset can help you save, but make you worry. An abundance mindset leads you to look at the biggest expenses, and not worry so much about the rest. In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) compare how these two different mindsets...
Published 01/05/24
The road to FIRE is seldom a straight line. Between job losses, home repairs, medical issues, and other unwelcome surprises, our best laid FIRE plans can easily come derailed. Fortunately, as with most aspects of FIRE, it’s possible to prepare for financial hardship. In doing so, you can mitigate its impact on your FIRE progress. In this session, Dave Gow (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden Smith (co-founder of Pearler) cover how to contend with financial setbacks. To this end, they share...
Published 12/22/23
The quest for FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) requires planning, discipline, and structured money management. It’s no surprise, then, that most FIRE-craving people focus on these topics (or aspects of them). Even so, a sound FIRE strategy doesn’t begin and end with saving, budgeting and investing. Our goals once FIRE’d, and our sense of purpose beyond our careers, play just as crucial a role. Without these, we don’t know what we’re working towards – let alone what to do once we...
Published 12/08/23
Welcome to Aussie FIRE, the podcast designed to educate and inspire you towards a better future! This podcast evolved from an audiobook of the same name, and explores the path to FIRE – Financial Independence, Retire Early. If you want to level up your FIRE game without being overwhelmed by jargon, this is the show for you. In our introductory episode, you’ll meet the dynamic duo of hosts: Dave Gow, AKA Strong Money Australia; and Hayden Smith, co-founder and CTO at long-term investing...
Published 11/24/23