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Christine Reeve, Autism Classroom Resources
Autism Classroom Resources Podcast
A Podcast for Special Educators
Are you a special educator looking for practical tools and strategies? Are you juggling a ton of responsibilities with very little time? The Autism Classroom Resources Podcast is for you.  Your host, Dr. Chris Reeve, has over 30 years of experience working with special education staff and now she’s bringing her expertise and inspiration to you each and every Tuesday.  Some major themes covered in this podcast are behavior management, organization, curriculum, evidence-based practice, data collection, time management, routines, parent communication, and educator self-care. If you're ready...
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Ratings & Reviews
5.0 stars from 39 ratings
Very knowledgeable & relatable!
As a special educator in the field for 15 years, I always gain something new every time I listen to Dr. Chris Reeve! She is very knowledgeable and has great ideas that I can easily implement into my own classroom. Listening to her is like talking to a friend that truly cares. Thank you Dr. Reeve...Read full review »
meshell_87 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/15/23
Old dogs can learn new tricks!
Had a difficult year? Feeling burnt out? Get back to the basics, renew your focus, and just listen to someone who’s been there. I like real experience from real people. Christine keeps me loving what I do even when I have had a hard day, month, or year. I always come away with something new to...Read full review »
Amle L via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/17/23
I am going to be in a primary autism self-contained classroom next school year (August 2023). I am so excited and this podcast has helped me learn so much before I even begin so I can be the best teacher for my kids! I can’t wait to continue to learn and put all of these practices into action....Read full review »
Cdrjphcduigerfjohdewtfgpfcr via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/22/22
Recent Episodes
What can you do in the first few weeks of school to help create a more smoothly operating classroom for teaching special needs students? I often talk about the importance of implementing strategies and systems to ensure your classroom runs efficiently and implementing some very basic strategies...
Published 07/30/24
Teachers struggle a LOT with building and leading their classroom teams. I want to structure this month’s podcasts around helping you do both because even if you’re just out of school and surrounded by paraprofessionals with three times as much experience, you need to take the lead. So today, I...
Published 07/23/24
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