From "The Boy in the Iceberg" to "Avatar Aang," Randy Forbister, Steph Ives, and Kellen Scrivens dissect every episode of the legendary cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Kellen speaks about the decision to end Avatar: The Last Podcast.
Published 04/25/12
In this episode of The Last Podcast: Is "The Runaway" a forgotten treasure, or should it simply be forgotten? In "The Puppetmaster," should we feel sympathy for the plight of of the titular character, or scorn for what she has become? And is "Nightmares and Daydreams" really necessary? These...
Published 02/24/12
"Sokka's Master," "The Beach," and "The Avatar and the Firelord" are the three episodes Kellen, Randy, and Steph dig into as they continue their march towards the series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Published 01/27/12