Awake Awake is what happens when you discover that what you've believed about the world isn't true! Once you spot the first lie, then you begin to see even more things that you once trusted in may not be what you thought they were.The ultimate source of all lies is one called "the father of lies," and he has a plan to keep you asleep. His human agents are at work on the earth to establish his agenda. The light of truth crushes their power.There are also many ideas and "truths" we believe in error. When God begins showing you truth from his Word, you discover that some of...
Freedom is a word we use a lot. In the United States we were raised to believe that our freedom was a birthright passed to us through blood sweat and tears by our forefathers. It is true that the US has been and is more free than most other nations.
But what does freedom mean? I believe we are...
Published 04/16/23
We came into a world at war. This war has been going on for thousands of years. We know it by the name "The Seed War."
When God cursed the serpent in the Garden of Eden he said, "I will cause war to be between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed."
My guest today is Dr. Laura...
Published 03/20/23