Weaving together teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, the Tao Te Ching, Saint Francis, Swami Shankarananda, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Patañjali, Swami Nityananda describes how remembering that no human is better than any other human can bring vast wisdom, calm, and clarity into your life.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 04/14/21
Weaving together teachings from the Upanishads, the Buddha, Lahiri, and the yogic tradition, Swami Nityananda reveals how to clear away blockages that prevent us from living in the immeasurable love already within us.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 04/07/21
Weaving together teachings from Psalm 8, Paramahansa Yogananda, science, and the yogic tradition, Swami Nityananda discusses the vastness of the universe and how connecting with that vastness can help us be more present in our lives.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 03/31/21
Weaving together teachings from Ramana, Lahiri, the Upanishads, the Buddha, and the yogic tradition, Swami Nityananda explores what a tricycle, squirrels, and frequent smiling can teach us about finding that which shines within all of us.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 03/17/21
Weaving together teachings from Sri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya and the Buddha, Swami Nityananda shares a powerful teaching about what we can do when we encounter worldly troubles and sorrows and what it has to do with remote jungle thickets.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 03/10/21
Weaving together teachings from Saint Francis, the story of Krishna and Kaliya, and the yogic tradition, Swami Nityananda illuminates the importance of realizing that we are all capable of any act and how that realization holds the key to compassion for ourselves and others.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 03/03/21
Weaving together teachings from Saint Francis, the Buddha, and the yogic tradition, Swami Nityananda gives us insight into how we can move past anger, fear, and sadness and offers us a meditation we can use to incorporate the teachings into our lives.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 02/24/21
Weaving together teachings from Sri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya, the Book of Jonah in the Hebrew Bible, and the yogis, Swami Nityananda reveals how to free ourselves from any limitation by reminding us of what we are always.
Join our free e-yogi community at awakeyogameditation.org/eyogi.
Published 02/17/21
Weaving together teachings from Jesus, the Hebrew Bible, and Swami Shankarananda, Swami Nityananda discusses how understanding your true nature can help you accept yourself as you are and help build a shared reality for us all based on love.
Visit our community website at awakeyogameditation.org.
All are welcome!
Published 12/23/20
Weaving together teachings from Patañjali, the Yoga Sutras, Srimati Shanti Mataji, the Buddha, Lahiri, and the Tao Te Ching, Swami Nityananda reveals how to work with the energy of Blessing and see your obstacles in a new, healing perspective.
Visit our community website at awakeyogameditation.org.
All are welcome!
Published 12/09/20
Weaving together teachings from Durga, the Buddha, and Swami Shankarananda, Swami Nityananda discusses how to overcome the energy of chaos by broadening our understanding of the “buffalo demons” in our lives.
Visit our community website at awakeyogameditation.org.
All are welcome!
Published 11/26/20