🦉#ask Hale Pule|How Do I Help My Teenager with PMS? #Hale Puleに聞こう|ティーンエイジャーのPMSにどう対応すればよいですか?
In this episode, Myra responds to this client question: My teenager is experiencing PMS and painful periods. I want to help her with what I’ve learned from Ayurveda, but she continues to stay up late and make poor food choices
今回のエピソードで、マイラが次のクライアントからの質問に答えます:10代の娘がPMSで生理痛に悩んでいます。アーユルヴェーダで学んだことを生かして助けてあげたいのですが、 彼女は、夜更かしや乱れた食生活を続けています。Tune in to learn how to support loved ones who are suffering, even when they don’t seem receptive
大切な人をサポートする方法について学びます。Each month, we select one of the #askHalePule submissions for Myra answer live and share it with you
毎月「#Hale Puleに聞こう」へ寄せられた質問の中から一つ選び、マイラがライブで回答し、皆さんとシェアします。If you haven’t already checked it out, #askHalePule was created to provide you with one-on-one support from our team at an affordable price. In no way a replacement for a comprehensive Ayurveda consultation, #askHalePule can be used to receive professional guidance on a specific question that relates to Ayurveda or Yoga.
Thanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podcast. If this series inspires you to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle, check out Hale Pule’s 4-week Agni Therapy program - a reset for your digestion and your life! It includes Ayurveda and Yoga practices, energy work, a private support group and weekly live Q&A to support your healing process. Learn more here.
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