Everyone says "Have Gratitude" but do they really understand what it means. If Gratitude means complacency, if Gratitude means you get all whiny, is it really Gratitude?
Published 04/15/24
The difference in being able to communicate well matters. More than you ever think and we never talk about it enough. The subtle influence it has in any relationship you may have. I hope this inspires you to work on it yourself.
Published 04/11/24
Certain expectations are just stupid. It's time we call it that. As abrasive as it may be, how naive can one be to even develop such expectations?
Published 04/04/24
The narrative of leaving home, there is every reason not to go. The emotions and the guilt. Facing the harsh reality that you might not be around for when they need you the most. It runs in your mind, day in and day out. But you have to do it? You have to get outside your comfort zone.
Published 03/25/24
There's a 100 different opinions we receive in anything we wish to pursue. There's no malice in some of them, but are they necessary to ponder on?
Published 03/14/24
What this podcast is going to be about...
Published 03/14/24