As cliche as it sounds, the leaders of our world have always been strong communicators.
Published 11/15/24
Wanna learn who you are? Isolate.
Published 11/07/24
The bored mind can be a dangerous mind.
Published 11/06/24
The common person would not understand why you wish to work on something. Something which nobody wakes up thinking about. But you do and that's what makes you different.
Published 10/18/24
Here's a analysis and evaluation of my voice.
Published 10/02/24
The god given tool that can change the world for better or worse. The link to the voice pitch analyzer app is attached below.
Published 09/21/24
Aristotle once said "We are what we do repeatedly, therefore excellence is a habit". We are cognisant of the principle that if we do something long enough, it would convert to muscle memory. But we often underestimate the timeline of conscious conspicuous application for a skill to become muscle memory.
Published 09/12/24
Whether you're an Entrepreneur, Student or whatever the nomenclature, public speaking can be quite a tumultuous task. Having 10s,100s or 1000s of people looking at you in "judgement". But you cannot avoid it. You need to dive deep and face it. That's the only way to get better. No matter the pontificated "hacks" being conversed online, there's no hack. Only experience.
Published 09/04/24
Just like any hard problem you wish to solve, this requires patience. Disabuse yourself of the conception that quick fixes work, because it does not. Try these tongue twisters for weeks, months and years. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uXEk6THLPfmsQjm5oM5f07W-KfU5RaN4qQKIu4xtlF4/edit?usp=sharing
Published 08/28/24
Before you continue listening to this episode, there's one caveat I wish to propose. Record yourself speaking for 1 minute, backtrack it, listen and analyse the proliferation of filler words in your speech. Count the number of ums, ahs, like etc. It would dawn on you, how tacky you sound. Here's the site where you can participate in demo interviews. It tracks the number of filler words in your speech. https://www.app.instage.io/account/login?redirectUrl=%2Fsetup%2Finterview%2F13138
Published 08/21/24
Time inside your head, can be your greatest strength but as we all know your greatest strength, can also be your greatest weakness. Certainly is for me. I came up with this list not for vanity, but for a measure of accountability.
Published 08/16/24
We often talk about "Time Management" and yet nobody is willing to address how certain things we learn (not all of it) have no relevance or parallel to the real world. The ossified mindsets of certain educators leaving learners dejected and morose. Why?
Published 08/08/24
The number of people unable to communicate their point of view or stories effectively seems to be increasing. Why? Why is nobody talking about this? IT IS ESSENTIAL
Published 08/02/24
Stop pretending you have all the answers. If you get it wrong, change your mind. People will call it hypocrisy, I call it growth.
Published 07/23/24
Conform yourself to AI, or be ready to fall behind. It sounds like hyperbole, I assure you its not.
Published 07/19/24
You're either worshipping yourself or worshipping something greater than any human being could fathom. Enough said.
Published 07/12/24
The thing about progress is that you can't see it. Probably never see it. Because all you can think about, is how you're falling short. But there will come a day, a random day, when you least expect it, where someone hands you a compliment, a compliment reflecting your commitment to improving whatever it may be.
Published 06/25/24
When you're living a multi-dimensional life, where you have a long list of tasks that need attending to, having no system, having no structure, having no process of addressing it is quite naïveté. To better deal with the tumultuous winds of life, it's best to have a better way of controlling the things you can control.
Published 06/14/24
The Cliche Quote "You Are The Summary Of The 5 People You Surround Yourself With" is something I disagreed with but as I got older, I realized the truth behind it.
Published 06/01/24
Being your own critic can be overwhelming. But that is exactly what you need.
Published 05/20/24
Imagine a world where imposter syndrome does not exist? Where you don't feel the depth of our inadequacies. Freedom to really be our true selves. Would that be a world filled with high performers or it would not be any different than today?
Published 05/10/24
We used to be an incredibly patient species. We used to understand the importance of patience. There was a time where we patience was the best thing you could ever have. Unfortunately, our ability to be patient is depleting whilst everything around us gets faster. But patience, is exactly what we need and will always need when we do something we've never done before.
Published 05/03/24
Growing up, my mum repeatedly kept saying "Have A Backbone". The repetition of the phrase created a level of resilience that I am personally proud of. But it does not mean, I don't work on it. I do, everyday. This episode is rather personal for me, hope you'll learn what you need to. Enjoy!
Published 04/26/24