There are the famous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which are not just big and hairy, but incredibly terrifying. Then, there are what Suzy calls "The Four Horsemen of Values Destruction." They are also fearsome, and, unfortunately, real enough to gallop away with your life. Listen in this week as Suzy describes and illustrates how the desire for economic security, the lure of expediency, the press of expectations, and the interruption of events might be exactly why your life is moving in...
Published 10/15/24
We laughed. We cried. We admitted we were idiots. We counted the ways. Then we said we’d do it all over again. Actually, that was only some of us. On today’s episode, Suzy reminisces about her days at Quadio, the college music streaming company she helped run. Quadio didn’t end up making it, but guess what? This is a story with a happy ending. It is! Quadio taught everyone on the team something they needed to know about themselves — their values. Also in the episode: Invaluable wisdom from...
Published 10/08/24
Published 10/08/24
If you're human, you've hated someone. OK, maybe you're special, and you've only stooped to dislike someone, and, if so, good for you. But that's not what this episode is about. It's about the value we call "Belonging," one of the most complicated in the Becoming You lexicon because it's about friends. How we take care of them and how they take care of us, or not. In this episode, Suzy ruminates and pontificates about what Belonging means to her, and how she learned that through her messy and...
Published 10/01/24
Ten years ago, Suzy traveled to Seattle to film a Today Show segment about a young make-up entrepreneur who was doing business differently. For every pair of false eyelashes she sold, she gave away a set to a chemotherapy patient who was losing her hair. At the time, Thrive Causemetics was based in Karissa Bodnar’s kitchen. The company has been so successful Karissa gave away – HELLO, GAVE AWAY – $150 million dollars to cancer patients and causes. And yet, Karissa would tell you that she’s...
Published 09/24/24
Our topic this week is the value of fame – yes, fame is a value! – but why leave it there? In this episode, we also talk about how much we can lie to ourselves about this particular value, not to mention a few others we have hiding in our hearts. Why do we do this? Because we’re human. No getting around it. Also in this episode: Suzy’s profound take on the fluffy Netflix mini-series “The Perfect Couple,” and ruminations on the desire…never to work. Hit play!
Published 09/17/24
When it comes to getting a job – say, the job of your dreams – you have to get existential before you get tactical. But what’s really killer is when you’re both at the same time. And that’s what this episode of the pod is all about, with tips galore from Suzy on both. Being existential, that is, and tactical. Also this week, the Becoming You values-probing question that makes everyone cry. It’s supposed to.
Published 09/10/24
There’s a little voice inside all of us telling us we were born to do something. You know it’s true. Sometimes, this voice translates into our “passion,” and as we grow up, we have to decide whether or not to admit this passion aloud and chase it, for all the world to see, or be logical, and go do “normal work.” In this episode, Suzy discusses the eternal conflict between these two routes, and then, oops, drops an epic rock & roll story on us out of the blue. Also in the pod: A new hack...
Published 09/03/24
Ok, not really! Change is good — usually. And really, these days, what choice do we have anyway? But sometimes, it’s worth the energy it takes to resist change, because you’ve built something worth keeping the same. Tune in to this episode for a story to make that point, and sorry not sorry, there will be blood, we mean “crying.” Plus down-and-dirty advice on landing your dream job, and a new secret mentor crush who can lay someone low with a velvet glove. That’s talent.
Published 08/27/24
Worried about Suzy the Swan? Yes, you and many other listeners too! In this episode, Suzy (the human, not the swan) gives an update on her missing spirit animal, and somehow also manages to make a point about allowing yourself to change, whether you want to or not. Also on the agenda: Madonna, not knowing which path to take, and advice for working parents.
Published 08/20/24
We talk about Becoming You incessantly on the pod, but how about a first-hand account of the process in action? Heck yes, we got you! In this episode, Suzy welcomes former student, restaurateur par excellence, and full-time fabulous person Michael Lopez, who recounts his Becoming You journey, and also recommends a good Rosé, which, don’t lie, you need right now. Also on the pod: Suzy and Michael confess: “The one that got away.”
Published 08/13/24
Back in the ‘60s, Bob Dylan made an anthem out of the phrase, “Everybody must get stoned,” but it’s 2024, friends, and pwned is what you must get nowadays…if you want to get over yourself and get better at life. Listen up as Suzy talks about two (count ‘em, two) pnwings in one day that reminded her what true friendship involves, and how not-easy it is to get a relationship A-plus IRL. Also on the pod: Music! Dogs! Party ideas! We’re having fun! Hurry up and join in!
Published 08/06/24
OK, not always. Sometimes we feel guilty because we should. But other times, guilt is just collateral of a war between our values and the world’s. How to tell the difference? Listen in! Also in this episode: Suzy’s secret mentor, a woman who has made her mad, embarrassed her, and otherwise brought her low, all for the good. Plus, more in-fighting about the best musician of all time. Did somebody mention Pitbull?
Published 07/30/24
Doing something you love all day is the dream, right? Well, not if you’re not good at it. In this week’s episode, a cold, hard, realistic – and loving! – look at whether a passion-based career is for you, or anyone for that matter. Also, a long, sad story about a swan named Suzy…and ChatGPT. And if that wasn’t enough, another foray into Suzy’s favorite mistakes, this one involving (scary music, please) ENGINEERS.
Published 07/23/24
In this week’s podcast, we recklessly make enemies with everyone who loves kombucha, but for a good cause, the routing out of bad bosses! That is, bosses who think a well-stocked snack bar can cover for a leader who doesn’t have the time or inclination to make people want to come in for…the actual work. GET OUT! Also on the pod: Rants about your personality, snakes, and slow-walking tourists. Honestly, no one is safe on Becoming You, except Pierre.
Published 07/16/24
In this week’s episode, Suzy takes a gander at the new essay questions for admission to Harvard Business School and reacts with a deeply flummoxed, “SAY WHAT?” Then – surprise, friends! – she attempts to answer her own question. Isn’t that just always the way around here? Also in this episode of the pod, special love for Gen Z with the introduction to an artist you should know, plus tips on how to get a raise, get help when you need it, and get a job that’s right for you. It’s all here, and...
Published 07/09/24
Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night realizing a problem can be understood, and perhaps even solved, by reflecting on the last line of “The Great Gatsby?” SAME HERE! That’s why in this episode Suzy waxes poetic about the power of literature to make us better leaders, followers, parents, friends, whatever, everything. Also on the pod: A listener's question about feeling defeated that made Suzy cry so we had to re-record, thoughts on being in sales, more toxic corporate jargon,...
Published 07/02/24
In this week’s episode, we ponder, “Are we all just one long list of commas, as we reinvent and reinvent and reinvent ourselves to stay current in this crazy world of ours?” Short answer: Yes! But the longer answer may include a surprise for you, as it certainly surprised Suzy…the inventor? Also this week: two new features. “My Favorite Mistake,” about, hm, well, you know what it’s about. And “Listen Up,” a music tip sheet with a moral to the story. Turn the volume up!
Published 06/25/24
In this week’s episode, we consider the annoying age-old question, “Why does everything good have to be so stinking hard?” And also, “Was Suzy actually being clueless when she told the Today Show audience that they should all go get themselves fired?” Spoiler alert: No! And that’s not all. The pod this week covers preparing for tough interviews, crabby celebrities, and Suzy’s most creative insults, which she concocts because, really, she loves everyone.
Published 06/18/24
What a strange and unnecessary thing it is that people enter the working world mostly clueless about the working world. For instance, school teaches you certain ways of behaving and thinking that will actually get you into a lot of trouble, and it can take the first five to ten years of your career to unlearn them. Or, you can listen to this podcast, and unlearn them in less than an hour. Also: Suzy’s final thoughts on final wishes.
Published 06/11/24
There are only two things that everyone agrees on in this world. That Dolly Parton is great, and that networking is awful. In this episode, Suzy focuses on the latter, making the case that we should all deep-six stupid, boring, useless small talk in hotel conference rooms for making true friends. Which of course, leads to a long diatribe on her own personal besties. Career advice ensues.
Published 06/04/24
You could jump into your pool fully clothed on a cool spring morning to save your dog from drowning, and come out saying, “Wow, that was close,” or you could do the exact same thing I did, and spend the rest of the day wondering, “What else would I die for?” This week’s ever-cheerful episode of Becoming You pod goes there! Because #values! Also on the agenda: a new who-am-I hack, Joan of Arc ruminations, and Suzy’s very un-fuzzy-wuzzy take on the man v. bear showdown.
Published 05/28/24
It’s graduation season, so advice is in the air. But if you want graduation advice that could seriously help you get ahead in life AND possibly get you arrested at an airport, this episode's got you! Also on the agenda, less incendiary life and generally very useful career advice, a values excavation exercise inspired by Ernest Hemingway, a new installment of secret mentor crush, tough love for working moms, and Suzy’s advice to her 20-year-old self, which, it ends up, she still needs today.
Published 05/21/24
Every now and again, often out of the blue, we realize something kind of wild about ourselves. Like, we always want to be in Italy even though we live in Chicago. Or, we truly miss work on a random Saturday. Or, we’re on a plane that’s been delayed seven hours…and we’re not mad at all. What do these aha moments tell us about? Our values. Which is why we shouldn't ignore them, but lean way in to find out more. That’s where we go in today’s podcast, with an exercise to help, along with other...
Published 05/17/24
We all have life goals, right? Right? Or sometimes we just see something – something amazing – and we think, “Oh yeah, that’s what I want. That, exactly,” and our life is never the same. Press play to enter the first-ever episode of the Becoming You podcast and hear as Suzy Welch recounts just one such moment for her in 1998, when she spotted a group of women in glorious hats walking down 5th Avenue. The rest is history – well, sort of. Hear about that too. And stick around to hear about the...
Published 05/17/24