Bree’s asking questions ‘cause she wants to know
Learning is what helps our little minds grow!”
When Jesus was little, He wanted to know
All about God so His spirit could grow. L2
Are you looking for creative, entertaining ways to develop good character and behavior in your preschool through early elementary aged kids? Papa and Mama Bee teach Chubbee and Bree how to do things God's way as they navigate through relationships with family and friends. For more stories, check out Jesus N Me...
Published 06/26/24
Papa and Mama and Chubbee were home
But Bree was out in the storm all alone!
Chubbee was worried, “Papa, what should we do?”
Papa was quiet a moment or two.
Mama buzzed softly, “We’ll just speak God’s Word!”
Like a brave bee, Chubbee did what he heard.
#kids, #becourageous, #courage, #prayGodsWord, #storiesforchristiankids, #videosforchristiankids, #biblelessonsforkids, #fishbytesforkids, #fishbytes4kids, #fishbitesforkids, #ronandcarriewebb, #roncarriewebb, #beeattitudes
Published 10/12/23
Are you looking for creative, entertaining ways to develop good character and behavior in your preschool through early elementary aged kids? Papa and Mama Bee teach Chubbee and Bree how to do things God's way as they navigate through relationships with family and friends.
In this episode, Chubbee learns to recognize and appreciate the love that is being expressed when others give gifts—even when he doesn’t “like” the gift!
“Chubbee” said Mama, “when you get a present,
It’s ‘cause someone...
Published 01/31/23
“He had to know!” Bree snapped right away. “He saw me hurting and just flew away! He didn’t even ask if I was okay! What he did was wrong and he has to pay!” Papa looked at Bree and shook his bee head. “Bree, bee a peace-maker!” That’s what he said. (video on Spotify)
#readaloudbooksforkids, #kids, #christiankids, #beapeacemaker, #storiesforchristiankids, #christiancharacter, #biblelessonsforkids, #bedtimestoriesforkids, #fishbytes4kids, #ronandcarriewebb, #actlikejesus, #wwjd
Published 08/22/22
That afternoon Chubbee made a new friend
It wasn’t too long ‘til his best friend was Pin
He gave Pin a chance and learned Pin was cool!
Now Pin doesn’t cry when he gets home from school! L19 (video on Spotify)
#kids, #storiesforkids, #biblelessonsforkids, #bedtimestoriesforkids, #readaloudbooksforkids, #storiesforpreschoolers, #friendly, #goodattitudes, #roncarriewebb, #fishbytes4kids, #fishbytesjr
Published 04/21/22
Never too busy to lend folks a hand, Bree takes a moment to "bee kind" -- it's grand! L5 (video on Spotify)
#readaloudbooksforkids, #kids, #christiankids, #bekind, #kindness, #storiesforchristiankids, #christiancharacter, #biblelessonsforkids, #bedtimestoriesforkids, #fishbytes4kids, #ronandcarriewebb, #actlikejesus, #wwjd
Published 04/13/22
“Chubbee,” said Mama, “God is not mad!
It’s true even when we’ve been acting bad!
God doesn’t like it whenever we sin!
But He always loves us, again and again!” (video on Spotify)
#roncarriewebb, #fishbytes4kids, #kids, #storiesforkids, #storiesforpreschoolers, #storiesforchristiankids, #christianstories, #beattitudes, #peace, #bedtimestoriesforkids, #biblelessonsforkids, #bees
Published 04/06/22
"I can't believe Chubbee hit me like that!
And not say he's sorry, that little rat!"
Bree buzzed straight up with a glare in her eye
"I'll get him back!" but then Papa asked, "Why?"
"Wait just a minute, let's think this thing through
Before you do something you shouldn't do!" CHR1
#fishbytes4kids, #roncarriewebb
Published 04/21/21
"I'll never play with that Kobee again!
And he can forget about being my friend!"
Mama just listened as Chubbee went on
About what Kobee did and how it was wrong!
Then Mama whispered a word in his ear
"Mercy!" she said. Chubbee heard it so clear. CHR 2
Published 02/23/21
Bree bowed her bee head and started to pray,
"God, I'm so sorry for grumbling all day!
So from now on, everything that I do
I'll be willing, as though I do it for You!" CHR3
Published 02/23/21
"Chubbee," said Mama, "God is not mad!
It's true even when we've been acting bad!
God doesn't like it whenever we sin,
But He always loves us, again and again!" L1
Published 02/23/21
Bree's asking questions 'cause she wants to know.
Learning is what helps our little minds grow.
When Jesus was little, He wanted to know
All about God so His spirit could grow. L2
Published 02/23/21
"There's a fruit of the Spirit, it's called self-control.
It's controlling yourself; make that your goal!
Just try to act like you think Jesus would
You won't have a problem with behaving good!" L3
Published 02/23/21
Jesus wants to live inside of your heart
so He can help you do what is smart! L4
Published 02/23/21
Never too busy to lend folks a hand,
Bree takes a moment to "bee kind" --it's grand! L5
Published 02/23/21
The old lady bee got up and flew,
Was praising God and Chubbee too.
"You're a good bee; thank God for you!" L6
Published 02/23/21
"What's wrong?" Mama asked, "You're acting rude!
I'm not pleased with your bad attitude!"
Chubbee explained, "I'm mad at Pop!
He didn't give me a honey drop!
Why Bree?" asked Chubbee, "But not me?
It just isn't fair, no sirree!" L7
Published 02/23/21
A young bee just wants to play, play, play, play
That's what they want to do every day!
But once in a while they have to do chores
This was that day, Mama stood at their door L8
Published 02/23/21
Bees keep bee-lieving no matter what hits!
Bees are persistent; a bee never quits! L9
Published 02/23/21
Chubbee was buzzless, he couldn't explain
Why he bee-haved badly, why he bee-haved strange.
So Mama buzzed, "When you're with the wrong crowd!
You want to fit in, so you can be proud." L10
Published 02/23/21
"How do I stop having dreams with a scare?
And how do I stop from having nightmares?"
Then Chubbee remembered what Mama once said
When he was frightened one night in his bed. L11
Published 02/23/21
"I'm just a wee bee girl, what good can I do?"
And then, from her heart, out bumbled a thought.
"You have to be brave!" was the thought she got! L12
Published 02/23/21
"I just buzzed by," Chubbee said, "so I stopped.
I have to admit, the first thing I thought
Was how wasps are ugly and wasps are mean
but you're really nice, or so it may seem." L13
Published 02/23/21
Mama just smiled as she held Bree close
"A tithe isn't much, God's given the most!
God doesn't need any money from you.
God wants your heart, so you will give too!"
Bree knew in her heart, "Bees do things God's way
So I'll give my tithe in a bee happy way!" L14
Published 02/23/21