Learn different ways and structures that you can ask for favours in Spanish
Published 06/22/18
We explore 6 common and useful Spanish proverbs that you can start using in your conversations right away
Published 06/21/18
Rob and Lis both tell a story about their experiences of dealing with the authorities, in Spain and Colombia. This lesson is focused on comprehension, so be sure to follow along with the transcript if you struggle.
Published 06/19/18
Learn important vocabulary and phrases for when you are out and about on the roads in Spain and Latin America.
Published 06/18/18
Learn the subtle art of complaining in Spanish
Published 06/15/18
Learn the vocabulary and phrases you’ll need should you ever have to pay a visit to the doctor or pharmacy.
Published 06/13/18
Learn the latest Spanish vocabulary around social networks, and communication in the digital age. How are social networks changing Spanish (as well as English)? How do you say "update", "upload", "download", "tag", and other important "digital verbs"? What is "a like" in Spanish?
Published 06/06/18
One thing that we’ve noticed since living together is how different we feel about mornings and evenings. Liz is a morning person, and Rob is definitely not…
Published 06/04/17
Building on our previous podcast about how to tell the time, we now give you a few ways that you can arrange to meet with someone. We also take a quick look at the conditional.
Published 06/03/17
Learn how to tell the time in Spanish, along with other time related phrases.
Published 06/04/14
Using "adverbs of frequency" to talk about how often you do things, how to ask "how often", and using the incredibly useful verb "soler"
Published 06/03/14
Useful phrases for some of the most intense "conversations" you can have: arguments! Tempers may be running high, so it's always good to have a stock of phrases that you can fall back in should you ever be unfortunate enough to have an argument with a Latino/a or Spaniard!
Published 06/02/14
Learn vocabulary related to money – how to ask about prices, how to actually say prices (numbers do come in handy!), as well as a few other money related phrases!
Published 06/01/14
Learn about using reflexive verb "sentirse" to describe your emotions, and how to use other constructions with "dar" and "poner" to describe how things make you feel.
Published 12/10/13
Spanish phrases for going out and socialising
Published 09/13/13
How to talk about playing and watching sports in Spanish
Published 07/15/13
Vocab, phrases and Spanish conversation all about family.
Published 06/16/13
We talk about our recent move
Published 05/23/13
All about "el dia de San Valentin", where love is in the air and we teach all about romantic Spanish. Learn phrases and terms for referring to your significant other, love idioms, and much more.
Published 03/19/13
Rob and Liz are "enfermos" (ill)! They talk (moan) about their illnesses, and what they're going to do about it. Learn different ways of saying "I have a cold", "head ache", "stomach ache", "back ache", or anything-ache! How to cure your cold with vitamins, hot drinks, and staying at home.
Published 03/12/13
Learn about different types of transport in Spanish, including a few methods which are unique to Colombia! You'll learn: Different methods of transport, cardinal numbers (first, second, third, etc), the "masculine problem" (you'll see what we mean).
Published 03/05/13
We've just reached 2013, another new year and opportunity to make and break new years resolutions! We run through the most popular resolutions, and tell you our own new years resolutions.
Published 02/26/13
Welcome to our first episode, all about the weather! Here's what you'll learn: Three questions to ask people when you first meet them English people love talking about the weather, but Colombians aren't so interested - their weather stays the same all around the year. Why? How to ask about the weather How to tell people that it's hot, cold, raining, or sunny Four cool phrases from the "streets", talking about... The weather!
Published 02/19/13