Discovering and heeding the voice of the Lord is paramount. In the midst of life's challenges, we must safeguard our sensitivity to His guidance. Hear from Pastor Bill Johnson as he inspires us to discern God's truth, reminding us that His perspective defines our journey, not our circumstances.
Published 04/28/24
Embracing our complete dependency on the Holy Spirit is a profound privilege. Just as Matthew 5:3 teaches, being "poor in spirit" signifies recognizing that nothing earthly can satisfy like God. Thus, we're called to steward blessing with humility, following Christ's example of service. Hear from Pastor Bill Johnson as he shares wisdom on stewarding favor, guiding us towards a life of humble generosity.
Published 04/21/24
In Proverbs 19:11, we're reminded of the glory found in overlooking offenses, reflecting the redemptive power of God's love. As sons and daughters of God, it's our responsibility and privilege to extend the forgiveness we've received. Just as Jesus taught, loving God and others is paramount. Today Kris Vallotton charges us to emulate the Father's love through forgiveness-- understanding that both we and our neighbors are imperfect, yet worthy recipients of the love Jesus exemplified.
Published 04/14/24
Discover how walking in submission to God commissions you in power and authority. When you surrender to the Holy Spirit, and to the lordship of Jesus, the authority to make a difference in the earth and reveal the Kingdom is entrusted to you. With this authority, you are empowered in every area, including addressing and remedying broken systems, and discipling people to follow God—areas positioned to yield the fruit of transformation in individual lives and throughout the world. Hear from...
Published 04/07/24
Rejoice in the profound truth that through Jesus' sacrifice, a door to Heaven swung open, offering us healing and solutions. His death wasn't just for us; it was as us—bearing our sins, transgressions, and sickness. Embrace His victory alongside Pastor Kris Vallotton in this Easter Sunday message and witness His love, purpose, and plans flood into your life, dispelling darkness. Bask in the assurance that His Presence shines through us, just as it did 2,000 years ago, offering hope and...
Published 03/31/24
Testimonies, as seen in Matthew 11 with John the Baptist's encounter with Jesus, illuminate the true nature of God, offering hope and alignment with Heaven. Pastor Bill Johnson emphasized this power on Palm Sunday, highlighting how sharing testimonies can uplift, inspire, and lead others to profound encounters with God's transformative presence. Join us in listening to this impactful message and discover the power of testimonies in our lives.
Published 03/24/24
Experience the transformative power of becoming like the Father in this captivating sermon. Discover how God, the perfect Father, nurtures His children in His Kingdom—fostering dependence and filling His house with boundless joy. Join Pastor Dann Farrelly as he unveils the inheritance of intimacy, hope, and joy awaiting those who embrace their role as sons and daughters of the Almighty. Let's be faithful in the journey to live daily in the radiance of God's love and righteousness and be...
Published 03/17/24
Remembering the works of God in our lives is essential to a clear, aligned view of God and our lives. Psalm 78 highlights the battle forgetting the works of God brings. When we do recall and bring to the forefront of our hearts the testimony of His goodness throughout our lives and the lives of others, we are intentionally aligning our perspective with Heaven's. Hear from Pastor Bill Johnson on remembering and testifying to the works of God in the past, and find out what happens when we begin...
Published 03/10/24
When we agree with fear, it can stop us from remembering who we are and that what we do matters to God. As citizens of Heaven, we partner with God to shape culture in the image of the Kingdom, though this often positions us against the grain of society. Hear from Pastor Kris Vallotton as he delivers an important message of building grit in our lives. By partnering with hope and courage we can become a people unafraid—who long to walk in obedience to God—knowing that He will be in the fire...
Published 03/03/24
We, as the Body of Christ, are called to prepare for the coming revival by remaining engaged with the Holy Spirit, being sensitive to His leading, and seeking God's desires for humanity. As we mature in our walk with God and yield to His will, we can partner with Him to reveal His presence to the world and bring about transformation. Hear from Pastor Hayley Braun as she emphasizes the importance of remaining yielded to God's presence as sons and daughters to see Him receive His full reward in...
Published 02/25/24
Through His sacrifice on the Cross, Jesus paved the way for humanity to reconcile with God and live lives that reflect His righteousness. This transformation requires us to make adjustments: embracing God's standards and shedding anything that hinders us. Within the Body of believers, we find support and accountability crucial for our journey. Pastor Kris Vallotton shares insightful wisdom on the significance of confrontation, fellowship, and accountability, reminding us of the importance of...
Published 02/18/24
Embark on a transformative journey with Kris Vallotton as God extends an invitation to embrace a new era. Using the concept of a "halftime," discover the pivotal moment we're in: a moment to pause and evaluate the choices we are making, the beliefs we hold, and the actions that we take. Emerge from this pause with intention, refocusing on His plans with this insightful word. Find that once your gaze is fixed upon Him, the way forward becomes clear.
Published 02/11/24
Join us as we delve into the heart of Christ's commission: to impact history with eternal decisions. From Matthew 28 to Acts 1:8, we're called to carry the authority and power of the Gospel, inviting transformation as carriers of God's presence to every nation, tribe, and tongue. Let's heed Pastor Bill's charge and step into our role in fulfilling the Great Commission—releasing Heaven wherever we go.
Published 02/04/24
We have been invited by God, through the Great Commission, to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the Gospel. This invitation wasn’t just for the disciples, but it is for us today. We are equipped and given full authority to go and make disciples of all nations, and to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons through Jesus’ mighty name. Hear from Pastor Bill as he reminds us of our charge to go out into the world to share the Gospel of Christ with all people.
Published 01/28/24
Scripture reveals that we are sons and daughters of God, by His design. It also tells us that not everyone will receive Him as Father. The path to Father is through Jesus, proclaiming our faith in the Word made flesh, His death, and His resurrection, while trusting our lives to God wholly. Building intimacy with God through time spent discovering Him fosters trust, leading to the abundant life Jesus paid for on the Cross. Pastor Dann Farrelly delivers a profound and powerful message on...
Published 01/21/24
The Father's given us an inheritance in the gift of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who empowers, dwells, instructs, and leads us on our journey with the Father. The ability to turn our affection to Him gives us entrance into discovering more of God Himself. When we draw near to Him, He draws close to us. Discover more about this precious inheritance with this inspiring word from Bill Johnson.
Published 01/14/24
As we begin a new year together, Kris Vallotton highlights the Father's purposes for a Holy reset; a time of reconnection and submission to God through fasting and prayer. Recognize that you are sustained by the hands of God as you start the process of shedding the old and embracing the new with fresh anticipation for the year ahead.
Published 01/07/24
In this powerful sermon, Bill Johnson leads us into the profound concept of forgiveness, inspired by Jesus' work on the Cross. Learn to make forgiveness practical and tangible, echoing the essence of the Lord's Prayer. The challenge is clear: As we end one year and welcome a new one, let's commit to loving well, extending forgiveness, and bringing positive change to our lives. God is teaching us that forgiveness is a transformative force for good in the year ahead.
Published 12/31/23
In this Christmas Eve service, Jenn Johnson walks us through the Christmas story, welcoming us to re-imagine the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. God’s favor and gifts may not look the way that we anticipate, or come in the way that we expect. But faith invites us to rest in the knowledge that what may seem like a lowly beginning may be the triumphant entry of God’s divine purposes being fulfilled in our lives, and for the world around us.
Published 12/24/23
Dann Farrelly invite us to take the journey of asking why God chose to save humanity through a baby. Arriving in complete humility, Jesus' coming as a baby created both relationship and relatability with humanity. Discover how the incarnation shows us that extravagant love changes everything. Through the Word Made Flesh, we're given affirmation, freedom, resurrection, and reconciliation with God and with each other, as well as the opportunity to receive the invitation into the New Covenant.
Published 12/17/23
God, in His mercy, offers words and promises to us that shape our lives. Stewarding these words is crucial for their fulfillment, and continually offering our "yes" to the Lord is key. Bill Johnson shares a timely message on aligning with faith and embracing God's word.
Published 12/10/23
Love is a transformative lens through which we can see others as God does. When we ask for God’s perspective with pure hearts, we gain His heart and sight for His children, which then changes the world. Join Kris Vallotton in learning to love others when it makes sense and even when it doesn’t, and continue to see life from Heaven’s view—through the lens of love.
Published 12/03/23
A lack of forgiveness can lead to disconnection and isolation, reshaping our perspective on life. Choosing love over harboring resentment connects us with our compassionate Father, whose love persists even when undeserved. Join Kris Vallotton and explore the transformative power of true love, learn how to forgive, and rewrite your history.
Published 11/26/23
It takes greater faith to rejoice before you’ve gotten your breakthrough than it does after victory. When we partner with hope, celebration, and beauty, we begin to evaluate and live our lives in unity with Heaven. In this powerful word from Bill Johnson, engage with the trio of God’s hope, celebration, and beauty, and reawaken yourself to the omnipresence and goodness of God.
Published 11/19/23