Raising a Family in New Orleans: Jan Bologna's Unique Perspective
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Jan Bologna, a lifelong New Orleans resident, reflects on the city's growth and changes while sharing her love for the unique culture, discussing the challenges of raising a family, and revealing her favorite local experiences in this captivating episode of Beyond Bourbon Street. In this episode host Mark Bologna interviews his mother, Jan Bologna, who shares her experiences and insights growing up in New Orleans and raising a family there. Jan discusses various topics such as the changes in the education system after Hurricane Katrina, the positive developments in the city, the influence of her family's French and Italian cultures on her cooking, and her favorite New Orleans restaurants and cultural experiences. Jan's personal perspective offers a unique insight into the growth and changes in New Orleans over the years. She expresses her love for the city and shares her favorite moments and traditions that make it special. Her reflections on education, culture, and culinary influences paint a vivid picture of the city's evolution and provide valuable insights for listeners. If you are interested in hearing firsthand experiences from someone who has lived and thrived in New Orleans, this episode is a must-listen. Jan's passion for the city and her deep connection to its history and culture shine through in her stories and anecdotes. From the challenges of running a restaurant to the joys of Mardi Gras, this conversation promises a fascinating glimpse into life in the vibrant city of New Orleans. "Childhood was a lot less encumbered by all the outside things...we had to invent our own toys, our own games. Kids today sometimes miss out on that." - Jan Bologna About Hurricane Katrina "We survived it because we learned in the midst of that...we had each other. That was an immense difference." - Jan Bologna  
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