This exciting episode starts right where it says it does as we open a dialogue for the expansion of our own ideas. I'm really happy to share this content with everyone! Jung, as an analytical psychologist and therapist, could not accept that a state of pure enlightened awareness and overcoming of self could be attained, releasing the individual from the suffering of this world. Rather, by opening up awareness of the unconscious, the Self could attain an improved state of equilibrium, of...
Published 07/18/22
Like most occult practices, the true value of alchemy is hidden underneath much obscure symbolism, warding off the muggles, and keeping the secrets within. What alchemy is actually fixated on is spiritual development - with the end goal being a state of awareness, completion and harmony. If you’re saying that this sounds familiar, you’re right - it’s similar to the states that we see in other religious or esoteric traditions, including tarot (the world card), and buddhism (enlightenment), as...
Published 06/22/22
I'm extremely humbled by the amount of support that Beyond Meaning: The Hidden Science of Thought has received over the last few months since I last uploaded an episode.I've said it before but this podcast was created as a way for me to express the ideas and symbols that have taken such a deep root within my own life. The fact that these ideas resonate with listeners across the entire globe is so incredible to me. With that being said, the show's content is still in the same formula and we...
Published 06/19/22
Happy new year folks! Creating this episode brought me much joy and I am looking forward to sharing it with you all.We get into new concepts, ideas, thought experiments and stories in this episode by exploring how psychological continuity impacts the way in which we make sense of the world through the first person experience that is afforded to us by the cartesian ego.We start this off by discussing the continuity loops illustrated following the thinking model created by Derek Parfit which...
Published 01/07/22
It's new years eve and I wanted to create this very lucid and personal episode to say thank you and share a little bit of the effect that Beyond Meaning has had in my life. We also talk about goals and milestones for the show and I share my first ever exposition that started the thought science fire within. All in all, this is a very raw episode and I am grateful for being able to share it.Happy New Year Fam
Published 12/31/21
Howdy Folks!Here's part 2 of Personal Magnetism. I also expanded upon some of our previous ideas and set the stage for future content and discourse.The later content might be cryptic albeit helpful for those who are seeking a deeper sense of reality. We bring up the soul and tie it into reincarnation, for the first time on Beyond Meaning.
Published 12/23/21
A new episode is live, this content will not go over old beaten paths, or indulge in abstruse terms, but will give in a condensed non-mystical style all I have been able to learn of this wonderful power, from, all technical terms have been avoided, so that even the layman may readily understand.
Published 12/05/21
Howdy! This is an audio presentation for a very profound piece of literature that ties perfectly into the realm of our content. I hope you enjoy streaming it as much as I enjoyed producing it. In his ongoing quest to show the path to inner peace amid a noisy and cluttered world, the author of As a Man Thinketh-one of the most popular writers in the fields of inspiration at the turn of the 20th century-writes simply but eloquently on such topics as The Divine Center, The Unfailing Wisdom,...
Published 11/13/21
This one has been quite the roadmap of information. We're tying in concepts from all seasons here and this has been the biggest challenge for this show; that's so hype!There's also a reading attached, click here for the link to the post.
Published 10/31/21
Truth is discovered only by those who have the courage, faith, and persistency to climb the steep Path of Attainment; by those who brave the rocky, narrow footpath; by those who are appalled not when they gaze down upon the canyons far beneath them, seeing the multitude of crawling, creeping things that look like tiny ants-the world of men living on the lower planes of thought. A clear head, steady nerves, sound lungs, strong muscles, and sure feet are needed by those who would attain the...
Published 10/08/21
Mabon is a time to harvest the fruits of our intentions. Our karma is recycling and we are working with our heightened purpose as we move forward with our will in hand.Tune in to learn more about Mabon and how to celebrate 🥮🍂Also here’s the 1 card pull!Mabon dates 9/21-9/29
Published 09/21/21
Here's The Guided Meditation that I highly recommend you do after listening to Cybernetic Identities: The SoulThe process of spiritual reconnection of the physical body to its Soul Matrix, and then ultimately, its Inner Christos integrates the energetic balance between each of the layers of the bodies, and that balance activates, increasing levels of higher spiritual intelligence, cultivation of Virtues such as Compassion. Thus developing higher consciousness intelligence manifests higher...
Published 09/15/21
This is a real Behemoth of an episode lol. We take a deep dive into the fundamentals of the mind and personality by identifying the factors that influence our experience. By taking highly abstract concepts and developing the non dual model of thinking that we developed in Dimension in Intention and The Limits of Self Awareness, we set the stage for us to look into what makes up the foundations of our consciousness. What are the unquantifiable emotions and symbols that are free from biological...
Published 09/13/21
Salutations!We're coming to you with a fresh affirmations track that has been constructed with the intention of aligning all of our energy bodies into a singular actionable entity known as our willThis upload is meant to be used in conjunction with the contents gone over in "The Foundations of Astral Mysticism." That means that it is recommended to listen to this during meditation, or, even to add a new timeslot for additional meditation where this audio file is presented to the subconscious...
Published 08/27/21
Here it is, another new episode of Beyond Meaning: The Hidden Science of Thought! We're two episodes into season three with this one, and the content today is powerful.Any strong foundation is built with mindfulness and intention, and that is just how we're kicking things off. This is another really long episode because of the fact that we go over so much, including meditation, mysticism, rationalism, skepticism, and I even give you a "how to" in order for you to practice at home.What are the...
Published 08/16/21
Welcome to the first official episode of Season 3! This is an exciting time for the show, as there will be lots of expansion this season.We'll set the stage for the schools of thought and practice that we will be diving into this season with a lucid conversation about isomorphic constituency loops and magnify upon it through the use of self induced flow states. We use the established definition of soul as a way to expand upon further foundations within both, the episode and the season.What is...
Published 07/19/21
How exciting, we've made it to Season 3! Check out the trailer to get a glimpse into what to look forward to.*friendly heads up, start the show on half volume
Published 07/04/21
This week, we bring our awareness to the process of creating expectations and the process that goes into action upon what meaning you create. We take a look at how emotional addictions inhibit one's ability to create in alignment with their purpose by applying the concept of meditation and mindfulness to a new thought experiment.We talk some more about the idea of effort and how choosing intentional discomfort yields greater comfort in the long run.We begin discussing the idea of what Cosmic...
Published 06/29/21
Welcome back to another week of Beyond Meaning: The Hidden Science of Thought!This week's affirmation track brings into our awareness the concepts and feelings elicited through the manifestation of sovereignty and the activation of our internal magnetism. Our magnetic current is the flowing nature of our soul, becoming integrated into our 3D environment. This track is intended to bridge the gap between conscious action and subconscious interpretation while allowing the mind to enter a deep...
Published 06/12/21
This week's episode brings up the question of whether or not we can identify the amount of awareness that is being experienced in any given moment.We look at how our chemical signal transmits and molds the perspective awareness that we experience based off of how we choose to respond in reference to the manner in which we process information. By that same degree, we touch upon the importance of critical thinking looking deeper into the algorithm of action -> response perception in...
Published 06/03/21
The power of affirmation is one of the oldest intentional actions that we can take when reprogramming our subconscious mind.With that being said, the last affirmation track was very well received so I decided to channel a more etheric vibration to promote energetic restauration at a sub molecular level.The Pineal Gland is connected to the female side of the 7th Axiatonal Lines and the 7th Chakra. Once dissolving or removing the Pineal Cage and Crucifixion Implants on the 7th Axitonal lines...
Published 05/25/21
We've never done this on the show before, but I felt a very strong calling to create something like this.This is a Subconscious Mind Track deeply layered with Tibetan Singing Bowls and chanted Om mantras.The intention of these affirmations are to encourage our mind to shed the subconscious weight and noise of outer world chatter.Listen to this track multiple times per week in order to get the most benefit out of this recording. The more you intentionally listen to this, the more your...
Published 05/22/21
This is our deepest talk yet!Our concepts have gained upward momentum; we observe the validity of recursive personality (Self/ identity) loops through the lens of Gödel's incompleteness theorem a way to preamble Terrence McKenna's Timewave theory, in an attempt to have these concepts take root within the show's thinking model.We talk about the process in which our own strange loops mold how we choose to expend our energy. I bring up the concepts of the collective unconscious through the lens...
Published 05/19/21
This week, we finish part 2 of our Beyond Meaning content recursion and we begin to examine the more etheric dimensions through the lens of isomorphic variables. As we establish our stance on some big Truths, we dive deeper into the nucleus of our content: the Self manifested through expression. By contemplating the role a creator plays in our quest and journey for information, we begin to look into a familiar topic to gain some well placed signification. Now that we are orientated with this...
Published 05/01/21