Minecraft, Microsoft and Bitcoins oh my.
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Microsoft announces that it now accepts Bitcoin.Minecraft + Bitcoin: official currency of virtual worlds?Is Bitcoin the World's IPO?Plus our guest, Jared Mimms (@JaredMimms) of Providence Solutions
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Published 12/17/14
The winner of the US Marshals auction 48,000 Bitcoin is revealed.Bitcoin mining diffuclty has suddenly decreased.Dan Held leaves Blockchain..Plus we're joined by Jack Bicer of Sekur Me
Published 12/11/14
Coinbase now allows users to deposit dollars for instant Bitcoin purchasesTraditional banks step up closure of accounts related to Bitcoin businessesIs gold really just a 6000 year old bubble 'like Bitcoin' as Citigroup is now saying?Special guest Daniel Peled (@MrPeled) cofounder and ceo of...
Published 12/04/14