Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith talk about the 18th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, which happened when Katie and Rich were teenagers. After that: John Bolton is out of the Trump administration, Marianne Williamson it out of the next Democratic debate, and Trump is editing the weather with a Sharpie—so everything’s gonna be just fine! Then, the nationwide focus on vaping-related illnesses. Lester Black explains what’s going on and what to do. Finally, Jasmyne Keimig tells...
Published 09/11/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith talk about hurricanes, global warming, golf, Trump, and the lessons Americans can draw from the wild constitutional crisis that’s currently gripping Great Britain. After that, Katie Herzog dives into a “cancel culture” controversy involving the new film Adam and strong feelings about how trans characters should be depicted. Finally, Charles Mudede and Jasmyne Keimig talk about “American Factory,” the fantastic new Netflix documentary that was produced...
Published 09/04/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith skip through the most recent Trumpian incoherence—which we really can’t take any more of until after Labor Day—and then talk about something far less dire but far more interesting: bed bugs. Specifically, the bed bugs metaphor that this week freaked out New York Times columnist Bret Stephens and delighted Twitter. After that, Rich talks about what it was like to meet and talk with Elizabeth Warren after she drew the largest crowd of her campaign (15,000...
Published 08/28/19
Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith talk about Trump’s recent demand that American Jews stop being “disloyal” and stupid by voting for Democrats. (Also discussed: Trump’s proud retweet of a guy who called him the “King of Israel.”) Plus, in a surprise to no one, Trump has abandoned his talk about enacting meaningful gun control in the wake of continued mass shootings. After that, Katie explains what’s going on with Title X, Planned Parenthood, and the Trump administration. It’s a...
Published 08/21/19
Germany’s economy is contracting and a bond stat called the “yield curve” has inverted, causing economists to warn of an impending recession. Dan Savage, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith, who steps in as host while Eli Sanders is out on vacation, have lived through a few of these economic downturns. They’ll give you some tips and tricks for getting through the next one. Then, after the largest massacre of Latinx people in recent memory, on Monday, Trump introduced a new rule to crack down on...
Published 08/14/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith talk about the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso, Trump’s role in them, and whether we’ll now, finally see some Congressional action on common sense gun laws. After that, a caller demands we stop talking about the Democratic presidential debates! (And we sorta comply—but only sorta.) Then, another caller takes Eli to task for comparing Marianne Williamson to Trump. Way off, she says. Finally, Rich reflects on Toni Morrison and Dan talks about why he...
Published 08/07/19
Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith ponder the “dark psychic force” that was unleashed during this week’s first Democratic presidential candidate debate. We have Marianne Williamson to thank for the phrase, but what do we make of Williamson's Trump-of-the-Left stylings? And how’d Warren and Bernie do? And how many more of these cage match debates can we take??? After that, three really interesting calls from Blabbermouth listeners on why “the revolution” isn’t coming. And finally, Chase...
Published 07/31/19
The Mueller hearings were in process as Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith sat down to talk about what it all might mean — or whether the Mueller hearings will mean anything at all at this point. Then they discuss the Trump administration's recent ICE raids and tangle with a question from a caller in Eugene, Oregon. The caller wants to know why, with so much clearly broken in America right now, the revolution hasn’t happened yet. Like, seriously: Why? Dan, Eli, and Rich each try for an...
Published 07/24/19
Dan Savage is back, and he joins Eli Sanders and Katie Herzog to talk about President Trump’s racist tweets, Nancy Pelosi’s response, the clout of “The Squad,” and whether it’s finally, truly time for impeachment. After that, Rich Smith talks about the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute the New York City police officer who killed Eric Garner and Dan talks about why he likes Kamala Harris, even though she’s a former prosecutor and, according to some on the left, “a cop.” Finally,...
Published 07/17/19
We begin this episode with a very special, very angry call from Blabbermouth listener Jen, who was so upset at last week’s show that she had to pull her car over, call the Blabberphone (206-302-2063!), and tell us about ourselves. Eli Sanders, Jasmyne Keimig, and Rich Smith take in Jen’s rage and then talk about the question that sparked Jen’s anger: Who's the best Democratic candidate to take on Trump? After that, Chase Burns explains a new federal court ruling that prevents President Trump...
Published 07/10/19
Happy Fourth of July week! President Trump is celebrating by having tanks driven through DC in an epic waste of taxpayer dollars, which raises the forever question: Who’s the best candidate to replace this guy? Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith talk about what two nights of Democratic presidential candidate debates taught us. After that, Katie looks into the beating of journalist Andy Ngo by Portland Antifa. And finally, Nathalie Graham is back to catch us up on the how the US is...
Published 07/03/19
What happens when you cram 10 Democratic presidential candidates onto one debate stage in Miami, and then do it all over again the next night with 10 more candidates? We’re finding out this week, and Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith have some thoughts about what to watch for and whether this is really that great a debate plan. After that, Katie and Rich try to sort out whether Bernie Sanders’s new plan to eliminate student loan debt is better—or worse—than the plan Elizabeth Warren...
Published 06/26/19
Guess what? Donald Trump is running for president again, which means he spent a bunch of time this week holding a big stadium kickoff rally in Orlando, Florida, where he lied and lied and sounded like he still thinks he’s running against Hillary Clinton. Rich Smith, Katie Herzog, and Eli Sanders talk about whether the media should even be paying attention to Trump rallies at this point, and what to do if you want to avoid the disinformation machine that is Trump's mouth. After that, a deep...
Published 06/19/19
It's eight months until the primary, and Joe Biden is slipping in the Iowa polls. Mayor Pete and Sen. Elizabeth Warren are biting into his lead. The other candidates are smelling blood, as is Donald Trump, who somehow still remains President of the United States. How is Biden faring in his fight with Trump? And Biden says Democrats attacking Democrats will lead to a Trump victory. Is that so? With Eli Sanders gone on vacation, Dan Savage, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith hash it out. After that,...
Published 06/12/19
Dan Savage has something to say! After he releases a rant that’s been building inside him for too long, Eli Sanders and Rich Smith steer the conversation to something else that Dan has a lot of feelings about: the British monarchy. Trump just got a sit-down with the Queen of England and, of course, our president made a lot of interesting choices during his visit. After that, Democratic candidate John Hickenlooper recently tried to “Sister Souljah” socialism—only to be smacked down by Rich....
Published 06/05/19
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has finally made a public statement! What does it mean? Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith discuss. Then, how sweeping regulations on abortion are effectively overturning Roe v. Wade in the south, and what the US Supreme Court has to say about this. Next, Katie Herzog explains her beef with the liberal watchdog group Media Matters and Jasmyne Keimig and Rich Smith explain why the new movie Booksmart is amazing (and why the controversy around Booksmart is...
Published 05/29/19
Dan Savage is back and talks with Eli Sanders and Katie Herzog about a couple of uplifting political stories for a change! Then it’s right back into our nation’s Trump-directed tailspin, which this week features new lows from kakistocrats Ben Carson and Ken Cuccinelli. After that, Rich Smith checks in on how Nancy Pelosi’s go-slow strategy on impeachment is looking this week, now that Trump’s throwing tantrums and holding America’s infrastructure hostage until she stops all House...
Published 05/22/19
With Dan Savage away, Eli Sanders and Katie Herzog talk about old people. HuffPost writer Michael Hobbes joins in to explain why, as he wrote earlier this year, “America’s defining divide isn’t right vs. left. It’s young vs. old.” After that, Rich Smith looks at the new abortion ban in Alabama and what it means for Roe v. Wade, then ponders the wisdom of Trump’s trade war and Elizabeth Warren’s refusal to appear in a Fox News town hall. Finally, Jasmyne Keimig and Charles Mudede discuss...
Published 05/15/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith look into new revelations about Trump’s massive business losses and then ponder Mitch McConnell’s claim that it’s “case closed” on the Russia investigation. As Trump’s efforts to obstruct Congressional investigations continue, they also consider whether Nancy Pelosi is being too cautious on impeachment. And then they talk strategy: Should the Democrats vying to unseat Trump focus on winning over white working class voters or on growing turnout among...
Published 05/08/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Katie Herzog discuss Attorney General William Barr’s problematic Congressional testimony and then try to figure out what’s so exciting about the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden. Because according to polls—which can be wrong!—there’s actually a lot of Biden enthusiasm out there. After that, Rich Smith jumps in to consider the apparently false sexual assault smear against Pete Buttigieg and fresh outrages from the Trump administration’s war on immigrants....
Published 05/01/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith discuss the Mueller report and then consider whether Democrats in Congress should impeach Trump right now or, per Nancy Pelosi’s suggestion, go slow and wait for more facts to come out. After that, Katie Herzog talks about how the US Supreme Court appears to be getting ready to green-light Trump’s plan to put a citizenship question on the census and then, at the urging of a Blabbermouth caller, she dives into Elizabeth Warren’s actual policy positions....
Published 04/24/19
The public version of the Mueller Report is being released this week and Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith talk about what they’ll be looking for in the roughly 400 pages of redacted material. After that, Bernie Sanders waded into the FOX house recently and came away with the highest-rated “town hall” of the campaign season. Why is Bernie surging right now? Are “establishment” Democrats right to be freaking out about his success? Does it matter that Bernie’s now a member of the one...
Published 04/17/19
Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith consider the “Creepy Joe” situation. There are now four public accusations against likely Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden from women who say he touched them inappropriately at political events. And, as we already know, there’s no shortage of handsy Biden photos and videos out there from his long period in the public eye. Should Biden drop his plans to run? Should he stay out of the already crowded Democratic presidential primary for solid...
Published 04/03/19
In this Blabbermouth extra, recorded live at Seattle’s Neptune Theatre on March 27, Eli Sanders sits down Preet Bharara. He’s the former federal prosecutor for Manhattan who was mysteriously fired by President Trump not long after Trump first took office. Bharara is also the author of a new, best-selling book called “Doing Justice.” No surprise, he had a lot to say about Trump, the end of the Mueller investigation, the Barr memo, and more!
Published 03/29/19
Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith wade through the confusing arrival of “The Mueller Report.” The report is finally in, but only Attorney General William Barr and a small handful of people at the Justice Department know exactly what it says. All we have is a very short “Barr Report” that summarizes Mueller's findings, plus President Trump's take on Barr’s report: “No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION.” Um, not exactly. After that, Katie Herzog assesses the...
Published 03/27/19