See a weed, pluck it out, right? Maybe it’s not so simple. Tim Entwisle speaks with John Dwyer whose new anthology, "Weeding Between the Lines," offers a provocative rethink of what weeds are and how we approach them - in our backyards and in the bush.  Learn more Weeding Between the Lines by John Dwyer
Published 06/22/24
The total area of degraded land in Australia is eight times the size of Tasmania.  The need to replant diverse native species is more urgent than ever.  But with a critical shortfall in the availability of native seeds, how can we replant degraded ecosystems and meet Australia’s ambitious international targets?  Read more:  Only 10% of native plants can be bought as seed – a big problem for nature repair. Here’s how we can make plantings more diverse (The Conversation, 10 June 2024)
Published 06/22/24
Australian restaurants and cafes are grappling with the impacts of the cost of living, COVID, immigration reform, and wages, jeopardising their survival.  Wes Lambert is the head of a new peak body, alongside Neil Perry and Chris Lucas, tackling these pressing challenges to sustain the $64 billion sector.
Published 06/22/24
What exactly is the gut microbiome and why is everyone talking about it? Nutrition expert and genetic epidemiologist Tim Spector debunks common dietary myths, opens his fridge, and gives his top 5 tips for eating a healthy and diverse diet that your gut – and your mind – will thank you for.
Published 06/15/24
Two years after devastating floods ravaged Northern NSW and South-East Queensland, the town of Lismore is the focus of a collaborative effort to rebuild.  Drawing from her experience in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, Professor Elizabeth Mossop explores what’s ahead for Lismore and how other communities can thrive amid climate change threats.
Published 06/15/24
Explore the fascinating world of architect Le Corbusier with design commentator Colin Bisset, as he walks in the footsteps of this larger than life figure.  Colin shares his own love affair with France, including his firsthand experiences of Le Corbusier’s iconic buildings, and his strange obsession with concrete.
Published 06/15/24
Bruce Pascoe and Lyn Harwood discuss traditional agriculture, observing the seasons, and how they find strength in Country at their farm Yumburra. 
Published 06/08/24
Artist and former regional doctor David Freeman shares his sense of place – a setting which led to his exquisite new collection Australia's Birds in Watercolour.
Published 06/08/24
Comedian Daniel Connell shares the story behind a cute little porcelain owl which has accompanied him on his comedic journey. 
Published 06/08/24
Annie takes Jonathan through jointing and roasting a duck. Learn how to cook a duck stock, duck sausage, and the prized duck fat. 
Published 06/08/24
Join Tim Entwisle on a late autumn stroll through the System Garden at the University of Melbourne. The System Garden is used by teachers and students to learn about subclasses and families of plants. Created in 1856, it is one of the oldest gardens of its kind in Australia.
Published 06/01/24
Why are tourists so obsessed with Ancient Greece and Rome?  Might some of the more obscure archaeological sites, for example from medieval times, be missing out on the attention they deserve - both in terms of the eyes of tourists, as well as the cold hard cash so vital to ensuring their upkeep? Read more:  The Long Shadow of Rome by Dr Daniel Reynolds (The Architectural Review, April 2024)
Published 06/01/24
The idea of designing with empathy is a popular one. But empathy has its limits.  LA-based designer Nu Goteh explores how we can move beyond creating objects to foster conditions for radical change, reshaping the very idea of design as a chance for others to thrive.
Published 06/01/24
Shalamar Lane is a Los Angeles-based pitmaster renowned for her innovative approach to American barbecue. She comes from a long line of pitmasters in Alabama and Texas. As the creative force behind the popular restaurant My Father's Barbecue, Lane has earned accolades for her unique recipes that blend Southern techniques with a West Coast flair.
Published 05/25/24
Niklas Ekstedt is a celebrated Swedish chef known for his pioneering approach to cooking over open fire. He gained international acclaim through his Stockholm-based restaurant, Ekstedt, where he showcases his expertise in reviving ancient culinary techniques to create exquisite dishes - all without the use of gas or electricity.
Published 05/25/24
Lennox Hastie, the acclaimed chef celebrated for his mastery of wood-fired cooking, has a distinct preference when it comes to envisioning his last meal on earth. Known for his Sydney restaurant Firedoor, Hastie would choose a simple yet exquisite dish: a perfectly grilled whole fish, sourced from pristine waters, and complemented with a side of fresh, seasonal vegetables, all cooked over an open flame to enhance their natural flavours.
Published 05/25/24
No exploration of fire would be complete without understanding the tools we've used to contain it. Design writer Colin Bisset guides this captivating journey through the evolution of modern cooking technology, from Francois de Cuvillies's 1735 Castrol oven, to the contemporary convenience of the air fryer.
Published 05/25/24
The built environment has had a major impact on student protests on university campuses stretching back to the 1960s. How did protest activity differ between sandstone universities and their younger counterparts - and how did universities respond architecturally in order to curb dissent?
Published 05/18/24
Come on a special tour of this flour dusted bakery that’s taken Sydney and Melbourne by storm. Owner Mike Russell shares his ingredients for success in the food business, as well as some of the secrets behind baking seriously good bread. 
Published 05/18/24
Matt Preston’s personal story abounds in twists and turns, from the joys of travelling the world, finding love, and landing his career-defining role on MasterChef, to unspeakable family tragedies. It’s all told with the signature charm and wit we all know so well in his new memoir Big Mouth.
Published 05/18/24
She spent an enchanted childhood exploring her great-grandfather’s land around Whistlepipe Gully, in southern Western Australia. Now starting a family of her own Jess Panegyres, Head of Climate & Energy at Greenpeace, is concerned by the alarming decline of ancient forests in the region.
Published 05/11/24
We’ve heard of permaculture, but what is it exactly? The author of The Milkwood Permaculture Handbook, Kirsten Bradley, offers an inspiring discourse on how practical permaculture principles may be a lifeline not just for our environment, but for our sense of hope and community.
Published 05/11/24
Dive into the world of Clement Meadmore, a visionary in modernist design, through the collection of artists Peter Atkins and Dana Harris. While best known for his sculptural works, this Australian icon’s furniture pieces encapsulate the minimalist aesthetics and functional elegance that influenced an era. 
Published 05/11/24
What’s your relationship like with your local sausage maker? Embark on this joyful exploration of charcuterie through Elizabeth David's seminal work French Provincial Cooking. We’ll learn about French techniques and recipes that bring to life the art of charcuterie, celebrating its rich flavours and cultural significance.
Published 05/11/24