Published 09/06/22
In this episode Steven talks with Chris Webber MInstD  who sits on the board of health provider Te Rau Matatini (Te Rau Ora) and is a strong advocate for Māori-run health programmes.  In this podcast, Webber talks about wayfinding, a concept which comes from the Pacific navigation methodology. In this context, wayfinding is about how you maintain your waka, he says.  “You point it in the right direction, you take notice of all the signs that come, that you have trained to be aware of, and...
Published 09/06/22
In this episode Steven talks with Jonathan Mason CFInstD who is the chair of Vector and sits on the boards of Air New Zealand and the University of Auckland Foundation.  Jonathan talks about the importance of careful scrutiny of the financials of the organisation to keep it in a sound state and the key to protecting shareholder value. He also notes that directors must also identify, and understand the needs of, a wider group of stakeholders when making decisions.  He says that there have...
Published 09/06/22
In this episode Steven Moe talks with Rachel Afeaki-Taumoepeau CMInstD about the "relative pace of Governance." Rachel is chair of the Tonga Business Council and her governance roles include sitting on the board of Ember Wellbeing Trust and the advisory board of the Auckland Council Waterfront TAG Place Committee. Rachel understands the challenges of developing in governance, based on 20 years as a “Pasifika” presence at the board table. “I did become that one woman at the table, and the...
Published 09/06/22
In this episode Steven talks with Julia Chambers CMInstD  who is Chair of Humble Bee ltd, a company focussed on replacing petrochemical plastics with bio-plastic substitutes. She is also a non-executive director on Lincoln Agritech Limited. Working in the start-up sector, Julia found herself shoulder-tapped to join boards. One of her big learnings was to continue to be true and to “honour the things that are important” when she moved into the boardroom. “The rate of change is accelerating,”...
Published 09/06/22
In this episode of Board Matters Steven talks with Samantha Sharif CMInstD. Samantha is a director of ASX-listed New Talisman Gold, SIL/MFL Mutual Funds, Motor Trades Association and is deputy chair of the NZ Shareholders Association.   Samantha says understanding purpose is imperative to good governance. “The question is part of a bigger conversation around purpose and that is the lens you have got to bring to the table,” she says.  It can be difficult when involved in a complex debate to...
Published 09/05/22
With Māori language week coming mid September, Steven Moe sat down with Ngahihi o te ra Bidois t talk about Māori perspectives at the board table and embedding te reo and tikanga Māori in the boardroom. Among his governance roles, Bidois is the chair of the Eastern Region Fish and Game Council and the Tauhara North No. 2 Trust. He is an internationally recognised inspirational speaker.  Te reo Māori is an official language of New Zealand and should be heard in our boardrooms, says...
Published 09/05/22
In this episode Steven talks with Jana Rangooni CMInstD  who is chair of Paralympics New Zealand, sits on the board of Toi Mai Workforce Development Council and is the Bay of Plenty representative on the Institute of Directors National Council. In this podcast, she stresses the importance of directors having curiosity and a willingness to ask relevant questions, even if they are difficult. “One of the key roles of directors is to understand things,” she says, “and to understand what is going...
Published 09/05/22
In this episode Steven talks with Maxine Graham who is a director at Pūmau Limited, board member of Te Arataura (Waikato Tainui Tribal Executive) and has spent much of her career on the advancement of Māori in education, workforce and business initiatives.  The discussion centered on "reindigenising" governance practices and how this will shape organisations in Aotearoa and across the world as the movement gathers pace. “I stand here not as myself, I stand here in the footsteps of my...
Published 07/17/22
In this episode Steven talks with Melanie Templeton who  has just stepped down as Chair of PledgeMe Ltd, is an Independent Director of Motor Trade Finance and Booster Investment Management Ltd, and also sits on a number of risk and audit committees.  Melanie says that directors need to constantly evaluate their skillsets to become more diverse, culturally aware and future-focused. Likewise, adaptive boards need to be culturally intelligent and have a strong emphasis on their own purpose as...
Published 07/17/22
Join Steven Moe in conversation with leading directors in Aotearoa New Zealand and find out what makes them tick. In each episode, Steven and his guest discuss their governance journey, what motivates them and their vision for the future of governance.  All of the directors interviewed in the series were participants on the Institute of Directors' Advanced Directors Course held in May 2022.  As part of the course, participants were asked "what would the title of your own book on governance...
Published 07/14/22