Student loan repayments and interest are getting turned back on. Forgiveness is at a standstill. Is there hope for you? WATCH our new documentary on the student loan crisis, Borrowed Future: borrowedfuture.com
Published 10/14/21
Published 10/14/21
In this must-listen season finale, we take a look at practical things students can do to graduate from college debt free. You’ll hear the surprising truth about how working through college affects your grades, how budgeting can improve your college experience and protect your future, and the best-kept secrets on how to save money on meal plans, living expenses, and textbooks. Will you borrow against your future in the form of student loans, or will you own it?
Published 11/18/19
No matter how much or how little money you have, it is possible to pay for college without student loans. And it all starts with changing your mindset. In this episode of Borrowed Future, you’ll hear from college guidance counselors as they explain how to find good, affordable schools and apply for the billions of dollars in unclaimed scholarships. You’ll also hear from Dave Ramsey, Mark Cuban, and Rachel Cruze explain how student loan debt can delay major life events.
Published 11/11/19
Less than 1% of applicants get their college debt forgiven, so the current student loan forgiveness program is an epic failure. Politicians are making big promises on how they will forgive student loans, but where will that 2 trillion dollars come from? According to Dave Ramsey, Seth Frotman, Seth Godin, Mark Cuban and others, there’s no magic bullet to solve this crisis. 
Published 11/04/19
When it comes to the student loan debt crisis, there’s a lot of blame to go around. In this episode we’ll take a look at the history of the government-backed student loan industry, how Sallie Mae became a player, and how student loans have led to soaring college costs. You’ll also hear how double-digit interest rates, subprime loans and large student loan repayments have led millions of borrowers into default and forbearance.
Published 10/28/19
Student loan debt is ruining people’s lives. In this episode, you’ll hear the heartbreaking stories of real people who feel the crushing weight of student loan repayments. You’ll hear about the dark and predatory underbelly of the student loan industry and how compounding interest rates screw people over from Seth Frotman—the whistle blower who brought to light the predatory practices of the student loan industry. You’ll also hear from Dave Ramsey, Seth Godin, and Anthony ONeal.
Published 10/21/19
Are we lying to kids when we tell them they have to go to college to be successful? College is not for everyone and some people would be happier working jobs that don’t require a degree. College choices are often based on marketing that preys on emotions, causing students to pick a campus with a lazy river over the one they can actually afford. But when you pick a college for the wrong reasons and take out student loans to do it, you can be screwed.
Published 10/14/19
Is your college degree really worth $35,000 in student loan debt? Students have been told college is the best next step, but for many, it’s the wrong next step. It turns out the ROI on a degree in puppetry might not repay your student loans. And how much of this about status? Is the student loan crisis actually a parenting crisis? In this episode you’ll hear from thought leaders like Seth Godin, Rachel Cruze, Anthony ONeal, Dave Ramsey, Ken Coleman, and Dr. Meg Meeker. 
Published 10/07/19
The student loan crisis is impacting you, your friends, your kids and our economy. College is more expensive than ever and you’re being told, “Student loans are good debt,” “You can’t go to college without debt,” and, “It will be worth it.” These lies have duped the average college student into taking out $35,000 in student loans. In episode 1, you’ll hear from Dave Ramsey, Anthony ONeal, Rachel Cruze, Michael Torpey, Seth Frotman and others on the reality of the student loan debt crisis.
Published 09/30/19
Borrowed Future premieres on September 30th
Published 08/28/19