Our brain values safety and certainty. Two things that COVID majorly impacted. The pandemic so has also gravely impacted our brains, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That’s why in this BrainyHeart episode, I’m looking into how COVID has caused PTSD and what you can do to counteract the effects. Tune in now to discover: - How COVID has caused us to develop PTSD - Why human instinct is to hold on to what we have - The symptoms of PTSD and what to do to counteract it -...
Published 09/16/20
Published 09/16/20
Often our darkest moments lead to our best selves. That was certainly true for Marion Glück. Battling depression as a naval officer led her to reexamine what happiness meant to her. She discovered that while teaching how to lead and motivate people was her passion, the navy was not the right setting for her anymore. She decided to go out on her own and now helps others discover their career happiness as a psychological business coach. Listen in on this BrainyHeart interview with Marion for...
Published 09/03/20
We’re often focused on the here and now in our careers, rarely looking ahead a few years let alone whole decades! But it is exactly this long-term view that Michael Wörle has from advising companies on how to prepare for the future that gives him the necessary perspective to evaluate what you should be focusing on throughout your career. Listen in on this BrainyHeart interview to find out what that is! Tune in now to discover: - Why we should not focus on generational differences or other...
Published 08/20/20
Especially in these times of change, we need to reconsider how different generations tick and work together. From Traditionalists and Baby boomers to Generation X and Millennials, we’re all in one boat and need to find the best way to move forward as one. That’s why in this BrainyHeart episode, I’m sharing my insights on the different generations so you can better understand and collaborate with your colleagues. Tune in now to discover: - Traditionalists’ focus on process optimization and...
Published 08/06/20
One thing Anastasiia Isakii has learned from working and living around the world? The need to keep an open mind and never stop learning. She found this mindset to be especially embraced in Shanghai, where she currently lives, and it is also what lead her to co-found LifeSkills4Me, a community that aims to promote personal growth on a daily basis. In this BrainyHeart episode, listen in on the conversation I had with Anastasiia in the summer of 2019 in Shanghai on how China has shaped her...
Published 07/23/20
It’s out to judge and compare others, to only look at the facts and figures and not the person behind them. We need to free ourselves from our cognitive bias and rely more on our EQ to create a more equal working world. Especially when it comes to gender equality. Both women and men still have a cognitive bias around which qualities are associated with which gender, and at its extreme, this leads to sexual harassment. In this BrainyHeart episode, I’m taking a look at our cognitive bias as and...
Published 07/09/20
We’ve made the big mistake of talking about our work successes in a non-emotional way. Yet talking about the outcome of something is only a small part of the whole story. Modern companies understand that to futureproof, EQ - doing the right things - matters more than IQ - doing things right. Which is why storytelling to communicate the value of your work matters. Whether you’re looking for a job, a current employee, or a leader, this BrainyHeart episode has tips for you on how to communicate...
Published 06/25/20
To kick off the third season of BrainyHeart, I’m diving into a key component of success and happiness: Confidence. Not just looking confident, but innately feeling confident. Because life is tough, but so are you! By following the six steps I outline in this episode, you’ll learn how to build up your confidence to better connect with yourself and others. Tune in now to learn more about the six steps to build confidence: 1. Challenge the status quo 2. Identify conflicts 3. Build loadable...
Published 06/11/20
There are around 10 million non-profit organizations in the world. Everything from one-(wo)man shops to multi-billion dollar organizations with 50 thousand employees and millions of donors. All focused on meaning well and doing good. But is there really a full harmony between heart and mind in this area? And is philanthropy and corporate social responsibility always what it intends to be? That’s what we dive into in this episode of BrainyHeart with Dr. Christian Gruenler, a political...
Published 03/12/20
The prefrontal cortex of our brain is called the CEO of the mind by neuroscientists. Why? Because executive decisions are made here. To reach a decision though, your brain goes through a lot of mental ping pong - which only gets faster the more stressed you are. That’s why in today’s episode of BrainyHeart, I’m tackling how you can back in control and truly be the CEO of your mind. Tune in now to discover: - The ping pong happening in your brain - Why not to be afraid of AI - A simple...
Published 02/27/20
We all know that young brains are more flexible and plastic than our adult ones. But how can we help the next generation of talent to optimize their brain? As the Principal of the Swiss International School Berlin, Chantal Bucher has a front-row seat to the development of young adults. In this episode of BrainyHeart, Chantal explores how she built the courage to take risks, how we can as parents and teachers instill this growth mindset in the next generation, and what we can learn from them...
Published 02/13/20
Happy new decade! Have you set New Year’s Goals, things you want to achieve or do differently? My research has shown that wanting to learn a new language and getting fit are two of the top New Year’s Goals. That’s why in this episode of BrainyHeart, I dive into what the brain’s role is in helping you achieve those goals - and any others you might have set! Tune in now to discover: - Why it’s about consistency, not quantity - What effect BDNF hormones have not only on your body but...
Published 01/30/20
We are starting to embrace the importance of having a growth mindset in companies. We often however forget that there’s a connection between creating a growth mindset and grit - the "perseverance and passion for long-term goals" as defined by psychologist Angela Duckworth. And the combination of today’s fast-paced world plus the competitive landscape corporates are creating are actually the opposite of what cultivates grit. That’s why in this episode of BrainyHeart, I’m sharing how you can...
Published 12/19/19
If there’s one main thing multipassionate entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Introcrim Ricardo Krug thinks Western culture can learn from China, it’s embracing speed. Not focusing on getting it perfect from the getgo is what he believes allows China to get on the market faster. They also don’t get too attached to their creations, leaving room to embrace failure and always trying something new. Hear more from Ricardo’s philosophy around the importance of focusing on done rather than perfect in...
Published 12/05/19
When evaluating applicants, HR representatives of course want the best candidate for the job. But Julia Grandl, Chief Human Resources Officer at Magnetbau Schramme, has found that the process has been overcomplicated over time. In this episode of BrainyHeart, she shares how using neuroscience lets you simplify the process and get back to what matters - people. Tune in now to discover: - What matters when evaluating applicants - Why knowing whether colleagues are more left- or...
Published 11/21/19
To kick season 2 of BrainyHeart off, we’re getting a fresh perspective on the show - literally! Ricardo Richter has just graduated from High School in Germany and is embarking on the next chapter of his career and life. Meet the next generation of top talent and discover how they tick in this episode. Tune in now to discover: - The exciting transition into the career of life after leaving school - Planning and time management when you have a big challenge to tackle - The difference...
Published 11/07/19
10 years ago, China introduced fast trains. Today the have 29 000 kilometers of fast train tracks. If there’s one country that knows a thing about speed, it’s China! Which is why I’m excited to have sat down with Andreas Briegel, General Manager of Argo-Hytos Fluid Power Systems (Yangzhou) Co., Ltd., in the heart of Shanghai to talk about how in the speed of our time, flexibility, logic, and heart are the key to success. Tune in now to discover: - The secret to surviving in such a...
Published 09/19/19
HR has a key role in influencing the mindset shared by an organization. Iris Schierhuber, Director Talent Acquisition & People Development at ‎Semperit, takes that responsibility seriously and is a key example of how HR can build bridges across diverse team members. In this episode of BrainyHeart, I’m talking with Iris all about heart-driven talent management. Tune in now to discover: - Why not to be afraid of taking a wrong road - Why managers should shift the focus from failures...
Published 09/05/19
Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion - after all, it’s what keeps us alert in emergency situations! But sometimes our brain can get confused about what an emergency situation is. Ever find yourself turning a problem over and over in your mind without finding a new solution? Feeling exhausted after a long day of firefighting at the office but can’t fall asleep? Then today’s episode of BrainyHeart all about anxiety is perfect for you. Tune in now to discover: - The role of the amygdala...
Published 08/22/19
Do you know what neuroplasticity is? It's the scientific fact that your brain capacity is not fixed, but is “plastic”, meaning it can increase and decrease throughout your life. As you can imagine, leveraging neuroplasticity is a huge factor for having a growth mindset! That’s why I’m sharing all you need to know about neuroplasticity in this episode of BrainyHeart. Tune in now to discover: - What neuroplasticity is and how to treat your brain like a muscle - Why we’re craving connection...
Published 08/08/19
Torsten Hinrichs, COO/CEO at Scope Corporation/Scope Ratings, is a perfect example of someone who has embraced a growth mindset. In this episode of BrainyHeart, I’m sitting down with Torsten to chat about everything from his advice to the next generation to our last financial crisis. Tune in now to discover: - If there are generational differences when it comes to focus - The importance of having a short-term plan but staying flexible - Why you need to build a reputation to make an...
Published 07/25/19
Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? With a fixed mindset, you avoid challenges, feel threatened by others’ success, and get offended by negative feedback. With a growth mindset, you see obstacles as opportunities, feel inspired by others, and learn from failure. Sounds much better, right? In this episode of BrainyHeart, I’m sharing how you can train your growth mindset. Tune in now to discover: - Why we’re programmed to think negatively - The effect of positive thinking on the...
Published 07/11/19
Looking for a new job or have another challenge coming up? Want want to improve your IQ and EQ? Then the Challenge of Change is perfect for you! I’m launching BrainyHeart with an episode packed full of knowledge so you can be the owner of your brain, not vice versa. Tune in now to discover: - The differences between your left & right brain hemispheres - Why EQ is more important than IQ - How to shift your mindset from management to leadership - What visionaries like Marie Curie,...
Published 06/27/19
Looking to expand your professional toolbox? Well, do you know how your most important tool, your brain, actually works? Every day, every minute, every second, we use our brains intensely and yet, we know so little about the most important muscle in our body. On BrainyHeart, psychologist and neuroscientist Eveline Goodman will show you which few buttons you have to press to fully exploit your potential. Learn how to convince your brain it’s worth working together with your heart and go way...
Published 06/04/19