“Chris and Doug, Ep. 20 on programming was so timely and helpful in providing perspective. It coincided with some of the internal dialogue I’ve had about my training over the past few years, so please accept my sincerest thanks. I stumbled upon CrossFit in 2012 and turned 50 last year, and between family, work, and life there have been plenty of days where I didn’t bring “high intensity” to the workout, but still tried to perform it “with intensity,” which may have just been moving as best as I could for that day. Perhaps that’s a fair re-definition for those of us at a different stage in our “CrossFit lives?”
I suspect some like to “burn it down” every day in workouts because it’s hard and our society is generally soft, so there’s a physical and mental sense of accomplishment that people don’t get elsewhere. I remember having that sense in the early days, but as Doug so ably stated, now there are days that I just don’t have the bandwidth for that, and that’s OK. I couldn’t agree more. Also, extra points to Doug for the subtle reference to Bill Murray’s character in Ground Hog Day, “Me. Also, me.”
A question I’ve been meaning to ask for a while. If your kids, say middle school aged, were interested into getting more into fitness, what movements would you focus on? What might a workout look like? Let’s also say they’re pretty active kids otherwise, have played some sports, etc.
Thanks again for the great content as always. Oh, a vanity plate I saw a couple of years ago read: NVR4SKN. My first reaction that
Monday morning was, “What does this guy have against foreskins?” - Joe”
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